General Discussion

General Discussionunranked match making sucks

unranked match making sucks in General Discussion
Master Cheif

    I Dont undersatnd why I am playing in 3-4k bracket after having 70% winrate in there how the 100 hours normal match making works does any one have any idea ??

    u suck kid

      bro you struggling vs archons

      Hexy Rose~

        maybe it's due to your previous acc rank

        Master Cheif

          @u suck kid your right bruh i am actually struggling..

          a c e

            @libarty Did u create this account new? How did you not get banned?

            Master Cheif

              I didn't get banded I came from dota1. I used to play in rgc

              a c e

                bro thats not what im asking. I'm saying how this new account did not get banned? All new accounts get banned.

                Master Cheif

                  No idea bruh.


                    if u create a new account, just add phone number


                      Personally I wish they just got rid of unranked AP and others all together. Or lock it for people that have less than 50-100 games all together and then rmove it after that and only have Ranked and Turbo. Unranked is essentially the desert of Dota. They can keep single draft (for low priority) and ability draft and what not. But All pick and Random Draft should really be removed.


                        I dont trust myself enough to not fuck around when playing ranked with my friends, that sounds awful

                        Hexy Rose~

                          my friend got into low prio yesterday, so we played a match in which I saw an smurf after a long time in my game :
                          I checked his profile he had like 4 recent rampages with different heroes a proof he was smurfing but the thing is, he was playing SD. why was he playing that??? that's because ppl cant report each other in SD games. that sucks man...