General Discussion

General DiscussionNotebook 2 stronk

Notebook 2 stronk in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Git fucked. Rant below

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Not sure that counts as a ‘notebook’ in the general sense. Its more powerful than most gaming pcs. How much did that cost?

      Giff me Wingman

        It looks like a notebook to me.

        Also costed me nothing. I think if you had to purchase it, it would be around 4kish Euro.


          this is epic

          Lruce Bee

            Looks like a regular Msi laptop capable of gaming. Nice. Why didn’t you have to pay for it ? 4K euro does not seem like anything anyone should pay for a high end lap TOP. So what’s in this guy?


              Sell it and buy a desktop with the same specs, and you’d still have leftover cash


                you forgot the blunt fee that's used to buy 6k accs and flex on dota forums

                Цей коментар був відредагований

                  looks ugly as fuck


                    those who game together stay together

                    Giff me Wingman

                      So much jelly.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Poor plebs with no money so mad at my success.

                        Lruce Bee

                          This is awesome

                          me, government hooker

                            gaming on laptops yikes



                              one syllable anglo-saxon



                                  Too lazy to go run a benchmark on that right now, but looking at the specs, my laptop would probably score higher. And it looks nicer too. Come at me bruh


                                    does blunt still play dota i remember him on the forums


                                      he has like 12124124 smurfs pretty sure he does 4head