General Discussion

General Discussioni wanna cry my ass out

i wanna cry my ass out in General Discussion

    2 years playing this fucking game and now i must struggle with bunch of moron kids! fuck this community, fuck the system
    is the fucking 3 report weekly enough when game full of moron kids? is this matchmaking fair? why there is no blacklist? why i must struggle every game with kids in my team?

    here we go :
    1. in this fucking match clinkz + shaman start put sentries all over jungles to block them!
    very nice, tnx valve , tnx to make it happen, how can i avoid them from my next game? no way! how can i report this to u? oh i used 3 reports before for toxic players or bad players, sry my bad ! i must expect and predict this :)

    2. some idiot mark mid after me (and he told me he marked first !) no roll nothing then he random mid :))) another idiot get sf for jungles , no tilt nothing he just marked jungle and picked sf :))) (new meta i think ) then another guy picked voker for safelane when es picked sup! and i picked tiny for offlane ! oh what a coincidence i ignored the lina and sf before, but they matched again and again with me, nice system, oh can i report them nooo ui just have 3 report weekly :)))
    oh and i reported by them what for? cause np and venom and sniper trilane me and killed me :)) oh im feeder what a low player i am :))

    well, enough of crying maybe sth wrong with me, i got too many reports, im toxic, i dropped my b-score , lets play some turbo games

    3. oh well lets play turbo and raise b-score to avoid sentries in our jungles :)
    marking safelane and nobody else did that except shaman, w8 for marking others nobody do, then go search web and comeback, oh enemy picked am, i pick bs , then seems storm wanna to be safelane and we have shaman as sup and he pick storm as carry ( what a nice person) whatever i say sry about that and i didnt notice he want be carry and i was afk. i go jungle storm mid and clinkz carry, then my np saying why i going jungle and he go afk! ok i dont care really i dont need any body to win a game! storm losing mid to pudge, somehow we manage it and going to win, godlike pudge rage quit the game, oh np is back, he trap me in his trees what a fucking nice guy, what a fucking nice game, what a fucking nice cooldown, what a fucking nice mana cost he do it like 20 time and he have mana for 21 with just one item shadow amulet :)))) how can i report him? how can i avoid him? no way :)))
    storm was ignored before too :)) what a match

    4. oh its happen some times lets chill and then queue! oh seems storm from last game chilled too and we are here together, oh he pick np, monkies learn fast nowadays !!!! oh i raped voker on mid, what a archon dog player am i? here we go np with shadow amulet coming through :))) he trap me with trees too :)))))) what a fucking nice game, what a nice person, how to report him? how to avoid him? sad!

    i really dont care about my teammates any more, after 2 year i used to idiot nobody players , they mean nothing to me and i can play solo and win but this games where horrible sentries on jungle? nonstop traping? :))))) after low skill teammates now i must struggle with this new methods, and well dont say matchmaking not balanced with this players in my team still took 50 min for other team to win the game, so its extremly balanced :))))))))))))))))

    i know nobody gives a shit about any of this here, i just want to cry like a archon 2k trash kid

    Ця тема була відредагована

      So what’s the issue? What’s the solution?

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        dont play if it makes you this angry


          why report bad players? keep reports for people who throw or intentionally lose


            All i see is unranked games and you should not take wins or losses so serious when its unranked because the quality of the players/matches can be huge from one match to the other. Just use it to practise your own skills.

            I had a game where i was solo with 4 stack and played PA safelane with WW support against Necro and CM with Drow aura, WW left the lane because i sucked at laning and that i didnt pick WK. I kept on playing solo and got Phase/BF at 17 mins and won the game with 13-2-8 highest networth and highest damage.

            Later i checked dotabuff and i saw the same party i played with lost to the party we won the game before but this time the solo queue played support.


              OP you are in Archont bracket. I have a friend who is Archont 4 - same as you. He has such a low reaction time, bad itemisation, bad positioning, very easy to be harassed out of the lane.

              You focus on what the others do instead of admiting that you suck at every single aspect of the game and it needs to be improved.

              You want fun ? Play with friends. You want to grind mmr ? Learn what you do bad and no afk support will stop you from winning the game. Archont and Legend players are notoriously bad at throwing the game at all stages of the game, use it to your own advantage if you have a difficult one.

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                hahahahahaa :)) why u comment if u dont even read the goddamn post !

                am i said i care about losing??? im saying why after 2 years i must struggle with kids who abuse as they can to ruin my nerves???

                @lex thank u sir :)) did u watched any of my games? i said my teammates sucks? i said i dont give a damn shit about my team :))))
                oh well i have ancient friends who fed games low skill, etc. so u suck too? :))))))))

                why im not playing ranked? cause every time i try it its full of braindead players who think they're immortal players :) i just want to make my b-score normal then i queue ranked, i was close , i lost 2 out of 10 (i carried the other 8 solo) and i got 6 reports :))) like my team can win anymatchups and they are 100% winrate gods and i ruined their game :(

                @pos 3/4/5 player
                anger??? oh my bad sir, add me go play together, i pick np and trap u all the game when u are godlike in game and u can end it in less than 3 min, stay 30 min more on that game ,when im traping u, watching ur brain dead axe who had not blade mail in 1 hour game, or ur sven with no bkb , then smile to me :) tell me im archon dog low skill kid and im focusing in others :)))


                  even if you play like 10 years im sure dota will be the same lol


                    lol if u play more than 2 years this shit is so often that you just bored and move on

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        lol go commit delete dota


                          GO COMMIT POST EVERY GAME IS WINNABLE

                          Giff me Wingman

                            N O R M A L S K I L L P R O B L E M S


                              Sad people problems


                                if you play for 2 years and still cant win simple 1v5 I really think this game is not for you, sorry

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  @sheep im sry my self too, when i see retard like u same mmr as me !


                                    Who hurt you bro?


                                      i hurt everyone on this world

                                      Machado98 #xatubaking

                                        Hey man, I hear your problem and I will give you some good advice on how to deal with retards
                                        We are normal skill, we might be bad at the game but we are not actual retards who troll

                                        I - Ban Pudge every game. Every. Game.
                                        The hero is useless and if it isn't banned it will be on your team on a 50% chance. You want to avoid that at any cost. I have lost count of how many games I lost/won because it was 4v5 all game with pudge. Sure, there are some good pudges but most of them are retards.

                                        II - Mark Legion Jungle every game.
                                        By marking legion jungle, 7 out of 10 games someone will pick support. After they pick, you pick the second support (preferably meta supports) and boom, you have 2 supports and your chances of winning are rising. In the rare games that there are 2 supports already just play what your team needs, offlane, carry, mid, w/e.

                                        III - Ward his jungle meme
                                        I have won many games by blocking the entire enemy jungle. If you are playing a support with a GPM talent, you can do this easily. Sentries last for 6min now, abuse that. Leave a few camps (the offlane jungle) so you know where the enemy will be farming, since the others are blocked.

                                        IV - Play with the meta.
                                        Lower brackets haven't adapted completely to the dual lanes meta. Play the dual lanes. If it ever reverts to trilane or roaming meta, adapt! I win several games in my bracket because the other team isn't playing dual lanes, and lost some too because of that.

                                        V - Save your retards
                                        Keep your retards alive with heroes that can do it, Omni, Dazzle, Chen, etc. I have won several chen games with the send back skill, now it kinda sucks but it is still possible.

                                        VI - Tinker Jungle.
                                        If all went wrong, if your team is toxic in the pick phase already, if they want to play 2 carry and 2 mids, sure you can play the pos6 support, have a miserable time and MAYBE win the game. But you can play the Tinker Jungle. It works wonders in lower brackets since the game never ends fast and the jungle is never ganked, just pick Tinker and go farm jungle with March. Get BoTs and start creating space for your 4 carries to farm, hold high ground, ward for your team. This strat is pure cancer and you will be reported, but chances are you will win because, when the game hits 60min, you will have a 5 core lineup with a good farm. This is your last resort please don't abuse it, it's cancer. And will only work so far, eventually you will go to low priority or it will stop working.


                                          u may right, i liked ur lc idea too, but i will ban np from now, and if i see him on my team i go sth like am just to gtfo from that trees, until they do sth for this abuse :/

                                          Yami Yugi

                                            I am Archon, a climbing one, I don't see such thing in my last 25 games, medals is not degrading, aren't you losing MMR recently? you might fall into the abyss of 1k dude

                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                              I want to suck your ass

                                              Yami Yugi

                                                I want to suck your ass

                                                dude, you used to be a salty person, but now, you're all fishy

                                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                  I found god and no longer rage over the small things


                                                    bro i came from herald[2] now nearly legend 3. i can tell you, there is no afk support that stops u in winning. every game is winnable. focus on the objectives not hero kills. participate in teamfight where there is a opportunity to get objectives eg. towers, roshan, bounties etc....

                                                    i managed to climbed by first picking lycan, or clinkz, since herald days, guardian, crusader, archons, even in legends recently... in our bracket, first picking is not an issue actually, no support? i play pos 4 or 5 even with my clinkz. i roam with my ck, or even with lycan which i only need helm to take down all T1s and T2s.

                                                    communication is very important. i always use mic in all of my games, when i see my team get tilted, i always try to calm him down. relax, you can recover, ill create space for you, dont show in the map from time being, you always get gank, jungle and i ward for you, and i tell you, this works wonder..... if he really play so bad, then just chill and have fun. there is always a bad dota day. move on and have fun.


                                                      download replay of this match, if this game seems winnable to u, and u had reason to convince me about that, i will delete the fucking game, and i will kill myself, no jokes about this!

                                                      play for fun

                                                        not every game is winnable, but if you win ur lane in every single game you will climb

                                                        play for fun

                                                          also why are u butthurt about fucking turbo match, u play these to correct ur behaviour score not win lmao


                                                            if You suck you get matched with sucky people .


                                                              Consider kyxy yourself


                                                                Consider commiting kill self

                                                                Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                  At least they buy wards

                                                                  Yami Yugi

                                                                    Nature Prophet-no kill-RAT DOTO? answer is NO

                                                                    You have a cancer-confirmed-git gud-how? answer is destroy the fucking ancient without fucking FLAMING

                                                                    I haven't watched, but given that situation most toxic people WILL start flaming that NP, MAKING their enemies more than 5.

                                                                    you have 17~k networth advantage, enemy has the chill, and voila!

                                                                    this game seems winnable

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!