General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't get out

Can't get out in General Discussion
pinoy supp0rt

    It's really sad to see Goku reach the (low) ceiling of his intelligence. Kinda disappointed tbh, I already knew he had subnormal brain cells but expected him to at least behave at dog/autistic chimpanzee level. Now we all know that he can't even manage that lol


      Lets see if the report function is working.


        Someone that doesn't even know the difference between taught and thought, calling others stupid. Precious XD

        pinoy supp0rt

          really such clueless filth. possibly the most sickening filth in the entire history of the universe. when have i ever called others stupid? unstable mind playing tricks on yourself again? all my words are truth and fact. u cannot accept the truth dont blame others lol


            all my words are truth and fact

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            pinoy supp0rt

              Goku really cute when he runs out of words to use. If he continues this i may even consider adopting this unwanted animal (unfortunately in my country is illegal to keep cancer as pet). Wait for me Goku!! i will find some way to legalize your immigration


                Well you make it so easy

                federal agent

                  ancient = dog
                  archon = dog
                  2 monkey arguing with eachother

                  pinoy supp0rt

                    dont understand your point. honestly, i thought immortal would be smarter as they managed to climb to the pinnacle of subhuman weebs, but im quite disappointed.

                    Dogs/monkey arguing. So what? That's just description of all posts from all posters in this forum

                    Sigma  Player

                      sir's can you stop now, need inspiraton from you


                        this thread is fkin amazing

                        Why so ez?

                          Its been a while since we have a thread like this. This forum is dying. Pepehands.


                            It's completely possible to climb out of any mmr playing pos 5/4. Not only is it possible, it's incredibly easy. Any insistence otherwise is just displaying ignorance of how MMR and probability works. You think ZAI is going to lose at 1k mmr?

                            Play earth spirit with half a brain and one arm. Gank other lanes: You're 3k. Not very hard.

                            pinoy supp0rt

                              So much misinformation and fake news here. Really a toxic community of selfish, autistic, delusional weebs like that cockroach Goku.

                              Trust me all bros under 2k. At this tier it's impossible to climb as supp0rt in solo queue. But party queue is possible definitely

                                Цей коментар було видалено

                                  I agree that support roles are incredibly hard to play. I have about 1,000 games in and I still can't quite figure out how to play supports. I just want to say that I'm so grateful that you guys chose to play the support role.


                                    Low mmr monkey thinks,

                                    "If I can't do it no one can do it" LUL

                                    You can't even win games with core heroes in 2k.
                                    Support is just impossible for you, cause you suck at the game. It's as simple as that.

                                    pinoy supp0rt

                                      You're so shockingly dumb that in ordinary circumstances I won't even bother to waste time explaining myself. It's only becos I pity your mom working 16 hours a day selling her body to strangers, so I will explain my logic (of course, u still won't learn anything becos you're just that useless. But maybe other people on this forum can).

                                      Even a skilled support player will find it incredibly tilting to play purely supp0rt at 2k mmr. His marginal skill edge probably won't count for much once u consider how tilted he will be supporting clueless autist 2k cores game after game. And a player with such strong mental game that he can pma 100% consistently at 2k, would need to have actual mmr way above 2k.

                                      Therefore, my advice to original guy is still valid, still true. Whereas the entire world now knows that Goku's mom is a filthy girl lel


                                        ^^ That's how you function Mr Low mmr monkey.

                                        If your cores are bad, then by extension even enemy cores are bad.
                                        As a good support you abuse the fact that cores on both teams are gonna be shit.

                                        Techies, AA, Lion, Nyx, Ogre are free win supports at 1k to 3k, if you know how to play the game.

                                        As I said before, you suck at the game. You don't know how to play the game, that's why it's impossible for you to climb mmr and not just a p4/5 but on any role. LUL

                                        Just take this forums as example, it's so easy to rile you up and make you spout insults and have you embarrass yourself. With that weak mental fortitude it's obvious why you are rotting in low mmr. Like I don't even have to put in efforts to get in your head.

                                        EDIT: This reminds me of the 1k is harder than 3k thread. XD

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                                        Why so ez?

                                          But sir, i played this account from crusader to legend by playing support role.

                                          Try supp Qop, Invoker, and shaker.

                                          pinoy supp0rt

                                            Yup I called it. Delusional ape doesn't absorb anything and will continue his disgusting agenda of lying to innocent guy pleading for help online. You're absolute an scumbag weebtard cockroach keep thinking that u "riled me up" lel. You're a source of entertainment trust me. That's like the most useful thing u could ever be anyway, a clown at a forum that nobody reads. Lel


                                              So till now, almost everyone who joined this shit show, said that it's not impossible to climb mmr on p4/5.

                                              continue his disgusting agenda of lying to innocent guy

                                              Multiple players are telling you how they managed to climb using support.
                                              According to you everyone who climbed mmr using support is just lying about that.
                                              That's the classic "Delusional ape?" behaviour.
                                              I'll just say it again, just cause you are bad at the game and can't do it, doesn't mean no one can do it.
                                              You suck at the game, it's a fact and you are putting your ignorance on display for everyone to see.

                                              At this point, I'm just curious how far you are gonna take this and keep embarrassing yourself.

                                              pinoy supp0rt

                                                Not wasting time repeating myself becos I've already explained. At this point what it really looks like is that basically u have been exposed (finally) for being the most sickening filth child molester autist cockroach the world has ever seen. Total filth sack of shit probably the main reason why your parents divorced


                                                  most sickening filth child molester autist cockroach the world has ever seen. Total filth sack of shit probably the main reason why your parents divorced

                                                  keep thinking that u "riled me up"

                                                  I'm not thinking, I know and probably everyone on this forum does too.
                                                  So fucking easy to get all in your head.
                                                  At this point, I probably am an owner of a 5-star hotel inside your head.

                                                  Mr. Angry salty delusional Low mmr monkey, Mad cause bad?

                                                  pinoy supp0rt

                                                    Lel you're so triggered it's pathetic. Like watching a useless cockroach lying on its back dying slowly after being poisoned. Keep telling yourself that you're not the loser in this conversation bro. Everyone can see who is the filthy sickening retarded weebtrash degenerate delusional third world ape. You're the main reason why this forum is dead. Shitstain Goku everyone knows you're the most useless cockroach in the universe and most posts in this forum is basically u just talking to yourself like a typical autist lel


                                                      A whole paragraph dedicated to insult me without adding any value to the conversation or your side of argument.

                                                      *decides to check your recent games* Ahh, now it makes sense.

                                                      I suggest start taking deep breaths and calm down, before popping a vein in your head.
                                                      Mr. Angry salty delusional Low mmr monkey.

                                                      pinoy supp0rt

                                                        Imagine a rotten (minimum 10 days old) corpse in the middle of the road. Goku is such a sickening filthy perverse subhuman that he would still have sex with that corpse. One track mind useless retard ape assuming that everyone gets tilted when losing becos that's what he does. Truly a top tier cockroach. I still haven't forgotten that I taught u so many things, u dog anus licker Goku.

                                                        pinoy supp0rt

                                                          The first time Goku licked dog anus was at age 13 when he was still experimenting. He realized that it gave him remarkable stimulation and continued to harass the village dogs until now. He is known at the village as Goku the dog whisperer

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            Not triggered BTW

                                                            pinoy supp0rt

                                                              S+fu Goku we all know that u secretly enjoy being verbally abused becos it reminds u of childhood and the nasty cruel sickening things that u did to your sister


                                                                Angry Salty Delusional Low Mmr monkey finally popped his vein and lost it.

                                                                pinoy supp0rt

                                                                  Useless shameless scumbag filth autist back to repeating himself like an idiot becos he has no comeback again. Pathetic


                                                                    Triggered low mmr monkey can't go one day without mentioning my name in other threads. Precious.

                                                                    pinoy supp0rt

                                                                      Dog anus licker scumbag thinks he's the center of attention just because I'm doing my civic duty by warning people of his insanity lul what a retard

                                                                      pinoy supp0rt

                                                                        Is that all your under developed retard brain can manage now? Kekw

                                                                        pinoy supp0rt

                                                                          Reviving this thread to remind every1 of this extremely important debate between myself and mentally unstable cockroach

                                                                          pinoy supp0rt

                                                                            Once again, my post was to the community and not talking to u fcking retard cockroach. So pls do yourself a favor and stop embarrassing yourself. It's pathetic


                                                                              ''Low mmr monkeys want mmr but don't wanna put in efforts".

                                                                              a wise man, 2021

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!