General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all the pro 5ks here: How to win a match under the following varia...

To all the pro 5ks here: How to win a match under the following variables/conditions/confounds? in General Discussion
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    Yo bros, I got some good news man, I STILL HAVE MY FUCKING JOB, which means I can keep playing dota, and im ognna fucking go pro dude finally lemme tell ya

    RIGGED games

      yEEE BRO


        talent is useless,just spam op hero = u rape talented people everytime

        Talent is not entirely useless. Talented people learn faster. Talented people realize spamming op heroes is the way to gain mmr.
        Talented person spamming op heroes > Untalented person spamming op heroes
        I have friends who spent thousand of hours in dota but are still crusaders, archons. They tried to spam op heroes but are still horrible


          I get that people are trying to be supportive and everything, but after nearly 6000 games, if you're stuck at 2k, that's probably cause that's where you truly belong.

          Sure you can list down all the reasons why you lost your ranked games, but i'm pretty sure you have won just as much games based on the reasons you stated that your enemy did. Of course people dont talk about the easy wins that they get when enemies tilt, running down mid, drafting 5 cores, but the moment you're on the receiving end, you are the victim, you cant climb because you have bad teammates.

          I have no idea why people aren't being truly honest here. He played nearly 6000 games. He's still 2k. He needs to realize it's not his teammates, that's where he truly belong.

          If I have 6000 games and i'm still stuck in ancient, I would probably reevaluate my life decisions. I would probably spend the time and energy that could actually benefit me in the future. Definitely not dota.




              Just pick support and all chat if things aren’t going well

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                I’m not 2k. I have 400 mmr right now. I’ll lose the rest by tonight

                Yo and who are you supposed to be, some rich millionaire off this disgusting rigged game ?

                Oh and btw autist, you’re absolutely right. The only reason I win a game is because of thhise reasons, as well as losing dota matchmaker is a disgusting g rigged bubble for losers like your self. Disgusting rigged circle of diarrhea

                Spend eight hours winning eight games then another eight hours losing them has bee hiwnive spent and wasted my twenties .

                I hope tonight when I go ski slopes my heart stops this way I can get out of 20 mmr bracket

                Nasty piece of horse manure want to talk you have no idea how bad my games are . I missed three days of work and hit the ski hard last night and one support player pulled the lane for me, the first time in three months maybe more? What you got to say to me ancient pro? You think you. Have any idea what 1k mmr shadow pool is like ?

                I’ve been trying g to get normal so I can lose like this and uninstall I’ve bee. Trying for a year and one or two reports resets dozens of games played its absurd how difficult it is to nirmalaize an account I hate this game so much

                I can’t even remember the last time I had fun playing it just makes me want to hurt myself and die

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                  There you go. That's the main reason you're losing games. The moment someone slaps you with the cold hard truth, that you're not good enough, your toxic side comes out.

                  If you want to know why you cant climb, read back what you just wrote.
                  If you want to know why you're in the "shadow pool", read back what you just wrote.
                  If you want to know why you can't get better at this game, read back what you just wrote.
                  If you want to know why you can't "normalize" your account, read back what you just wrote.


                    i remember once playing in 3 digit mmr with literally 1 finger and ending up with 750 gpm.

                    Though, forget that, i'm actually quite interested in 1 thing - like if you don't enjoy yourself playing this game, and you're clearly not gonna go pro, why do you still play?

                    I remember playing with this guy a week ago in a stack on my low mmr smurf, he has like 5k matches and crusader rank. He's the type of person that makes sense to me to have 5k matches and 1k mmr, he doesn't care about mmr - he just wants to have fun.


                      i got like 5-7 reports sometimes,i still have a normal behavior score
                      getting 1-2 reports doesnt matter

                      as for talent,i guess you can view it on different way or whatever,maybe you actually need a talent to go to pro scene but i'm sure hardwork matters more,i could tell you my own views about talent but too lazy to type atm @safelane

                      yo uninstall guy,you gotta learn to solo carry your games rather than trying to depend on your teammates,just think it's 1vs9 every game

                      also,rather than binge queueing and lose alot+more games to get your mmr its better you watch some replays first and re-learn the game again,that's wat i did when i stuck on 3,9k by win loss win loss

                      in the end it took me 200 solo mmr games(saw it from console) to get to 5,2k from 3,5(even tho i got stuck),so its super better to re-learn the game first rather than giving more work to your future by losing hard(need more mmr by playing more games later on)

                      also,i gotta agree if it's making you stressed hard,it's better to take a break or just stop playing at the moment

                      altho rn i feel like i need to play more games lol,but it's not really your time to think those stuffs,just copy a pro player/7k/6k/5k first and do whatever they're doing and solo win games already

                      holymoly i edited this like alot 6 times,i sohuld stop

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                        I'm looking forward to seeing 1 mmr, then I"ll have enough courage to do the job


                          ah okay den lol if you actually aiming for that

                          super not wise tho if you actually plan to raise up your mmr later,just add more work and solo matches are annoying


                            another good way to win games is to try to find a group of people to go rank with! I myself almost never play solo cause I have some friend that we play together! since we are doing this for a long time and we know each other's heroes we can coordinate better and win more!


                              Clear as a day, this is not a game for you. So either play it for the fun and memes, this means ditch ranked and play normal modes, theres lots of them, find some casuals to play with. Or dont play it at all cause clearly its not good for your health...

                              You can still watch pro scene and tournaments if you are interested in the game, like you would watch any others sports.

                              But stop destroying yourself over a stupid ass game, get over it and rise above. You are in control!

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                              Von Darkmoor

                                Just pick Tuskar!

                                Build 2x Battlefury, power Threads and Hearth go win.

                                IZI PIZI 4 D TUSKAR KÄRRY!!!!!

                                I worst case scenario just grab em with the snowball.

                                Von Darkmoor

                                  Or you can go JANGLE SNIPERU!

                                  Buy 2 wards and 4 manapots skill take aim and shrapnell use the wards for vision to shoot creeps with imba take aim.

                                  Then buy Kaya, Aether lens and once you get 6 you have free creep every 30 sec.

                                  IZI PIZI!!!


                                    just lend your acc to some archon dudes and they will have like 80%wr