General Discussion

General DiscussionWIN RATE %

WIN RATE % in General Discussion
K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

    I'm an archon player (ex: legend) i play like 80% offlaner.

    fix the winrate = get gud= good mmr i know that , but how the hell can fix that when you get stupid carry or midlaner, while i did my job as offlaner (please check recent games with doom). see how i lose the winrate so easily?

    HELP! please

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Honestly I feel the best way to gain ranked mmr would be to try for pos 1/2 because it is really hard to win the game from the offlane alot of the time. Unless you utterly crush the offlane and prevent the enemy pos 1 from getting any farm at all you will find that the games can still go either way regardless of your personal performance.


        yea it's only possible to carry games from pos 1/2 guys

        K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

          @parmaviolets, yes i love playing as offlaner, and i did my job while enemy carries suffer vs me (check recent matches) they got literally no farm. playing as pos 1 or 2, i think you know the situation of stupid people when they love all playin pos 1 and 2. honestly i have never blamed a support.

          K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

            @captain keel
            see your ck carry in that match? lol same happening to me


              that's not the point lol
              i'm just saying people here are so bad they can lose even when enemies have no proper safelane carry
              and this is high legend bracket so it's definitely possible to do it in archon
              here's another game
              my slardar went 1/21
              the graph whole game is in radiant's favor
              i got level 6 at like 15 or 17 mins
              we were 15-0 or something like that at one point in the game
              i got a fucking 30 mins midas
              with all of this
              we won
              honestly to me the most important thing to have in low mmr games is just positive mentality
              you can always win
              pepega carry you can win
              no carry you can win
              intentional feeder you can win
              as long as you believe in the heart of the cards and the power of anime
              you can win
              always remember
              you might have a pepega on your team
              but the enemy might have two
              also you never do your job as an offlaner
              that's just what you tell yourself to feel good
              you're in fact never doing good enough
              i watch 7k replays and even they make mistakes
              so just stop watching the game and start playing the game
              stop crying about your carries
              all these cute looking scores and nice kda don't fucking matter
              this game is about destroying the ancient not having fancy kda
              you get winrate by winning games not by having high kda

              '96 Neve Campbell

                yea it's only possible to carry games from pos 1/2 guys
                I would argue that Tinker hard carried that game though


                  Love those ppl who say the solution is "play position 1 or 2". I feel it is honestly trolling.

                  Retarded idea, as there are 5 ppl in the team. It doesnt depend on the role, but how good are you on those heroes/in those roles. If somebody is atrocious as a position 3/4/5, they will not be gaining MMR. Half the carries or mid are carried anyway by other ppl just because they are so bad in their role.

                  It depends entirely if the hero and its playstyle suit you, not on which role are you playing.

                  25% WINRATE

                    ^^^drow just won you this game
                    btw losing to timber and undy past 30 minutes is virtually impossible

                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                    25% WINRATE

                      @Talker good luck supporting 1k/2k players tho
                      you will maybe win 55 or even 60% of your matches if you are good, but as cookie said, why stuck at 55%wr when you can just farm, rat and kill and obtain 70% winrate.
                      No matter how good your pos4/5 playstyle is, if your pos1/2 fails to counter spectre or jugg or worse, is actually retarded like all "me core only" players, you will lose.
                      Remember : nice guys finish last

                      '96 Neve Campbell

                        Love those ppl who say the solution is "play position 1 or 2". I feel it is honestly trolling.

                        Retarded idea, as there are 5 ppl in the team. It doesnt depend on the role, but how good are you on those heroes/in those roles. If somebody is atrocious as a position 3/4/5, they will not be gaining MMR. Half the carries or mid are carried anyway by other ppl just because they are so bad in their role.

                        It depends entirely if the hero and its playstyle suit you, not on which role are you playing.

                        How is that trolling? Playing in a lower position places more trust in your teammates, in lower brackets your teammates are massively unreliable to the point where playing a support can feel genuinely helpless. The best way to ensure you win is to play a carry pos 1/2 which can 1v5 if needs be. There are very few offlaners that can carry a game with 4 sub-par teammates.

                        Whilst being exceptionally good at offlaners and winning your lane increases your odds of winning, it is still unlikely you will win if your carries are bad. The only real solution for that is to be the carry yourself.

                        @31% winrate - is your account an experiment to see how scary super low mmr/behaviour score looks like btw? Im actually curious lol

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          @ GiGI HaDiD

                          I would advise playing an offlaner than CAN dominate the game regardless of what happens to safelane. Example: Axe can easily dominate the laning phase and dumpster the enemy carry however it can be very difficult to push highground solo and/or with an underfarmed team.

                          Suggestion: CK, Void or Sven (although not as viable as he was) etc. offlane such that if the s*** hits the fan in safelane you can transition to become the alpha. Either that or at least buy enough time for your carry to come online.

                          @ Talker
                          Agreed - if you play core, the offlaner can just as easily feed the enemy. There is no one size fits all solution if you are playing solo ranked..


                            i'm not trying to say I WON THE GAME FOR PEPEGA TEAM
                            because of course i didn't
                            at end of the day it IS a team game
                            i'm just trying to convince op that he should give up on "but how the hell can fix that when you get stupid carry or midlaner" this mentality
                            because if you have a stupid carry then maybe you have a decent mid or a decent offlaner or a decent anything
                            if your entire team are pepegas then you should at least be doing your job right and if you can micro manage them and tell them what to do
                            @31% winrate
                            lmao imagine having 31%winrate and thinking your opinion matters lol
                            seriously tho same answer i gave to parma
                            and add to it you have no idea what you're saying you just checked stats and picked best kda gpm xpm hero and said x carried you
                            watch replay first
                            the one who really was playing out of his mind was the razor because he was always at the right place at the right time
                            unlike xd afk farm jungle stacks that the SUPPORT made
                            sorry if i came out as rude
                            when we were winning fights with golem and bonds and razor and slardar baiting drow was usually just killing jungle creeps which is her job but she definitely didn't (win us the game) she just helped secure the win
                            which takes us back to the two different mentalities
                            1-im carry solo win if lose blame team i did my job and won my lane but my team couldn't do anything
                            2-we win as a team and if one underperforms i can perform better so i carry their ass if i lose then i think of the mistakes i made which of course i did
                            maybe if i didn't make those mistakes we could've won
                            again sorry if offended any of you


                              again it's just personal preference guys
                              i like playing support i feel i have impact on the game only when im pos 3/4/5
                              i haven't learnt the selfish mentality of 1/2 players and i don't want to learn it now at my mmr because of how much mmr it will lose me just to be able to get it to start working


                                @31% win rate call me nice again i'll fucking eat the flesh off your nose irl you white boy fight me

                                K¡ng D¡ng-a-l¡ng

                                  thank you everyone


                                    I would argue that Tinker hard carried that game though

                                    check out hero dmg + tower dmg :S


                                      my experience:
                                      1k-2k : ezier games for pos 4
                                      2k-3k: pos2 or pos 5 (5 was very ez games)
                                      3k-4k: pos3

                                      i think i must change my role cause i cant win solo anymore
                                      i dont know its because when u changing ur role u have more patients on ur teammates (cause ur bad at that role too ) or sth else
                                      but those roles on those ranks were ez for me!


                                        The issue with unreliable people is that if somebody is playing offlane or support and switch to carry or mid HE is the unreliable carry/mid, who fucks it up for his team. This is the retarded thing about your advice. If person is in the bracket they belong (around 50% winrate), they are with similar skill people.

                                        So for example I almost never play carry unless I have to. Because I suck as carry, the role is boring & annoying. So yeah, I feel this is pure trolling. So dont tell people to play carry. This is just stupid simplification.

                                        Especially when you have 91% games on cores and still being 1k.


                                          im not advice any body
                                          i just shared my experience


                                            You can't pass Legend. Legend is den of S M U R F S. A lot of people selling account even if Max Calibration was Legend II; Now you can calibrate Ancient up however your MMR is still stucked on 3500 which is legend, also the reason why they're so many Ancient on Legends tier. Anyway, best of luck to you hopefully you wont face any 6k mmr on legend tier hidin' behind those low profile account but instead you'll be teamed with them hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


                                              Just get good at any roles. Pros who are supports were former mid players or carry. Do not just play 1 role. For those who rank up to immortal by playing one role (supp, carry, mid, or off) they have found the ones they are good at. So let's just say unless you are not divine VII or close to immortal. You are not thay good at your current role.


                                                Try Timber offlane end game in 20 minutes, TT your teamates to gather. Practice hard win game "ALONE" w/ meepo, 20-30minutes game. Meepo is too hard? Alternative: Broodmother watch some moves on YT. End game in 15-25minutes.

                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  The issue with unreliable people is that if somebody is playing offlane or support and switch to carry or mid HE is the unreliable carry/mid, who fucks it up for his team. This is the retarded thing about your advice. If person is in the bracket they belong (around 50% winrate), they are with similar skill people.

                                                  So for example I almost never play carry unless I have to. Because I suck as carry, the role is boring & annoying. So yeah, I feel this is pure trolling. So dont tell people to play carry. This is just stupid simplification.

                                                  Especially when you have 91% games on cores and still being 1k.

                                                  Woah. Everything you wrote here is wrong. Thats cool.
                                                  If you are consistently outperforming your carries as the offlane it means either you are getting unlucky with your teammates or you are far superior to them in terms of skill. Its not rocket science. I would say OP is where they belong if they find it impossible to win games but at a glance they consistently do well as an offlaner and still lose games, indicative of poor teammates. If you can't rely on your carries to win then you need to carry yourself, this is a fact of life. If you are stuck in a bracket then you take the midlane and then the game rests on your shoulders instead of an unreliable random.

                                                  If you find that you suck as a carry then you probably suck at the game in general. You can't be a good support without knowing the ins and outs of carrying and you can't be a good carry without knowing how to support.

                                                  Also thats 91% core from RECENT matches only and I am not 1k by any measurement either. My solo is 2450 and climbing and my party is 3900.

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    f you can't rely on your carries to win then you need to carry yourself, this is a fact of life.

                                                    except carrying a game is not only playing pos 1 or 2 :)
                                                    u can play pos 1 or 2 and still got carried by ur pos 5

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      except carrying a game is not only playing pos 1 or 2 :)
                                                      u can play pos 1 or 2 and still got carried by ur pos 5

                                                      Obviously, I have carried a few games as Crystal Maiden in my time but there is no denying that it is far more reliable to pick a tempo midlaner and control the game as opposed to an offlaner or support.


                                                        Has this thread evolved into a weird form of cancer?
                                                        つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


                                                          Well depends on the point of view. From mine you are wrong in everything. ;)

                                                          25% WINRATE

                                                            @captain keel hey what's ur problem
                                                            you are so fucking triggered lmao


                                                              lol no i was kidding my friend
                                                              i wouldn't eat human flesh
                                                              not off of your nose at least


                                                                Obviously, I have carried a few games as Crystal Maiden in my time but there is no denying that it is far more reliable to pick a tempo midlaner and control the game as opposed to an offlaner or support.

                                                                its depends on skill bracket u playing :)
                                                                nobody deny the fact u cant win low mmr games if u play support!


                                                                  Dude don't play "positions" in archon bracket. Just pick whatever hero you like and whichever lane is free, go for it. 2k games don't really punish you for picking more than 2 carries. I played a lot of Invoker offlane in that bracket, it worked to an extent because I was useful lategame and most games end only after they're 6 slotted. This only works below 3k though, so keep that in mind


                                                                    lul i was wrong!

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      You can just play a core in the offlane, metasheep will insist you dont but if you always have garbage cores then just pick a core in the offlane and carry yourself. Obviously not cores that require a ton of babysitting like a Spectre, but Void can hard carry on his own.


                                                                        archon bracket is the easiest bracket to climbed.


                                                                          Lol but you play pos1 heroes a lot and lose just as much


                                                                            I'm a opezdal.
                                                                            I dont lose.
                                                                            I don't deem this thread worthy.
                                                                            I'm a God-King
                                                                            You are a puny human.
                                                                            つ ◕_◕ ༽つ