General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are there so many boosters/smurfs on ancient bracket ?

Why are there so many boosters/smurfs on ancient bracket ? in General Discussion

    I matured enough to create this "ok thread" since my salt level is beyond reasonable limit.

    After pretty good streak of 8 wins in a row and hitting Ancient 3, I was welcomed by mmr assassins in enemy team, almost every single game I played since yestarday. Of course I didint play for a week and I was not that much in shape but not that terrible as well. But..... - my last game - look at jugg account (his rapier was mine btw) - alchemist guy, low lvl acc with pretty much almoast 100% win rate on huskar, bm and arc warden - Huskarr guy, low lvl acc etc. - Techies guy, low lvl acc with very high win rate on typical pubstompers

    Next game I abandoned which is not shown somehow but i ran into the same booster again.

    These are only 5 games from my last 8 games.

    I know no one cares, but can anyone tell me why are there so many smurfs on this bracket? Why people make them ? To get 30 dollars for 2 week job ? I was probably reported by a party in 1 game and then a series of almost unwinnable games started. Ofc I will regain mmr but since I dont have that much time for it im just left with a sense of bitter failure.

    Since Gaben made dodging games impossible, what to do in order to avoid running into boosters every second game ?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      I never encountered boosters or smurfs (maybe twice but unranked) in ranked till now but since im gonna meet them potentially in future , better agree with u .
      But how are u not on equal level with those boosters ? U have 6k games for gods sake . U should be immortal .


        the only way to beat boosters is to be stronger than them and beat the f*ck out of them.


          Simple reason being that high Divine and Immortal is a fucking tough game almost every game, some of those guys make an alternative account to just kick back and relax a bit.


            In my experience a win streak is almost always met by a lose streak.


              some games are simply unwinnable

              Bosnian Blade

                if u cant beat boosters u dont deserve divane


                  ^Yeah I guess so. But team really has to cooperate to beat a good broodmother running at your mid raxx min 10.


                    why not ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! git gud


                      i dont think i met lots

                      or..i did met them but enchant/brood just too op lol


                        i met one booster who played pl @

                        got called out as he recognised me. beat the shit out of him and he went on to personal atk me. LOL

                        malaysian 7k booster boosting china legend acc to immortal.

                        two china tier 2-3 players from eclipse abused ranked roles to play with player 1-2k mmr below them
               but got trashed

                        Giff me Wingman

                          git gud

                          Disturbed Jawker

                            just buy a booster yourself lol



                              Story Time

                                on which other bracket would a booster be? Just think about it: they boost acc from 3.5 mmr to whatever - thus surpassing acnient bracket 100% of time


                                  @Utaha-senpai give meepo tips or no more anime 4 u


                                    boosters or smurfs typically get overconfident and make a bad play that causes them to throw the game cuz they underestimate you -> win :--)


                                      i have to say ive never abandoned a game, only when my internet went our or power or something.