General Discussion

General DiscussionSummary of last 25 games:

Summary of last 25 games: in General Discussion

    0 abandons (GREEN)
    <3 Reports (GREEN)
    8 commends (GREEN)

    Behaviour score: F... (My previous setup would DC semi-occasionally and cause me to abandon or ruin the game).

    I've played dota, hon and now dota 2 daily since I was 12 (now 26). I've recently grinded hundreds of games in unranked to get my behaviour score up but despite VERY positive reports and after investing the equivalent of an entire day (25 games, an hour a piece), I'm still excluded from ranked MM, a component of the game I specifically PAID for, I'm not in low priority apparently I'm in the shadow pool, hmmm. I'm sad, want dots, love dots. Pls help.

    At least let me know what I need to do to get out of this hole otherwise I've got no choice but to give up, it's my last resort, otherwise i'll go insane, the developers don't even acknowledge officially that the pool exists but I've qued for 99 minutes on more times than I can count, I am shadow banned from MM without any messaging, prompt or instruction on how to proceed.

    I want to play dots, I don't use mic, use chat wheel and type if I have to. I'm medium high skilled and I'm dota plus and a battle pass holder. Please icefrog, let me play dota.



      Behavious score is not related to your last week conduct summary but overall behaviour.


        play coop matches against bots.


          Play Turbo mode first to boost your behavior score before doing normal/ranked match.


            seek therapy
            or alternatively go to an anti toxication center

            but u said dota was fun :(

              What does behavior score do anyway? Does it affect your gameplay or something? o.O

              Dunning–Kruger effect

                Yes it does, and alot actually. I've tested this on 5 different accounts. Shadow pool is valve's way of punishing players who tend to flame, throw games on intention, feed cour, feed on purpose and so on. By puttin all those people together in a matchmaking pool for themselves. It would be smiliar to putting black and white people in a locket room together in the 60's. Guess the outcome. Getting out of the shadow pool, takes months and luck too, because you need to avoid getting reports. Currently people will actually just report you if you pick a carry, and cant single carry a whole team who's feeding like shit. Like killua mentioned, theres no prompt or instruction how to get out of the shadow pool. Tbh that's kinda lame, if they made shadow pool visible and made instructions on how to get out, and raise your ingame quality. Maybe that would also be a way to make people have better ingame behaviour.

                but u said dota was fun :(

                  Ohh. Thanks, man. Didn't know. But is dotabuffs rating the one used by valve as well?


                    ' I'm medium high skilled' I don't follow...


                      You can always make a new account my brother


                        Op has 96% core play, most of it mid. I bet 10 dollars that he just instapick core without rolling after someone other marked the lane.


                          Op has 96% core play, most of it mid.

                          what support play he does have is mostly Lina (a very weak but passable support) with whom he has a 20 pct winrate.


                            i'm guessing commends do a ton of help too. I get a ton of reports and my normal behavioral report usually has me in the top half of being reported. A couple of reports ago I had 8 reports in 25 games, which dota tells me is more reports than 96 percent of the player base.

                            I also average over 2.3 commends per game meaning more than half the people who have ever played with me have felt it necessary to commend me. Actually, this understates my average commend/game because I sometimes queue with people who've already commended me, meaning they can't commend me again. Factoring that in, between 60 and 65 percent of anyone who has ever played with me has commended me.

                            My behavior score is A, despite being heavily reported.

                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                              How can u have such bad winrate in such easy bracket?