General Discussion

General DiscussionCan people who have high ranks on new accounts share what rank they h...

Can people who have high ranks on new accounts share what rank they have on their main? in General Discussion
Λce - MadNess


    I'm just curious what MMR you guys have on your main accounts. I see alot of people here with Immortal+ on fairly new accounts.
    Is it easy to calibrate 5k+ if your main acc is high? Do you guys start with divine+ players in your first few games already?

    Also, what factors affect it? Winrate alone? KDA + Winrate? I'm just curious.

    asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

      u can get 6040 calibrate if u play like this on your unranked games,no gpm matters non winrate but if u good u win a lot xdxdd


        have to have a high hidden mmr in unranked where you're getting matched with immortal top 2k and below.

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          hi goku do u have extra guardian account?

          Suerte en Archon tambien ...

            you gotta at least be matched with high mmr on unranked matches pre calibration in order to get a decent mmr

            winrate is completely irrelevant if you play at enough competent level in those calibration matches and keep a high enough above the rest KDA and GPM

            Λce - MadNess

              @perfect(sku4na) "...if u play like this on your unranked games.." Play like how?
              " gpm matters non winrate.." What matters then?

              @Tom Hanx Can any of you guys share what your MMR is on your main acc? No one's actually answered.

              @GOKU FINAL FORM "....have to have a high hidden mmr in unranked...." That's literally what I'm asking. How? What affects your hidden MMR? Winrate? Stats? Previous account?

              @braian damaeg " gotta at least be matched with high mmr on unranked matches pre calibration in order to get a decent mmr.." I already know that man. That's basic. What I'm asking is what factors are taken into consideration when you are moved up to be matched with higher ranked players.


                4.1k on main account and calibrated this acc to 5.6k after 100 hours, now i raised it to 6.2k, but i don't have much time to play nowadays. cant say it was hard, just played and tried to win as much as i could. played carry or support, and yes was getting matched with divine/immortals right away. sometimes ancient/legend also. idk about the factors

                GOKU FINAL FORM

                  @Tom Hanx, no but g2g marketplace has guardian accounts for $15-$20

                  Λce - MadNess

                    @party players) Thank you very much. That's amazing btw. Did you use the same email for this account as your other account? Are there any other smurf accounts attached to the same email?

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                      most important is the 10 TBD matches. Try to win all 10 games and you will see the result.


                        @ΛCΣ + No I used a different email. From what I understand you can't use the same email to make multiple accounts.

                        Kronk Griddleskins

                          I have an account that callibrated to 4.4k after 100 hrs even though my main is legend 1 lol. It's weird tho because in unranked matches I get matched with immortal players a lot one time played with a top 70. But its still ancient 4 in ranked. Also, I'm pretty sure it got shadow banned/smurf pooled because queue times are 20+ mins per game lol.

                          So I do not suggest smurfing/making a new account to callibrate you will just get shadow pooled.

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