General Discussion

General DiscussionGame Finding problem

Game Finding problem in General Discussion

    I dont know why My game is taking more than 20 min to search, I mainly play pos1 and while i am searching for it, its talking more than 20 min to search a freaking single game on the other hand if I search with all role queue its taking more than 10 min what shall i do? If I am being honest i dont understand whats going on with my account. Need some help with it

    P.S - I have Dotaplus as well


      You are quite far out on the belle curve. There are fewer players, it is only logical that finding games becomes way harder. In my shit tier experience, I rarely see that "finding match" reach 1 minute, let a lone 2... It is what it is. And even on the high end you have accounts you have down voted and people reported, people reporting you etc. And the algo is trying to steer you away from these players and the pool is a lot more shallow. It takes time for the players for the good game to pop-up in the queue.