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Yoshida Saki 行方不明

    My powerlevel is always capped


      cool article

      Masao the Mad

        I find that when I play support (especially someone high-impact like a tidehunter or night stalker) I'm generally responsible for recon duties outside of just warding. Which is to say, that Lifestealer is going to keep farming the jungle until something pulls him away from it. I've upped my win rate a lot by just noting when my team is stronger and (hopefully) managing to convince everyone to get on board with a plan (let's smoke gank Omniknight, then push a t2)


          I'm really glad there's another support up to those points. But this thing's stuck in my mind, no game is a game with a proper team man. You never know what kind of shitloads will be on your team when you wait for the loaders. I used to look at the players profiles while some loaded, and I could commonly see arcanas and immortals on their profiles, and the next thing you find is they don't even know how to last hit.
          Once with a team you can rely on, all these points instantly come up and are put aside neatly, knowing what to do when. Great article, very much appreciated!


            bang on


              Щас бы перевод..


                This isn't Dota. What in the hell is a support? Reported.

                Tai sabaki

                  brother i dont know what you are smoking, a 6 slotted alchemist will kill any other 6 slotted carry as long as he gets to hit (void chrono etc), he will kill your spectre 1000 times in 1000 tries.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    i have the same idea but you can call it "power level" i just say care enemy "A" has item "b" or lvl "x"...
                    nc article we can call it power lvl...

                    The Quenchiest

                      This is a good introduction article, but for a noob like me it would be really helpful to know which heroes occupy these various 'power levels' at various points in time and wealth. Knowing which heroes can beat each other at specific points in time would be a great help to all of us I'm sure, me included.

                      Work Work

                        This was an absolutely great article. It teaches so much and I wish most players were able to take this knowledge and put it into games instead of calling eachother "Noobs" or saying "ez mid" at the end of the game despite losing mid. Skim, this was a great read. I hope I see more by you.

                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                          must know ...


                            all you need is experince. If you play long enough you should know when is your enemy dangerous and when you can 1v1 them. Like normally you know when lina get lv 6 you problaly want to stay away, but a Mirana turn 6 doesn't make that much of different. And the more you play the more you get the reaction for case like that


                              Nice article there...I always play support ever since I started dota 2 and I've grown to understand about power lvl by helps me climb from 3k to my current mmr...a word of advice, a support hero is generally strong early to mid game...while carry is the play aggresively...! Understanding what to pick to counter whom, power lvl of each hero, map control and convincing ppl that blaming didn't help us win is my key to success as a support player...