General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Death Prophet

About Death Prophet in General Discussion
wait for me

    I'm a fairly bad player. In my skill level DP is very strong. However I didn't wanna post something like, " Why DP is so OP". So I did some research and in higher lever she is neither picked often nor does she has higher win rate.

    So my question is why is she OP in my skill level and why she is weak in heigher levels?


      Death prophet is usually played mid and as a mid laner he has a long CD ultimate than can easily be avoided!
      If you want know how to play against him it’s easy. Building items like Eul,force staff and BKB on cores can make most of his damage usless! Surprisingly lower ranked players usually don’t buy these items or they buy them when it’s too late!

      mute all

        low mmr games doesnt take advantage when enemy team is using long cooldown ulti..they just want to keep on farming from what i observed..


          this hero is real shit at moment but dp is just like alchemist for your team,she gives your team tower gold and secure bounty runes usually

          pugna can do the same tho

          Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            I think Krobelus is better than Razor in all aspect. Shes good. But weak late game compare to other core mid because she is so dependent on her ult

            Cancer Malaria

              DP got them sexy legs, Pepega Guardian love em sexy legs

              i have 5 reports to use

                dp can life drain creeps for some nice sustain


                  wait,can you life drain 2k hp creeps?
                  life draining small creeps seems retarded tho

                  wait for me

                    @chingchong, I suppose not taking advantage of long cooldown ults is the real problem. Whenever I play DP, the game is pretty much a free win. In my skill bracket, Most of the players doesn't even know how to play against her.

                    one-man bukkake

                      draining a creep with ur third spirit syphon charge can save you and turn a gank into a double kill easly. It also gives flat HP drain wich is usefull.

                      one-man bukkake

                        DP is good in lower skill bracket bcs you assfuck all those miracle wannabe mids and pos4 wen they try to gank you

                        also because ppl want to fight in ur ult instead of running away til it ends.