General Discussion

General Discussion2 questions / opinions on 2 topics

2 questions / opinions on 2 topics in General Discussion

    I used to spam pos 4 roaming.

    recently I have less impact.
    It feels like when people dual offlane i have to go there so that my carry can even farm, if i dont spend a lot of resources on the safelane he just gets dumpstered. while my offlaner gets destroyed solo and enemy carry farms freely. add a potential bad matchup mid and all we get is 2 lost lanes and my safelane does "ok". not a good situation.

    So i thought maybe i just start playing dual offlanes instead? whats some good heros?
    I thought of SK, undying, slardar and treant. any other heros that might work well in a dual offlane (i dont play Io)

    2nd topic, regarding picking. basically how and when i should pick.
    Quite often when i first pick a roamer someone else picks a second roamer or some dumb stuff like earthshaker as lane support, ruining the safelane. Also if i first pick a lane supp, often someone picks a jungler instead of a roamer/dual offlane. so im kind of clueless on how to pick so that no one picks a jungler or end up without a safelane support. also im sure that if i pick a pos 4 in the offlane someone will pick a roamer/jungler and type "undying go support safelane"

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        people spamming thread on "haw to git VHS" and troll threads, my legit questions get ignored :thinking:


          welcome to dotabuff son