General Discussion

General DiscussionRole Matchmaking

Role Matchmaking in General Discussion

    Whats your opinion on this?

    Honestly if its just ''carry'' ''utility'' and ''support'' its useless.
    In my first game where i qeued as supp i picked SB pos 4, the second ''support'' guy instantly marked pudge.

    Take my humble prediction that this will be the norm for that mode. still no pos 5 supports , at least at 3k.

    Also, how many games have i played as roaming pos 4 and ended up buying all wards and detecion because the pos 5 really had to buy blink (hey sk, you dont really need blink dude). I dont think this gamemode makes any sense when the majority of the people (2.1k average mmr) dont even know what a support is.

    I got matched with 4 people that also used that role matchmaking, but my enemy team was just normal guys queuing. Actually 5 cores with invo jungle against a proper lineup. (kind of pay to win at somewhat decent mmrs i think)

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    but u said dota was fun :(

      He's sk. He needs blink. You are SB btw, if someone's have to give up (no matter the circumstances), it's you.


        Dude, u need to adjust, sk needs dagger, you just need urn or something, while he needs dagger so he can maximize the efficiency of his abilities, i even play earth spirit as a hard support when i have an io in my team(he needs more items)

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Volvo sucking exclusive core players' dicks because they're the majority of dota players
          I hope I get queued with less of those guys and see if I get to play core lel

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            Turns out it autofills you to support if you don't select anything. So I get an ember mid one-trick on support :)


              Is that mode any good? I'm enticed to buy battle pass due to that (and also "supporting" the game, maybe)


                Do you get matched with non-Role matchmaking players or is it a separate queue? That's probably worth getting a battlepass for.


                  same matchmaking with other people, BP or non BP user


                    er,if you dont have any bpass and lets say 3 people want core on your team,you get supp automatically?
                    is it like this? dam thats scary


                      you always get a team with bp, each have their role selected