1. My binds:
QWER - abilities
123456 - items
T - tp scroll
Space - quickbuy
Z - main hero
X, C, V, B, N - control groups
J - courier
K - courier deliver items
I have quickcast on everything. Quick Attack on.
2. No idea.
3. I play at 2560x1440. I use such gpu settings to have around 100 fps.
I play 4:3 and still beat 5k trashes . I think if are u comfortable these things are negligible
Mine is more easy
123 and zxc on lower item
qwer skills and
f1 main hero
f2 all other
f3 all
on meepo
v on 2nd meepo
b on 3rd and 4th meepo
space on taunt
special technique if u ask me
s on stop
d on hold
use auto attack
I use QWER, sub abilities on DF, items on 123456. All quick cast.
My mouse is 3600 DPI. Sensitivity is just a comfort thing, but I would say faster is probably better. You don't have to go overboard, but you definitely want it quick enough that you can edge pan and click on things in the middle of your screen in one movement without lifting your mouse.
I have a 1920x1080 144hz monitor. Refresh rate matters more than resolution Imo.
And don't tilt your keyboard like CS players. It's horrible ergonomically, and isn't necessary in a game where you don't need to move your mouse so much.
1) About quick cast - good thing, but better some slots in inventory keep on press casting. Some items have offensive character and can be triggered through quick casts (for example, abyssal, diffusal, rod of atos), but some items have more universal usement, for example, force staff, glimmer cape, scepter of Eul and so on. For example, if you have force staff on quick cast, you can easily move both enemies and allies - just point cursor and press key, but hey - if just you will need to be forced, you need to dom some neat stuff. Imagine, that you have tough skirmish and you need to be forced with you own force staff - so you press key, but happens nothing, 'cause force need target. So you need in the middle of battle find yourself, point cursor on your hero and only there press key OR you need to place cursor to your hero's icon in the top of screen OR you need to press ALT + Key = its triggers auto self cast of item. It's not so easy - in the middle of the battle to find your hero or its icon and to point cursor right in that place. But if you keep item slot on default casting, you can just make double press on item and you will automatically moved in your cursor direction, and only price for this convinience - if you will use item on ally, you will point cursor, press key and confirm with left mouse button, wich is quite simple action actually
1a) I have all possible skills on quick cast, but what about inventory - I use V, B, N, SpaceBar and two side mouse buttons. SpaceBar and mouse button5 I use in quick cast mode, all other in default mode. Maybe two - not so many, but in intensive battle I have very seldom more then 2 offensive items, which can be used through quick cast, other slots have items without active action or more defense character. For example AbyssalBlade - SpaceBar(QC), Rod of Atos - mouse button5 (QC), Manta Style - mouse button 4, default mode, magick wand, power treads, shadow blade - V, B, N, default mode. Scroll - M, default mode. With this you can have quick attack on enemy hero, and other items can be easily used without quick cast pointing, just with double key press
1b) side buttons on mouse are VERY convenient - you just point target with mouse and press the button, very naturally action, just like right click pointing + action. And due to that fact, that mouse has not so many buttons its hard to misclick like it sometimes happens with keybord in hot skirmishes
2) I have one resolution for mouse in any window or game, it's like 1.5k dpi. You better have FAST and SHARP mouse, especially if you have large monitor (I have ''24), so you have large place for cursor maneuvres => so you need to have quite high dpi for fast pointing in any corner of screen. If you have a low dpi, in theory you can more precisely point targets, but if you use quick casts, you need no such precision - just point somewhere on shape and press button) And with low dpi it can be hard to fast pick mini map or hero icon or object in the corner of screen due to low dpi - you will need to move mouse on longer distance. I'd like to advice wide mouse pad and 1k dpi and then to make some adjustments for better using - to increse|decrease dpi and so on
3) I play on lowest settings - I want as much fps, as I can get from my i3 core) And about diagonally placed keybord - I think, it's more like pro stuff, 'cause in pro game you need no to press button for chat with party or with team, to enter chat messages, to use command wheels, hero wheel in dota+, taunts and so you, in pro game you need to maximize your control and minimize time for reaching to main needed buttons in sacrificing access to other keybord buttons. About distance between your eyse and screen - somewhere saw such info that you need distance NOT more than your screen diagonal, for example, if you have ''24 monitor - you'd better have ''24 - 30 between your eyes and screen, but anyway it need to be convenient for you, you need to see all needed details of the game in good size and contrast
how u ppl use self-cast, when u already used alt on items ?
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1) should I fix my item keybinds better? I currently use Z, X, C, V, altZ, altX, (altC for tp). I play quickcast both abilities and items. Any tips and suggestions for possibly better configs? Im open to all ideas. Follow-up: should I use the buttons on my mouse, either for items or abilities?
2) What DPI settings do you have on your mouse, on windows, and in-game? Is it better to have a slower mouse speed?
3) Resolution matters so much in other games, most common example being CSGO. Does it matter as much in dota? Do you play native res on your monitor or are there adjustments you make?
Other questions: how far do you play from your screen? Do you tilt your keyboard diagonally, like pros in FPS games? What graphics settings do you play on?
Idk, I feel like I could better optimize my technical settings to help me work on in-game mechanics.