General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to gain mmr in 4k?

How to gain mmr in 4k? in General Discussion

    Hi, ever since I hit 4k, I've been having really hard lanes. For example, I pick slark with ET Support and the enemy picks WK + Lich support. Seriously I wanted to kill myself. SUCH A CANCEROUS LANE. LICH HITS SO HARD.

    So, back to the question. What heroes should I spam to get mmr in this bracket?

    Cant Win

      Pl huskar


        wat the fuck lich has 46 base damage and takes like 1.5 secs to attack at level one, and his ability kit is one of the most useless for a lane support in the whole game -_-

        ur question was irrelevant in many ways, like "a hero to grind a bracket", and thinking picking a hero will fix ur lane issues


          @sia, I'm not talking about his auto attack, I'm talking about his first skill. That's a lot of damage. I was just watching BSJ and even he talked about this problem that playing carry is really hard this game. That's the reason he advises that whenever you see a hard offlane, just go pick Clinkz or BS (In other words heroes who are exceptionally good at laning)


            any hero's that are Green.

            Also, read mah super thread(s)


              You gain mmr by winning games :D


                try to visualize the steps needed to win every game you play, starting from the pickphase - what items you need, what rotations you're going to take, etc

                it's helped me a lot


                  Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                    a specific hero doesnt win u "in x bracket", but there are a bunch of heroes that are pretty good about creating advantage and u can abuse them to win ur games. i only can vouch for some of them but im also gonna put my theoretical heroes here too:

                    brood cuz ppl dunno how to deal with a good brood (they think a spider killer hero does it) so she just either kills u over and over and takes ur whole map so early u just lose all lanes and lose game, or she farms super fast takes a bunch of pickoffs and fights and wins.

                    meepo cuz the hero farms super fast while being a kill threat at the same time in very early stages. then he snowballs kills to towers then rosh and takes control of the whole map then ends with another aegis

                    bloodseeker cuz he wins the whole cs battle and snowballs that to raping the lane opponent then he takes tower from that, then he rotates and kills and takes tower, then does the same thing as the 2 above. map control into items into advantage into rosh into end

                    clinkz cuz he dominates a big portion of lane matchups, and then he goes on a killing spree and does what meepo does but with less farming speed. he gets countered harder than meepo tho. so u do the kill > kill > tower > kill > tower > map control > rosh and items > end the game thing again.

                    visage does the same

                    ta flash farms then kills ppl and pretty much does the same thing.

                    slark does the same as clinkz with a bunch of differences

                    arc just rapes most of the lane opponents and snowballs his midas into mael and bots. after bots enemy lanes are always shoved, enemy always have to react, he keeps farming more, he takes his items, kills ppl a bunch, takes towers, and rest is the same but he's not an aegis carrier he'd rather have a frontliner take aegis

                    tinker is real good at 1v5ing enemy team even when ur team is incompetent. u do need to tell ppl nicely to push after u kill everyone tho, aside from the fact that before fights u need to have the objective lanes shoved so u dont waste time shoving after killing enemies. im generally not that familiar with tinker

                    sf, storm and luna are other honorable mentions.

                    pick one but clinking pick hero won't win u games learning the proper play with the hero will


                      Thank you sia, that response was great! I was a meepo spammer but I don't really play him a lot. I spammed Clinkz a lot and got from legend 3 to ancient 1. Now i think its time to play blood seeker. Actually now I pick hero according to the enemy. They have a dual aggressive offlane, I go pick bs or clinkz. They have a weak offlaner against a tri safelane, I go pick a safe carry like anti mage or slark. Guess the bracket in which I am right now. You can't just insta pick one hero and win. You need to analyse what the game will look like. Thanks a lot!


                        glad to help

                        another suggestion: DO NOT COUNTER ENEMIES. DO NOT DRAFT

                        if u draft u will be a jack of all trades master of none, and yes, it could work on a loooooooooong run but the way it works is so inefficient that it takes literally 7+ years to get good at 50 heroes at the same pace.

                        pick 1 hero, learn every single matchup by watching from a high mmr spammer of that hero and copying what he does in that matchup to play it. practice by playing and keep watching replays of that spammer guy. and u'll be on ur way soooo much faster and more efficient.

                        then after u got real good with that one hero u can do the same process with another hero and little by little add to ur pool. but this way u wont get good with turtle pace at all heroes. u get super good with one, gain mmr and game sense and mechanical skills fast (comperatively), then go next hero then next hero etc. this way u spam a hero to an mmr, then decide to do a new hero. u lose some games learning the new hero, then u go back up and higher with the new hero, and u just keep doing this. and u find urself one day not too far being an immortal player with 15 heroes that he can play competitively in that bracket. the rest is just adding heroes and getting better and better


                          git gut

                          lone dog

                            just play offlane and be the cancer lol


                              @sia thanks again! Actually I've been doing that. First I only spammed meepo, then i moved onto clinkz, then ursa, now BS


                                Meepo visage arc warden gives you mmr


                                  If you're just trying to get mmr then spam lane winners until the denies get changed. Slark + ET isn't that great of a lane since you're both melee.

                                  For actually learning dota you have to learn how to draft. Understand why heroes are good in certain phases, lanes, matchups, etc. From there its much easier to understand the later stages of dota like movement, warding patterns, timings, win conditions, etc.


                                    just follow my shameless plug


                                    Read this + the thread imbedded in it..
                                    now that you have read it, i would say Sia has most of it correct, however i wouldn't say 'limit your pool'. Limiting your pool is great for 'grinding mmr' however your dota skills will eventually become aids where you're stuck thinking 'i'm a 10k player' however you might be a 10k player on one hero, and your overall skill level is closer to herald than it is immortal.
                                    i was a player that random'd for essentially my first 2000 games, spammed a few heros here and there, while yes it took me alot longer to get to this level, i can happily say that i'll be confident on 95% of the heros (seriously, i cant win with centaur..) And in doing the 'long road' it made me a much better player overall. There are some heros i play at a 4k level, there are some heros i play at a 6k level and they have been the ones i've been favouring as of late, however i have a reasonable understanding of enemy powerspikes/my team mates powerspikes/my own powerspikes etc. Having a very large pool of heros in the 'developement' stage of learning dota will overall make you a much better player.

                                    just play heros you enjoy.