General Discussion

General DiscussionIs dota more difficult now?

Is dota more difficult now? in General Discussion

    I've been dropping mmr for a while and I lose a lot of normal games too..

    Is the community just a bunch of hardenes veterans that makes the game more difficult?

    Maybe I'm going downhill...


      mmr is actually easier now. divine use to be harder it is now the ancient level of a few years ago. likewise ancient is the old legend. You get 30 per game where as before it was 25 or less.

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      Bang Boriel

        pretty sure it is harder now to gain mmr because of the prevalent coaching videos on YouTube. Pulling, stacking, camp blocking, and some other mechanics are now done by crusaders too. Take your time and reset, I had a run of 16 straight losses some months ago. Best tip for MMR is to play together with a friend who is better than you medal-wise and willing to give their best in every game. That way you will pick up some of their knowledge and opinion to make yourself a better player.


          I dont want to "hack" the system... Cant people make it on their own.. Resorting to guides is a form of cowerdice!

          Hexy Rose~

            @Pro yeah, now a days even crsusaders know such details and interesting to know that whenever BSJ produces a new guide of a hero or strategy, that will be more seen than usual in my bracket (a reason I hate him). that proves many low bracket players watch those videos and harder to climb as u said

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              That aint real skill!


                It’s not a real skill to read up and up skill your gameplay?
                Guess you’ll want a surgeon who does no reading up to whip out your gallbladder.
                Good luck.



                  Forget about MMR and win the game ! :rage: you should focus on your play goal. For example for my Ursa goal: If enemy sup have Lion, I will get dagger and BKB first. Then jump and kill Lion if he appears. When I achieved it I don't care about win or lose the game. For goal with your teamate: If my carry like to farm and not join any fight, I will try to start a fight only when my carry start it. :lick: :axe_laugh: :laugh:

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                    Usually things go like this in the gutters where I roam... If there are one or more people playing "Among Us" and not Dota, we usually lose... If we all play Dota and are relatively sober, we have a really good chance at winning. But there are a lot of Among Us players around... People that are just looking for that 6th enemy player and they are so certain that the traitor is amongst his own team... There are already 5 guys trying to kill you, why do you need more???


                      And people are looking at the TI games... And are absorbing information and trying it out in their own games. This is something that usually happens when a big tournament is on. The meta shifts hard during TI even in pubs. You may have been stomping with something the week before and you just get run over... The game is evolving and even us shit tier cretins are picking things up from the big boys... The games are a lot more straight forward now than they were just a week ago. And you need to be patient with those later game lineups to not lose all hope before people get some items and levels... Things can turn around quick and hard in this game...


                        It's a game gecko! Part of the fun is getting good with practice not taking the quick route copying some guy thats played 5000 more games then you!


                          Just try to do everything you do - faster and enemies wont be able to keep up with your tempo no matter how many guides they watched. Besides Ive been playing recently on archon and you either win games on that bracket playing mid lane or offlane.

                          Dont tell me they play better since they are super easy to land Ravage, echo slam or any other aoe spell on. Especially if they see someone in teamfight and start chasing him, they forget to spread and keep their position. For me personally wining games with an offlaner was the easiest on Archon.

                          Also if you play pos 5 consider niche picks like Undying, Io, Treant. Enemies usually dont know what to against those picks and Vessel is non existant item. When I ask people to make Vessel vs Morph on Archon its usually when Morph already has Manta and bkb.

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                          Hexy Rose~

                            ^what offlaners have u played on archon?

                            Bang Boriel
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                                Any advice for a herald to get out from this hell? please be kind


                                  Obviously DotA is getting harder. The more people play the better they will get and most people who play DotA play A LOT.

                                  I read recently that casters were going over replays of the first TI and they determined the level of play was equivalent to a try hard Archon/Legend today.

                                  High MMR players are constantly learning new tactics to improve their gameplay and lower MMR players watch and learn.

                                  If I had to guess I would say not playing or keeping up with the meta for a month would cause you to fall behind the learning curve by 100 MMR.


                                    ^^ Below 3k you shouldn't bother with meta or other big words. Fuck tactics, Fuck meta, Fuck lineup, Fuck matchups.
                                    Just focus on your foundations. Improving your gameplay efficiency(on any role) and understanding your role is already enough to sit comfortably at 3k.

                                    The only reason you never climb mmr is simple, you don't try to rectify your mistakes. Worse when you don't even acknowledge your mistakes.
                                    Watching your own replays and learning from your mistakes is easily the fastest way to improve.
                                    Also, acknowledging the fact that you are dogshit at the game is literally the first step, which most low mmr animals struggle with.

                                    You dogs just want free mmr, without putting any real effort. Playing on auto-pilot and hoping to get good teammates.

                                    :laugh::laugh::laugh:"I pLaY 12 HrS a DAy, aNd IN 2 gaMeS I wENt 20/0, I dEseRvE tO bE hIghER MmR" :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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                                      List of nr 1 priority is different ks?

                                      1k learn basic heroes
                                      2k learn roles
                                      3k combining items with your hero
                                      4k teamplay with teammates

                                      etc... what do you think?


                                        I've barely played in the last 2 years and calibrated 8-2 (one of those 2 was a complete throw, as well). People who don't care about winning much and just do their predispositioned builds and picks are very common in Divine range, so I don't think it's gotten harder.

                                        Winning first 10 minutes in pubs if far more important than in pro games. Especially if you're someone who doesn't break mentally, and you try to keep your team's rage in check well, it's a huge advantage. If you do something stupid and get flamed, remain stoic and say stuff like "just play" or make light fun of yourself. Do the same if they're flaming each other. If your teammates do something stupid, just make fun of them wholeheartedly, just "haha," and shit like that.

                                        Couple more support tips:
                                        lane sustain is important, you should always have a salve at the start and be ferrying 2-3 more in the first 5 minutes. Also you should consider buying salves throught the game to keep cores out of the fountain as much as possible.
                                        Don't get baited into picking out of meta shit heroes like Lesh, SD. Pick something with decent kill and harass potential.
                                        Try doing visibly selfless things like damaging a neutral camp in front of your carry and making them farm it faster, really makes them take the game and you more seriously. This way they will be more likely to agree to your suggestions and you might avoid no-BKB + double Daedalus + Rapier rush Kunkka when the enemies have 5 instant disables.
                                        In lower brackets it's easier to find people farming alone even late game, so try putting wards in enemy jungle and going for blink dagger often, you can win games off those kills.

                                        If after each loss you feel like you're wasting your life, everytime you win you're doing the same, so don't worry about it.


                                          Cool.. i make dick jokes :D



                                            wisp core

                                              Im either in shadow pool for smurfing or yes dota got incredibly hard as i used to be even legend player on this account.


                                                2Ks weren’t stacking and pulling 4 years ago. 2k mids didn’t bodyblock waves.
                                                The game evolves, everyone is forced to improve as a result


                                                  Hate it.. cant it be like in the beginning when there was no strategy... I've read science that says success in Dota is all about how much you play.. It's the singel most important determinant.

                                                  If you look at other factors they tried fluid intelligence and some other small effect size measure... Time spent in game.. Thats what its about people!


                                                    ^^ WRONG.

                                                    We have 10k hours crusaders.
                                                    time spent =/= success.

                                                    Slim Shady

                                                      ^ I am actually laughing my ass off mister 49% winrate ancient rank is talking about succes LOL

                                                      Get a job retard instead of playing dota for 10k hours, than come talking about succes because you know jack shit nothing about it.

                                                      Hold the L close, because i doubt anything else wants to come close lmao


                                                        2 autists crash


                                                          @Ultraman, funny you talk about getting a job, while I already have a decent job.

                                                          I can have a job and casually have a mmr of 4k, unlike you who uses job as a reason for your 1k mmr.

                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            No, but 1k is harder than 3k still

                                                            Slim Shady

                                                              @Ad.goku , lol you said it yourself *Decent job* , doesnt sound to exciting ? Working as a gas station clerk is still not considered *succes* , its kind of rock bottom, but you always sound like you are already there. Oh well, i will just continue laughing my ass off at all your comments and arguments that make handicapped children seem like Master class students

                                                              Slim Shady

                                                                Btw goku i dont have to use a job as an excuse for 1k mmr, i can just use what you said, i dont have 10k invested hours of my life into a video game, so i cant be good. But however, you do, and you are only 4k lmao, ancient meme rank acting like he is an immortal because he is a bit delusional, seriously the only time i saw someone with 10k hours in dota it was a guy who played in the big tournament lol. So tell me where exactly is your *succes* with that decent job and low mmr for your investment ? Hell even your winrate is negative, you must actually be going insane lately lmao xD


                                                                  Overall I'd say dota is more difficult as the playerbase increases their amount of skills through guides or practice or whatever. There's not a ton of fresh players entering dota for the skill floor to remain where it is.

                                                                  Also, while hours alone doesn't make someone good, having more hours makes it more likely that you've spent some of that time getting good, so it can go either way.


                                                                    its maybe only for me, but its feel like more boosted accounts in the game. Almost every game one player is totally lost on the map, cant look at minimap or just make some nonsense mistakes. Like 6 months ago isnt was that bad.

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