General Discussion

General DiscussionHades and Poseidon, brothers of zeus new heroes!

Hades and Poseidon, brothers of zeus new heroes! in General Discussion
האביר של המכשף

    i made a recommendation on TA aghanims before:

    which was now applied in dota 2, so, thank you for the dota 2 developers for considering my idea.

    now would like suggest new heroes that goes together with zeus. it will be his brothers hades and poseidon.

    the idea is zeus is anti poseidon, poseidon is anti hades, hades is anti zeus: like paper, scissor, rock


    strength hero, tanky.
    anti zeus

    q: underworld spies: shade units will automatically spawn in "outside-most" existing towers of all lanes on enemy side during the evening (1 shade per tower per evening). they will patrol the tower walking in circles of radius 300/500/700/900. they have vision range of 500 and movement speed of 450. they are visible to enemies but cannot be attacked. they will explode when day starts causing 150/250/350/450 magic damage of radius 500.
    can call shades in the morning, but will cost mana 100/150/200/250, will explode in just 30 seconds, can only be done once per day time.

    w: call to sacrifice: shade will be called upon and seek and attack the nearest enemy heroes. will have additional 50 damage, but will automatically explode in 5/10/15/20 seconds or when day starts.
    this ability is disabled when there is no shades.
    mana: 150

    e: path to the underworld: hades can create underworld tunnel gate between the targeted location to the fountain. gate can exist for 2 min and have channel time of 3 seconds to enter and can be cancelled when attacked. going out of underworld tunnel (the other other end not the fountain end) will give hades boost in attack speed of 20% for 2 min.
    cast range is 500
    cooldown 120/100/80/60 seconds
    mana: 150

    r: rise of the dead: dead replica of enemy heroes (pos 5-4/pos5-2/all pos) will spawn besides the enemy heroes, and automatically attack enemy causing magic damage. the dead replica have 30% health, damage, and armor of the replicated heroes. they will disappear when they are killed.
    cooldown: 120
    mana: 200

    innate: hades will have additional strength 2 times the number of heroes killed around 700 unit radius around him.

    aghanim upgrade: dead replica health, damage, and armor is increased by 5%, and automatically create 3 shades patrolling hades in circles every evening.

    aghanim shard: underworld gate cast range is global


    shade assimilation: calling shades will be consumed by hades instead of attacking enemies, 1 shade and will provide hades permanent additional strength by 2.

    power of the dead: dead replica of hero will have additional percent of health, damage, and armor based on the number of deaths that enemy heroes had been killed.



    agility hero, fast
    anti hades

    q: water's blessings: will create a rain around poseidon for 12 seconds with area of 275/375/475/575, this heals allies 20 hp per seconds and will activate w if w is available.
    cooldown 70 seconds.
    mana: 75

    w: water is your friend: when toggled on, damage is increased to 5/10/15/20%.
    mana: 15/20/25/30 per second

    e: flow like water: when casted, it improves poseidon's concentration for 15 seconds, when attacked, his evasion is increased by 4/6/8/10% (1 stack). stackable, each stack last for 10 seconds. max of 80% evasion from this skill.
    cooldown: 30 seconds
    mana: 80

    r: water shield: all spells (skills or items) by enemy heroes will be reflected back to the enemy max number of charge 1/2/3. charge time is 110/90/70
    mana: 100 (if no mana, then it will be disabled)

    innate: when poseidon goes inside 25 radius near water areas, his movement speed and attack speed is increased to 20% for 1 min.

    aghanim upgrade: decrease charge time of water shield r by 30 sec, and decreases water blessing cooldown to 50 sec.

    aghanim shard: river floods the whole diagonal, 100 radius of lotus pond, and build water moat around the their base.


    deadly waters: water is your friend add this ability when enemies going near water area (starting 25 radius around river, lotus pond, and rain area) their attack speed and movement speed is reduced by 5/10/15/20%.

    water everywhere: water's blessings create puddle of waters for 1.5 min.

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