General Discussion

General DiscussionItems to win 1v9 with faceless void

Items to win 1v9 with faceless void in General Discussion

    Sup brehs. Hope all is well.

    A 6k once told me if I wanted mmrs, I had to play one hero 50 times in a row. He spammed this to me for 2 yrs, until he disappeared. I'm at the edge of a cliff, so I have nothing to lose to try, I'm really sick of the circle I've been going in for all this time.

    What are some item progressions against different drafts like magic burst, physical burst, etc, that are good?

    i start with mask treads and wraith band always, then what?


    Ця тема була відредагована

      theres lots of ways you can go with void, every game is different and what items to build depends on more than just what damage type the enemy has. even if you play him safe lane every game your role in the game won't always be the same.

      sometimes you'll be the main carry in a 4 protect 1 and other times you'll provide more utility for example with aghs to threaten split pushers if your team already has damage but lacks control

      I don't think it's bad to spam one hero to learn it, but that doesn't mean you can't rise in mmr playing more than one hero. some parts about the game carry over between any hero but having a hero you are comfortable with means you don't have to think about things like skill or item build, and instead lets you focus on other parts of the game e.g. map awareness


        I’m going to be real with you, you’ve played so many games at low MMR that you probably have tons of bad habits. Re learn the game man, stop what you are doing, practice bot games or something.


          The thing I don’t get is your top 5 most played heroes are over 50% winrate, this means you pick heroes you don’t know how to play and are throwing away mmr way too often.

          Цей коментар був відредагований
          the better spidey

            What the above post said is 100% true.

            Also once you’ve played 50 Void games (while initially copying high mmr builds and watching high mmr replays along the way) you’ll understand every possible early, core, and luxury item you could buy and when/why to buy them. It’s part of the learning process.

            Wanting to “1v9” just goes to show your toxic mentality tbh your behaviour score’s probably shit. At the very least, you’d want to 1v5 the enemy team and for that you’d have to spam mid and be really, really good at specific heroes such as Meepo, SF, TA, MK, or Clinkz. The booster method. Not Void.


              Changed man what u mean I playing too many hero’s ?

              Same teammate dying every thirty seconds isn’t my bad habit bro

              it says here in order my best people to play are:



              Monkey KINg

              What am i supposed to do with these to win?

              Void has escape, damage back track, and back track @ level 25. He has one of the best AOE ults in the game that can actually warrant a possible comeback on team feeder. I.e, chrono the fed player and bash him to death

              Цей коментар був відредагований
              boni top fan

                A 6k void told me that i should go mkb moonshard every game


                  moonshard is epic meme i love it


                    Ok I’ll do it next match 👍🏿

                    the better spidey

                      Lmao xD

                      mute all

                        1 v 9? sure chrono all of your teammates and all of your enemies.. it is true though that you can spam ur best hero in the patch to gain mmr..void is really hard to play most of the time..since you need to be fast and accurate with ur ulti..when im watching streamers play void they always target the most impactful hero on the enemy,invoker,pugna etc..kill 1 and one of the most impactful hero on the enemy side then im sure most of the time you can win the fight and probably game..if you can chrono most enemy inside then its better..and never pick void when ur lineup cores are all melee..


                          dont play 1v9 and u win, its a team game ;)


                            THnx for responses guys. I wanna get better and finally figured a career path to embark on so its ok I’m still bad st dota cuz I enjoy he colors and sounds still

                            CAESAR KING OF APES

                              Learn Meepo. He will make you a better player. You will struggle a lot in the beginning, but after you learn some basics, nearly every aspect of your gameplay will become better (map awareness, multitasking, farming patterns, stacking, laning, hitting timings to end etc.). He is a great hero to learn a "game plan", and execution of "game plan". Visage is kinda similar to him. Other heroes are more dimensional in terms of "game plan", so it's way harder to get it right. Even though those 2 heroes are one of the hardest to learn, they have the easiest game plan in the game imo.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                Don't use mask of madness for manfighting. It's terrible, trust me. Only use it inside chrono and to farm. My 1v9 heroes are ember spirit and Templar assassin.

                                I go ember spirit if the game looks like it's going to drag on for more than 30 minutes and Templar assassin for ending the game sub 30 minutes.

                                Templar assassin can take control of the game by 18 minutes if you snowball, but will be a lot harder to win with if you die 1 time or fail to push racks sub 30 minutes.

                                Ember spirit is fun and in lower MMRs people don't understand him and clump up for ez slight of fists.

                                Both these heroes are great but they have a mega high skill cap so you'll likely feed the first 50 games and still be shit at them after 200 games. But once you learn, you can spam them and get to 5k easily if you know how to play them to potential


                                  Nice thanks guys I prefer ember bc of a nice skin I have


                                    Not sure when I’m gonna play again. I’ve been building mom on void for a year now, because of berserk in ffx. Probably explains my low mmr lol.

                                    For the same price and based on recent posts, maelstrom seems a lot better bang for that buck and timing. Where does bf fit in, if at all ?

                                    Come to think of it it’s my conceptual understanding that has held me back haha

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      idk but maelstrom doesnt seems to be reliable enough both for teamfight/manfight/farm capability last time I played but idk if they somehow shift the meta or changed the stats rly hard

                                      it just feels redundant to have both your main dps source rng magic dmg

                                      just stack agi items for dps or smth


                                        u can either go MoM/vlad depending on what u need vlad is generally better for more active/utility ish void and MoM for "remove someone in chrono then go back to ratting/afk farming" just see what the match calls for


                                          okay no doubt


                                            I prefer the mom build for that one hero kill in chrono then go back to farming.

                                            I dont play much void but i would go mom shadowblade bkb if needed mkb aghanims or diffusal manta is also a option.

                                            Im not sure but building manta if you play against pudge to prevent him from landing hook, dont know if its actually work in reality and is worth the gold.

                                            да хуевый

                                              PT -> necro 1 -> yasha -> diffusal -> manta -> necro 3 -> dagon 5

                                              да хуевый

                                                and mango

                                                да хуевый

                                                  dont forget to get mango dude