General Discussion

General DiscussionPREDICT MY Hidden MMR

PREDICT MY Hidden MMR in General Discussion

    I don wanna immortal it's ok


      You are a fucking donkey, arent you?
      A big fat ugly one.


        Around 3.5k


          @Kowareta u are dog right


            considering u can't win games when duo and trio stacking probably 2k

            '96 Neve Campbell

              The 1k Neanderthal strikes again. You are between 1 and 2k now can you fucking stop creating shit brainlet threads thanks


                @parmaviolets can I luck ur ear hahaha

                '96 Neve Campbell

                  Can you what? English?

                  me, government hooker

                    haha parmaviolet can i luck your eyeball hahajjjh


                      A big fat ugly sexist donkey
                      Combination of all goods


                        Kowerta seems like a guy who was bullied at school or is still getting bullied.


                          Hahaha yes man he is stupid dog
                          Tell me man 3.5 is good or nah and advice me can I still get vhs or no if yes how I will play supp io dazzle treant pos 4 5


                            Tell me man 3.5 is good or nah

                            That depends on your standards, 3.5k is pretty much way above the average if that's what you're aiming for.

                            can I still get vhs or no if yes how I will play supp io dazzle treant pos 4 5

                            Coinsidering that we don't know how exactly unranked hidden MMR works, everything is doable, even VHS in your case.

                            However, chances that you'll be getting it are most likely not very big. The first few matches play a big role towards your unranked MMR, meaning that you should be able to get VHS after 4 or 5 games in worst case scenario, coinsidering that many people tend to get it after 3rd game.

                            After that, your only job is to maintain it. I have a theory that after you stedily manage to win at least 45-50% of your games in any bracket, hidden MMR will slowly stabilize.


                              I did some calculations of the time and the rate of the games times , 65 games remain for me proximity. Your theory is logical as we see it here, but it is not logical for a person really approve his skills by playing and watching. I think I wanna to talk with u again man , drop ur steam Id I wanna add u

                              Hun hun

                                According to this website

                                "Believe it or not, but the item builds are great factors for getting the hidden MMR you desire. The algorithm detects item qualities you have in-game, whether current or sold, to know if you’ve made an impact on the quality of the game."

                                About Win Rate, "it is yet to be confirmed whether the win rate is part of the formula to get your MMR after calibration." for example my another new account that calibrate to ancient VHS win rate only 34% and I also have HS

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  There's a difference between calibrating MMR for the new season and calibrating MMR for the first time I think.

                                  First case you start with your previous ranked MMR, while calibrating for the first time takes your unranked.

                                  This means that if your hidden unranked MMR is low, you will start-off in 1k, 2k or 3k, for example.

                                  if you have very high skill bracket, you are likely to start at least from 3.8k, and from there, each Win can net you aproximatly about 200 to 300 MMR points, meaning that you can end up having at least Ancient 2 or 3.

                                  The best place to start off is at least 4.5k+ hidden MMR since it'll basically give you much higher chance to calibrate at least Divine 1...

                                  So basically, if you have 100+ games and yet you are still between high and very high skill - low chances you'll get more than 3900-4000.

                                  Hun hun

                                    how about this one, he has 155 VHS (47% win rate), 9 HS and 5 NS but only got legend 5? Then I have 87 VHS (34% win rate) and 74 HS (52% win rate) but I got ancient

                                    Hun hun

                                      Then how about this one 107 Normal Skill, 74 VHS and 29 HS then he got divine 1 !!!!


                                        whoa too much calculations >.<


                                          @ Avaailable

                                          First account (47% winrate VHS) clearly calibrated his support MMR and obviously didn't perform too well in his calibration games.

                                          Just like you can start off from 4.5k you can lose the advantage if system recognizes you fail to deliver performance for certain brackets.

                                          Example: picking high-skill cap hero and underperforming. Or: picking pos 1 or 2 and having no impact towards winning game regardless of the outcome of the match: low gpm/xpm, no hero damage, no tower damage, poor CS per minute etc.

                                          Also, don't forget that Legend 5 is rougly 3.8k, so it's not that bad.

                                          In your case, Ancient is a bit above 3.9k and with 34% winrate for VHS you were probably close to the boarder all the time, meaning that you probably managed to get Ancient because you won more games than him or it doesn't has to be that - as I've said, Ancioent 1 and Legend 5 are quite close

                                          In case of divine 1 account, he won 53% of his ranked games, meaning he could've played even better in his calibration games.

                                          If he started from, let's say, 4.1k (he had stable VHS games prior to his calibration regardless of many normal skill games), and won at least 7 games, that would net him rougly divine 1.

                                          This is all based upon my theory, it doesn't mean I'm right.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                          Hun hun

                                            so for the divine 1, the normal skills are not counted, he got divine 1 because all those his stable VHS?


                                              Examine his last 2 pages of match history.

                                              He clearly performed above the expected for high skill bracket, let alone normal skill. Smurf detection placed him in VHS and he managed to perform in VHS on point, aswell.

                                              Eventually calibration started and he was already above 4k for his unranked.

                                              From there, we can assume he won more than he lost and basically calibrated divine 1


                                                So for anyone asking: is it possible to move from high skill to VHs and how? Yes, that guy is an example that it's possible and he also has the answer:


                                                Few matches with his gpm/xpm.

                                                Notice the difference compared to other people? Notice the fact despite him stomping them the smurfing detection took a while to kick in, because he was already playing in normal skill for a while?

                                                My point: unless you're as good as him, chances you'll get out of ns and hs aren't loking good. You're better off getting VHs as early as possible if you can.


                                                  Guess mine please


                                                    4k+, possibly divine 1 if you perform well in calibration games.

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      in this thread: smurf has conversation with their other smurf account

                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo


                                                        Hun hun

                                                          Thanks so much for your opinion and I appreciate it so much dude ^^. In addition, I have another question, This one about turbo in a new account. According to my opinion, no matter how pro you are even immortal rank 1 also will get normal skill (turbo mode) in the very very first match, until 100 hours turbo (all matches in turbo mode 100 hours) in a new account, immortal rank 1 also will stay in normal skill forever if the immortal rank 1 do it all in turbo mode (100 hours matches) in a new account. But....... if your very very first match is not turbo, for example first match NS (not turbo), second match HS (not turbo), and third until tenth match VHS (not turbo) then you do the rest of it until 100 hours turbo mode, the turbo will follow it in VHS 100% until the end of 100 hours matches, so, do you agree that no matter how pro you are (immortal rank 1) will get all normal skill (turbo mode) from the very very first match until the end 100 hours (all matches in turbo mode) in a new account?

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            I do mistake alot of mistakes , play with my friends , play when I feel sleepy just to end hours and lost so much and return to ns , what should I do

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              I do mistake alot of mistakes , play with my friends , play when I feel sleepy just to end hours and lost so much and return to ns , what should I do

                                                              ???? Dont play when you are fucking tired maybe ????

                                                              Also you 100% belong in normal skill no offence. As much as I like to make fun of you cause you seem stupid I am being serious when I say you are probably a crusader or an archon at best. Forget about VHS games and focus on how to play better in your bracket. Maybe if you better yourself you might be able to get somewhere in the future though.

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                I drop to 10 fps recently in fights and still stomping games (on smurf) :/
                                                                Stop blaming and excuses
                                                                You are donkey thats all

                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                  I drop to 10 fps recently in fights and still stomping games (on smurf) :/
                                                                  Stop blaming and excuses
                                                                  You are donkey thats all

                                                                  Good luck with the inevitable destruction of your country btw


                                                                    What Parma dude said.


                                                                      Predict my mmr. Or which bracket you think i am in. I can give 10$ vpgame value item. Whoever predicted my mmr. Just add me.


                                                                        @Roo Roo I think it's legend cause i see legend accounts have mix VHS and HS on their matches and you have 2 kda ratio with GPM not higher than 600 ad xpm not higher than 750 but that's just my opinion


                                                                          divine 5


                                                                            @omegalul thank u. But u see my 2kda and gpm are not good cuz i keep adjusting on a team who always pick cores even u ping first then still lose xD.

                                                                            @poggies u mean u? Hehe


                                                                              sad lose