General Discussion

General DiscussionOctarine Spectre?

Octarine Spectre? in General Discussion

    Gives tank, lifesteal off desolate, radiance (and dispersion?) reduces cooldowns for haunt.

    Why is it bad?


      Not worth the cost, considering ur a slow farmer and u need teamfighting items. Usually octarine is made for spells u spam not the ones u wanna reduce the CD. Hope this helps.

      Pepper & Salt

        the reason is simple, why would you risk the game just to farm a non-meta non-core item, when you can use the gold to get a heart or bkb which can help you win the game directly


          1. didnt know that buying octarine core spawns a tank
          2. why not just play alchemist
          3. it doesnt increase your damage, spectre needs attack speed and stats

          if you need to get more survivability buy armour


            Actually its worth a try replacing heart with it but it gives no regen, so you cant really reengage in teamfights that fast.

            Player 345996680

              Its not bad, EE buys it for Haunt CDR.

              Its just these 1-dimensional lower-skill plebs who flame "unorthodox" item choices make you think so.

              Цей коментар був відредагований
              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Better than Octarine CK


                  in theory it sounds reasonable.
                  doesnt provide any damage tho. might be a replacement for HoT in very specific situations

                  Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                    EE buys it? I've heard somewhere that EE has... erratic builds and decision making with erratic success. Idk, I don't pay attention to pro games that much.

                    Not a spectre picker, But I prefer Refresher as a very late game item than Octarine. 6-slotted Spec is hard to get to anyway.


                      you buy it on my mmr and ill report you


                        I meant as replacement for heart. Swaps reengagement for more haunts and more hp in fights (you’re going to do more than 300hp spell damage) also buffs desolate/dispersion/rad burn by 1.75% which is totally game-changing :-)

                        Not sure how the radiance burn would get attributed during haunt though. Does it get credited to the real spectre if both her and her illusion are in range of the same target?


                          spell amp is a stat. illusions share stats. i'd assume they share spell amp


                            I think Im actually gonna test it today. But I think the time you get hot or octarine on Spec, your enemies already did something wrong this game.

                            Lruce Bee

                              Octarine is bought in conjunction with spell spamming which synergizes with spell life steal. In the case of Long cooldown ultimate you can see why it's not good. It's basically useful for the duration of one ult.

                              It's situational in that u want to constantly use your ult and the game goes ultra late. Otherwise just get a heart or refresher and you're tanky enough.


                                ^You buy octa on spec for different reasons, lowering cd is only an addon.


                                Octarine Core, Spectre, matches: 1264, 81,57% Win rate

                                Lruce Bee

                                  I'm highlighting why octarine is not so optimal on spec. If you were buying it the only real benefit is lowering cd of your ult. which is not much.

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    I hope you're not serious by quoting those stats. Item winrate stats are flawed for too many reasons to name. If I were to remake dotabuff the first thing I would redo is item winrates.


                                      ^ Your item build highlights, unfortunately will never again be taken seriously on this forum. You did it to yourself.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      Lruce Bee

                                        I am actually very talented with item builds and somewhat of a genius. I'm open to non meta builds. And I gave a logical analysis of octarine on spec. I don't totally hate it. But it's not optimal. It does have some
                                        Meme value though

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          It is also not a concern of mine to be taken seriously. In case you haven't realised.


                                            It is also not a concern of mine to be taken seriously. In case you haven't realised.

                                            now this changes evertything

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            Lruce Bee

                                              It changes nothing.


                                                my face changes from fake surprised to facepalm tho

                                                Lruce Bee

                                                  I don't know what you thought I meant by that, but I probably didn't mean what you thought. If ya get my drift.


                                                    it was his stream, he said octarine is superior, mostly because of haunt cdr (allows you to ult every skirmish).

                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                      ^i duno if he buys it every game on spec, the merit to that remains to be seen. But the rationale is obvious. It's good if your game plan to win games is to be able to have more haunts available in one game

                                                      But you have many ways to win a game as spec.


                                                        you dont need boots if you only move by using ult. opens up the option to rush preservance into octarine

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          The CDR isn't about having more haunts per se - it is about bringing the CD into line with the other ultis in the game so that either you don't have to defend without haunt (whilst the other team is grouped and ready to fight) or the rest of your team having to save their ultis for until Haunt is off cooldown.

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            I usually hate a lot of meme builds, but octarine isn't bad as a late spec item. I don't think there are any rad carriers where octarine is a terrible purchase. Everybody has mentioned the lower cooldown ult, but it also lowers dagger cooldown to the point where its equal to path duration. You can't lifesteal off of dispersion since it counts as hp removal, but the lifesteal from rad is already very strong. Cooldown reduction is also great because Spec usually buys a lot of strong items like manta, diffusal, and nullifier or abyssal in late game scenarios as well.


                                                              Spectre doesn't have a big manapool tho

                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                Octarine gives you 725 mana.

                                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                  8th item after refresher