General Discussion

General DiscussionHow come visage have the lowest win rate at divine bracket

How come visage have the lowest win rate at divine bracket in General Discussion

    Sad sad sad


      Because we are not retards and realize when his birds dead he is a poor hero. So we kill his birds?


        Kill birds LOOOL 4 head.
        Easier said than done


          you cant kill birds unless you hit visage...

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            ofc you can kill birds, you just need to do like 4k damage to kill a 700 hp unit, no biggie. real reason: people are learning how to play against him. if you shit on him in the lane, which is not very hard, his impact in the midgame is certainly felt less.


              Because lower skill players don't know how he works and let you steamroll them. Once you get a feel for how Cloak works and what makes his birds easy to kill, playing against him isn't so scary.


                also now every offlaner jumps on bristle and underlord as soon as they see a visage pick which doesn't help


                  Lol I love dotabuff. Pain gaming just beat Virtus Pro in a game using visage and W33Ha going crazy late game with hero. I guess VP is a bunch of “retards” who didn’t know “just kill birds easy.” Some of y’all should volunteer to coach them.


                    i dont play visage but,you can just wait for their offlane pick then pick visage lol

                    low prio master

                      Couse divines can't play him for shit


                        Lol i first pick visage all the time as long as he isnt banned


                          so that's why you have losses