General Discussion

General Discussionpa desolator 3 daedalus 1 bf is legit

pa desolator 3 daedalus 1 bf is legit in General Discussion


    thank me later


      daeda/bf can be switched into 1 mkb


        i just made a centa with 4,7k hp die in 1 second


          woaw gg you made a stupid build work in turbo, what a player

          flourishing new leaf

            Actually divine pa is pretty good. But you need balls of steel


              Some guy went for armlet on pa in a game against me a year back or so, and his armlet toggling plus bad communication on our side and no burst potential lead to an unkillable pa toggling her way into our minds and making everyone call gg and afk by minute 15. That's a scary pa build

              flourishing new leaf

                Probably scripter


                  dude the build is 3 bf and 1 daedalus
                  not 3 daedalus and 1 bf
                  u just dagger creeps and kill people with cleave, its great

                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                    The build is 3 bf, 1 daedalus and 2 dr. Just sit back and throw dagger at creeps.


                      nononono,we want to deal 1k-1,5k damage to someone every 5 second within 99999 range

                      bf is just a bonus for late game to ignore armor when people getting really tanky

                      also when you jump in your damage is seriously insane(you seriously deal like 4k-5k damage in 1 second,everything is melted)

                      this is like kunnka/ember but you can roshan,have a built in blink,+100 aspd and 50% evasion
                      and -4 armor talent at lvl 15 (which means you can dominate enemies easier,just dont pick pa when you vs dk/sven/watever)

                      right,i forgot your ult crits also (and you get it on level 6)

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        Blade mail?


                          agreed my brother, blade mail


                            what will u do if u face serious magic hero and item like dagger hex or ghost


                              your daggers are like 1,5k range,blink won't do much as long you play safely

                              just don't jump to blademail heroes

                              also,you snowball alot with pa anyway if you cant end it faster ur ded


                                If u want to play the range game just do the bf stacking
                                Daedalus stacking isn't smart because they'll give less value, one is fine, 2 is madness
                                Bf stacks fully, and u can deal all that dmg with double dagger from really far away