General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do you live?

Why do you live? in General Discussion

    Honestly what is meaning of life?! I'm 21 yo and not happy , I don't find any point to live anymore ,someone help , please tell me why do you continue to living while you know at the end death comes for all.How should I be happy?

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Story Time

      i can share my religion that provides the point of living if you are seriously interested. But if you are trolling that is plain sad and I will not enlighten the public here for nothing


        These are warning symptoms of a depression which is currently rampant among the young. Please do not underestimate the seriousness of your mental health and seek your medical practitioner who should give you a recommendation for psychological/psychiatric treatment which may or may not include longterm therapy and/or antidepressants. Hopefully these sessions and psychopharmaceuticals are covered by your health insurance (at least they are in my country).

        Remember: sadness is not weakness and mental health problems are very common. Especially men are prone to denial and secrecy. Do not hesitate.

        '96 Neve Campbell

          Aw babe x

          Find someone that loves you and nurtures you <3

          Story Time

            Find someone that loves you and nurtures you <3

            that sounds like a mother's job but he is aint no baby anymore

            '96 Neve Campbell

              Nope its the job of a really good friend or a lover :)


                The meaning of life is different for every human being. It's something really personal.

                For me it's having a good times with friends/family/girlfriend.

                It's as simple as that.


                  not dying i guess


                    I u didn't had a life, u would not have been able to play DotA.... and there's still something which lies ahead too.

                    I had this feeling when I was 12 years but those were effects of developing hormones.

                    Hatrið mun sigra

                      Be happy 'cause life will come to an end one day

                      Also seek help if you want to avoid this kind of thoughts ^

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                        Цей коментар було видалено
                        Story Time

                          wow, this thread demonstrates how shallow you people are, lol at your-life purposes

                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Live just in case, just in case an answer appears.
                              Or just in case someday it shall not matter anymore and there will be no need for an answer.
                              That's the most optimistic approach I'm taking for now.


                                wow, this thread demonstrates how shallow you people are, lol at your-life purposes

                                lul at ppl who think deep humans playing video games

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  wow, this thread demonstrates how shallow you people are, lol at your-life purposes
                                  yet your initial answer about religion was probably the shallowest


                                    imagine believing in religion in 2019


                                      Try having sex with someone

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        Kotato was probably gonna share his religion of Scarlett Johansson though.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          you dont have a choice in coming to life so just spend your life trying to enjoy it. it is hard, but it is the best imo

                                          Story Time

                                            yet your initial answer about religion was probably the shallowest

                                            judging by seeing the word "religion" and assuming something on your own = that is what i call shallow


                                              Read a book called "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl (known for existential therapy). It helped me to understand few important things.


                                                I`m all the time lost in this life without meaning just like u, my escape from those hard times is music. Just keep listen your favourite music always make you feel better.

                                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                  I'm 27.

                                                  Have a good job but still watching anime.

                                                  Playing dota whenever I have the chance only during weekends.

                                                  I need to live. One Punch Man season 2 and Attack on Titans season 3 is coming up.

                                                  Probably more is coming up.


                                                    try to hit the gym, or do any physical activity u enjoy (jogging sports whatever)

                                                    it helps taking things off ur mind

                                                    Mungo Time

                                                      Read or listen to

                                                      Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life

                                                      C.S Lewis Mere Christianity

                                                      Friederich Nietzsche Beyond good and Evil

                                                      Manly p hall's work is extremely interesting

                                                      I would start by listening to perspectives of people smarter and more educated on these topics on youtube, like Peterson.

                                                      There's depth to this life that's beyond understanding.

                                                      low prio master

                                                        Go fishing, explore wildness, explore yourself as well,google freedom mind, be happy.

                                                        69 god

                                                          Get out of your comfort zone(if you're into one). Unfortunately it has been spoiling me since the last 4 years.
                                                          Set a goal considering your job and setting up a family.
                                                          Do things that interest you. Sports, anime, dota anything.
                                                          Apart from that go to gym. Even if you don't wanna go for hardcore body building, just try to maintain your fitness. It is a good distraction and a way to get out of daily shit happening in our lives.
                                                          Collect loads of money and travel.
                                                          This should be enough, let us know what you're planning :)


                                                            I'm only here until One Piece ends.


                                                              @Kotato I'm not trolling .

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                @Coco Tanx for answer I have been taking antidepressants for 5 years , nothing changed.


                                                                  Thanks everyone for replying ,I didn't think you are going to answer me and I thought most answers would be trolling .


                                                                    @perdita sometimes I hate my parents because they are reason Im exist.

                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                      OP have you thought of getting a new diagnosis by another doctor? If antidepressants did nothing for 5 years it might be something else. Anyway I wish you the best of luck, the mind can be a bitch


                                                                        If I've learned anything in my time on this planet is that where you end up in 5 years is almost always indistinguishable from where you were when you started. I've never once been able to look back 5 years and say that I expected to be where I am. I've moved cities, changed relationships, made new friends, experienced new things, changed core beliefs and opinions, and grown in multitudes of other ways. Point is, asking why you should live is a question that implies your circumstance is either permanent, or so bad that you don't want what comes next. Just keep plugging through it and looking for the next opportunity. I don't know your struggles, but I do know you'll overcome them. Looking for someone to talk to, or for a professional is good advice, but regardless of the action you take, just remember things won't be the same as time goes on.


                                                                          let me know when you find out the answer, OP

                                                                          is matchmaking broken?

                                                                            SIGECAPS stands for Reduced Sleep,Loss of Interest, Guilt, Decreased Energy, Decreased Concentration, Appetite, Tired all the time, SuicidaL
                                                                            .If you have 4 out of 7 from last 2 weeks .Get some help ASAP


                                                                              i think of all the things i haven't done yet

                                                                              low prio master

                                                                                Just see that you mentioned you taking antidepressants, if you on this thing 5 years you will have a same symptoms as drug addicted person, these days once you have any mental problems, doctors just offer you antidepressants to try out and see, in the end you realised that is nothing else than legal drug making billions of profit every year.

                                                                                This is for longer talk and i would actually like to help you or maybe just chat sometimes, you need friends or family around you all the time and gave up on that shit, it literally taking your soul.

                                                                                If you keen for one new random friend text me add me on steam ill give ya messenger contact so we can text time to time how is it goes.

                                                                                I feel with ya my bro, be strong and remember you always will be loved.


                                                                                  ^P9 u sound so nice, i thank u for the OP :)


                                                                                    The point of living is the chemicals in your brain telling you, driving you, to do things you enjoy.

                                                                                    Humans have natural things that keeps them going. Society. Community. Friends are a very important part of this. It’s in your dna. Sometimes your brain stops producing chemicals and you lose the drive to do normal human things like survive. It could be your environment. Lack of social support. You start to lose meaning and enjoyment. When you lose the natural drive to do things everything gets fkd. I can understand this. No amount of treatment to deal with the symptoms will help if you don’t address the root cause. You need to build an ecosystem for yourself. Change your environment. Make sure you have social support.

                                                                                    M8. Medicine is one thing to try and boost those chemicals. But you need to learn to enjoy the little things. There is no greater meaning or purpose in life. It’s just how to make yourself feel good. Take care of your body and exercise.

                                                                                    Best advice I can give as someone who has studied a little bit of psychology and can understand depression and treatments and the futility of it all.

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      This comment was removed by a moderator 3 hours ago

                                                                                      sorry cat ran across the keyboard


                                                                                        Aw babe x

                                                                                        Find someone that loves you and nurtures you <3

                                                                                        Ignore this advice OP, it's shitty and probably from a clueless woman. The types of women you want to spend time with will not love you just because you exist--this is more of a man's way of being, our standards are a lot lower because we don't get girls thrown at us just for existing. Our options are low and we want to increase them, just like women do. The weaker and more submissive a woman is, the hornier they make us. A weak man doesn't fit in anywhere, however. Even gay men don't really like weak men, which is shown when they get the hots for straight men who are masculine. That's why lots of women like to be treated like a dog, it's hot for them to submit to someone so powerful; that's why we call them a B**** :). It's natures patriarchal order, even my male rat treats the female terribly. Nature doesn't conform to our society's view on how things should be. It just is.

                                                                                        Yes, life can be unpleasant, especially to the untrained mind; it's also confusing in this society to be a man since we must take the initiative to make our situation better, yet we are taught that women and men are the same just with different functions such as pregnancy. No one gives men anything just for existing unless they're model hot, we are seen as rats by society unless we have a lot to offer. However, women are naturally talented at extracting resources from beta men and get picked up by men, they have innate social intelligence. I spent a lot of time being a sad soyboi, I didn't want to exist in this system of reality we have. It's heavily in favor of people who have good genetics and a good family, and it's all about money--however, we can look at this from a positive perspective which I will get into in this post. I'm not normal looking myself, very acne scarred, never have fit in, always bullied in school, shitty family. Recipe for disaster, born to a single mom, am ugly, no money; way too beta.

                                                                                        Life is tough, this is true; Buddha told us a long time ago that life is suffering, and happiness is the alleviation of suffering. Recognize your positive traits though: you're smart enough to realize why reality sucks. That's a gift that not everybody has. I have a coworker who's 22, and she doesn't know what an atom is. Her response: "I don't know what an atom is, and I don't care! Haha!" The problem with life is that it sucks and no one wants to do shit to change it, HELL, THEY DON'T EVEN WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT... they are basic and spend time doing bs like going to the grocery store, buying some Henny, and proceed to drink their day away in a total stupor--surrounded by other people participating in the same useless endeavors. This is how the people in charge like it to be, how they have programmed our society to be. To fight against one another and ignore the real issue which is Big Brother's faulty way of thinking. Big pharma will tell you that you need anti-depressants and that you have a chemical imbalance because they're so smart that they know your mind is too poorly structured to comprehend the logic that you're sad because the system itself is the problem. They benefit off of poorly structuring the minds of our society. Our children are made to be another brick in the wall, instead of giving them an extremely independent mind. It's beautiful how independence and acceptance of logic will make you happier.

                                                                                        If you focus on doing some real shit in this life and working to fix the problems we have, which all stems from the arbitrary system of human nature itself, I guarantee you'll feel better at the minimum. You're probably depressed because life sucks and you don't do anything to change that problem, the problem that is the system that we exist in. The people in charge of our lives, aka rich people have the MAJORITY of our society at the intelligence level of a fucking NPC. Don't worry about not being loved by some fucking NPC fools bro. Think about the value that their love truly provides, compared to yours. Do you REALLY value the opinion of a population that doesn't have at minimum common sense? I understand, I was there once, but once you get deep into thought about such things, your perspective will change and you as well. People ignore a large piece of reality to find happiness, and it only ends up making us all suffer even more.

                                                                                        What you need to do is think about who YOU ARE. Do you help make a positive change in this world? Do you love the actions that you make everyday? What is your mission? Personally, I love that I can help open up people's eyes, I can teach them about awesome, original concepts such as how we are all fractions of the universe's energy, and that we are all one set of energy. We are a unified set of atoms, I am you and you are me; we are connected, and physics will further prove this to you if logic itself doesn't. When we die, we reincarnate back into the universe, our atoms stay within the confines of the universe and merely become reconfigured into another configuration of atoms--as Einstein figured out for us, energy can be neither created nor destroyed. We exist in a closed system. The universe is heaven, if we CHOOSE to make it heaven. However, it all starts with the self, with you and what you choose to do. You are godlike and have the potential to make a great change to our reality, or you can be another useless brick in the wall who CHOOSES to be an ignorant rat; someone who does nothing but have 2 kids, who spends 50 years working a menial job. Life is going to continue sucking unless you choose to change it, or if someone else does. However, you will never be able to run away from yourself. You will always know that you're not being a positive participant of our reality, subconsciously. It will emanate through your vibe, someone like me who is awake will be able to see your negative loser energy, most people have it. If you meet great people, you'll notice that they have the face of someone who respects themselves very much. They are in their own world because the world outside of theirs IS shitty. However, the world that they have made is great. They have great respect for themselves because they know that they're worth respecting.

                                                                                        21 is young, which is hard to believe. Your mind will change so much with time, you just need to have faith that this is true. I remember when I was 21, I was a bluepill soyboy. I didn't know how women worked, yet I still managed to attract a 10. I had never attracted a woman before this. You need to believe in yourself, no one else can do it for you. My attraction to women has risen exponentially, yet I have only gotten a more fucked up face since then--I'm 23 now. My mind is beautiful, and my body language expresses that. Women are a complimentary reward for mastering your self, not a puzzle piece which completes you. BP soyboys are in abundance, just be a man and watch as women treat you as if you are God... because you are Godlike, we all are; we're fragments of the God self, it would seem. In quantum mechanics we know that something can exist in two states at once in what we call quantum superposition. You are a fraction of the system which works through quantum mechanics. Need I say more? If you want to be happy, do what Buddha said and Be Happy.


                                                                                          "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." -Buddha

                                                                                          "The obstacle is the path." -Zen proverb


                                                                                          For those that will only trust wisdom from the Bible:

                                                                                          Trials and obstacles are a part of the journey, not an unintended barrier.
                                                                                          1 Peter 4:11.


                                                                                            No need to go too deep or get too complicated guys.


                                                                                              Life is simple.


                                                                                                I CLENCH MY FIST AND BEAT IT



                                                                                                    ^ this used to be my problem until i decided to stop saying "today i will"
                                                                                                    i felt like i jinx the whole thing...better just do it instead of plan it
                                                                                                    at least to me


                                                                                                      if you need someone to talk, im here to help.. where are you from my friend?

                                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                        Ignore this advice OP, it's shitty and probably from a clueless woman
                                                                                                        Asshole, people find purpose in someone they love. Not everyone is a fucking loner.

                                                                                                        The types of women you want to spend time with will not love you just because you exist
                                                                                                        Where in my short response did I imply that someone would love them because they exist? OP should go out of their way to find the person who is right for them. I believe that everyone has someone out there who can love them for who they are, not because they exist, but because that person has the traits they are looking for ~~

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