General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on what to do once the Laning Phase is over!

Tips on what to do once the Laning Phase is over! in General Discussion

    Hi everyone,

    I've been stuck on herald - crusader for a long time.
    I'm fairly certain I can get out of laning phase better than most of my skill level players.
    But after laning phase is over and around 20 mins time I'm not sure what to do and I usually die trying make something happen.
    Can anyone give me some tips on what to do around that time?
    Coordination on my skill level is a rare blessing and when it happens I win 90% of those games.
    But that's like 1 in 10 games.
    I play mid!

    after trying to play support for years.
    (and it is working! So if you are in Herald - Crusader Play Mid or Carry)

    Thanks in Advance!!

    Herald EnJoker

      if u play support go roam stick to teamfight. but if u r carry focus farm get item first


        "Coordination on my skill level is a rare blessing and when it happens I win 90% of those games."

        That's not coordination, you suck at the game, in those games you just get carried to victory.
        You won't improve till you accept the fact that you suck at the game, else you wouldn't be a herald.
        Laning, rotation, etc nothing matters, first you need to start asking "why am I doing this?" on your every in-game action.

        *died and teleported to lane" - Why did I tp? Was there something better you could've done (mostly applies to supports)
        *Buys certain item" - Why did I buy this?

        In many games, ppl win the laning stage, then make stupid decisions and lose the simple games.

        Recently I won against a safe AM that killed me and my offlaner a total of 6 times in 8 mins, why? cause he didn't think much and rushed a vanguard. That delayed all his timings and till he got BF, me and the offlaner had enough items to shut him down. - Normally, in that scenario, a good AM would've had a 9 mins battlefury and completely wrecked us.

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            After the laning phase look on the map for spots to rotate and take objectives like killing heroes out of position or structures like towers.

            Hexy Rose~

              @goku you were projecting your ancient rank as long as I remember. now you are Crus 3 :D fair bro


                crus3 in SEA is like herald 0 in EU

                u suck kid

                  identify who is the strong player, and go smoke them or something and play around them.

                  too many times noobs dont enable their strongest hero and feed when they shouldnt be fighting without them


                    Just simple approach. Blame others and you will never grow. You can see one guy above for example.


                      you do objectives homie.


                        @Reza, I never projected my rank on anyone. I just called out whiny bitches that blamed system for their low mmr and I will continue to do so, regardless of my mmr.
                        I rarely play Dota now, so recalibration started and ended on Archon. Now the funny part is that Dotabuff keeps changing my medal without me playing a single game, while in game the rank shows archon 1. Just notice I haven't played the game in like 2 weeks now, yet 2 weeks ago it showed crusader 3 and now it shows 5.
                        Either way, if system thinks I'm Archon 1, then so be it.
                        All the advice, I gave is based on watching high mmr players games/guides when I actively was grinding mmr.


                          Why do you even bark Mr Indian

                          zx spectrum user


                            Am i stupid, or you just build BM on hero, that dies within 5 hits? And you even trying to coach somebody? Bro is literally 8k games archon player that was spamming techies before rework.


                              Indian 1k mmr


                                Ah the low mmr dogs back at it again, trying to talk shit, while totally failing to understand the context. This is hilarious, you went through my games, picked a game I won that was 11 days ago, to try and make some kind of point.

                                Let me help you understand the context, since your rotten brain can't really process this.


                                Game time: 40 mins
                                Bm purchase time: 37 mins.
                                Game ended as Dire Victory.
                                Guess what Mr.Genius, that's called fucking around in a game already won. We were just sitting around diving enemy fountain.

                                But, please do go ahead and don't let this stop you from showing how braindead you are.


                                  calling a guy who has higher rank than him as 'low rank'. xD.