General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on Offlane Void ?

Midas on Offlane Void ? in General Discussion

    Is it still viable


      No way
      Stuff like domi blink shadow blade aghs
      You dont buy midas on anyone in the current meta, not even invoker

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        never was viable, only hero you buy midas on it arc warden occasionaly. Even on that hero the meta now seems to be rush necrobook 1


          no. its the wrong question anyway - figure out why people were getting midas on void, read patch notes, do math and then you will realise why getting midas is bad.


            idk it still feels very good if you go late game...

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Midas is not viable on any hero

              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                Midas on cores in 2018 LUL


                  Midas overall in 2018 LuL


                    only arc warden now. not even invoker.


                      all i see is writing lul,nobody gave 1 reason why midas is bad
                      Its still good imo if you have good early game and ive seen good players build it even now

                      Yung Beethoven

                        it costs too much and gives not enough in return. On the offlane you are already getting not much farm, so getting midas takes you probably 14 min. then you just have an item which gives you some money and exp every 95 secs. but the enemy safelane will have his core items like diffu or armlet and hes going to rape your team with it. Meanwhile you only attack slightly faster in chronosphere.

                        Sure, getting midas is great when there is a lategame, but thats the problem: There has to be a lategame. And most of the time there wont be, cuz you bought midas which has 0 impact on teamfights and now you are losing every teamfight.


                          Maybe it would be good choice in a techies game or against a super turtle 4 protect 1 strategy game that is very likely to go late game no matter how hard you try to end it early.

                          Story Time

                            few things to mention why offlane void should not get midas:

                            1. Because this meta offlaner is usually the one who creats space, and void is already bad at it, and with midas (aka make-me-afk-item) the mid game momentum will be on the enemy side

                            2. to cash out the midas gold bonus you need roughly to use it 11 times = 10 minutes (even with 95 sec CD you will use it only once per 2 min), and only after 10 min you start financially benefiting from it. Since you get it not earlier then 12 minutes in game that means that min 22 is the pay off time but by then your team could have already lost the map control and objectives, so you would be defensing ur base and void is not good at defensing (all hope on your chrono is often disappointing)

                            3. experience for void is good but not as good as experience and gold, he is not Nyx or Darkseer who can run around on very few items


                              if my offlane void built midas I would instantly run down mid and feed, asking everyone in allchat to report after game.
                              Don't do it.


                                Do you think you would kill at least one more creep every 95secs if you bought maelstrom than if you bought Midas? Not saying you want maelstrom but there’s no way that Midas is a better early choice than maelstrom.

                                Story Time

                                  maelstom? i thought void goes MoM now or at least HoD


                                    Read my last sentence - the point was that if you want more gold/exp from creeps, maelstrom gives you more for the same gold. If you don’t like maelstrom, you should hate Midas.


                                      Maelstrom doesn't give any attack speed thats bad for Void...
                                      Midas is better

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                        Midas on jungle Void is legit

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          Midas void is also as viable as jungle void Cx


                                            "Maelstrom doesn't give any attack speed thats bad for Void...
                                            Midas is better"

                                            Battlefury doesen't give any attack speed hence its bad on void.


                                              Isn't the bf build kinda phased out now because of the recipe and increase to the pace of the game?

                                              Either way, offlane void buys shadowblades, hotd, and then some combination of bkb, aghs, and dmg items imo


                                                Power treads,mom and you kill heroes.As you said it feels still good if you go late,but idn why would you not build bf instead if your team going to play late.


                                                  on offlane void you are supposed to create space for your cores, not take it
                                                  midas is bad coz u need map pressure in this meta and thats something you dont get from a midas
                                                  for the same reason ppl even go orchid before bloodstone on storm

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