General Discussion

General DiscussionWorld record for fastest farm?

World record for fastest farm? in General Discussion

    If you mean last hits only, It's really impossible to get 80+ of them at minute 10 , because each minute=8 creeps from each side.
    And you DON'T go in jungle if you are training/testing your last hit skills.


      can anyone tell me how to last hit the new catapult, what the hell was icefrog thinking

      Woof Woof

        come on guys test your skills do that 10minute challange who knows how many more undiscovered diamonds we got here


          DMX if it was easy, then plenty of top players would have lasthit all the creeps. Instead all 3,000 of those highest rated carry games did not do it...because its nearly impossible. They were not lazy, its just not easy.

          This is not complicated guys. You don't succeed in lasthitting all the creeps...and neither do pro carries. This is the same thing as how Professional basketball players miss plenty of free throws. Yeah they hit a lot of them, but not 100% because its just too hard. No one is trying to stop them. They stand there on the line, like they have a thousand times before with all of their amazing talent at shooting the basketball....and miss some free throws. Maybe they only miss 15%-20%, but they miss some.

          Professional carries also miss cs in pro-games while free farming. They usually miss maybe 5-10%. But they can't get all of them. Its just too hard. You are not better. You miss them too. Stop lieing and show me the replay of the game where you hit the first 80 lasthits....I know you don't have one.

          Swiftending is the only one posting here who might be talented enough to do that...and I know it would be quite difficult for even him to do it.

          But no one really cares about how the forum trolls can't lasthit all the creeps coming at them. Just watch any pro-game you like. Watch in-game from the PoV of the carry who is given safelane farm. He will get almost all the lasthits right, but he will miss some. No one will be trying to stop him...he will just miss the timing. It is extremely rare for a carry, even free farming to not miss some of the lasthits. This is because its not easy. It takes a lot of practice and concentration and skill.

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            @Swiftending one hit first if you have low dmg, wait for 3 tower attacks and then finish it. It will always take the tower 4 attacks to kill the catapult with the new change.


              @Relentless dude what are you going on about? Vaikiss already provided you with proof. It's not difficult at all to take every last hit on a lane if you are not contested, especially if you mainly play carries.

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                i'm not talented enough even though i've done it in an ixdl-i game. not sure how i should take this.

                you don't understand that there can be multiple factors as to why someone doesn't get full creep score which can be anything from 3v3 situation to enemy supports actively roaming, you not having vision etc.

                but i ain't gonna discuss this anymore because you're ASSUMING fuckload of things.

                i usually hit them once and after second tower hit i look at the hp if i need to hit one more time. it's worse than it was before, that's for sure.


                  Karake, I just watched your last game as a free farming carry. You played sniper. You had complete free farm. Absolutely no contest at all. You had two supports working overtime protecting you to ensure you had total free farm...and they succeeded.
                  You even had extra dmg because you randomed sniper...but

                  You missed half the lasthits in the first 8 creep waves. At one point I watched you flat out miss 6 in a row. You are nothing but BULLSHIT. You are just a troll. You know you can't lasthit consistently. You know its completely beyond your skill. But you want to drag out the argument.

                  It's fine troll away. Anyone who wants to can watch what you can really do in that replay...its up for 5 more days.

                  Vaikiss did nothing like what I am talking about. Not even close. You are all a bunch of lieing forum trolls and you have not deceived me with your obviously fake claims of super skill.

                  Animemaster DMX is a lot better than Vaikiss or Karake, but I doubt he can do it either...maybe he is not lieing and his best game ever he did get the first 80 hits.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    @Relentless rofl? You just took a random unserious game and that should prove something? That was not uncontested either - stop talking out of your ass.

                    Sōu ka

                      ok i got perfect cs now 82/82 on am how long does it take for a lobby game to be available?

                      Woof Woof

                        ^ 2nd coming of burning
                        my bad i meant bessa

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        Sōu ka

                          burning is fine


                            about 10 minutes I think @Pancakes, also, @Relentless if you can't manage ~80 last hits on safe lane AM with 0 contest (ie you can tank creeps / jungle with no worries) you suck.

                            In real games it's a different story. How many games is one left COMPLETELY alone for 10 minutes with no risk of smoke gangs, TPs et.c.? Almost never. IF a game happens when a safe lane farmer can farm without any worries of ganks even when he is low on hp he shouldn't miss ANY cs.

                            Also - I rarely play carries so obviously I am not that good at last hitting. I manage to do it anyway so it can't be that difficult.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            Sōu ka

                              what i actually got every cs without creep skipping in 10 minutes why are you throwing me in there?

                              carried you in real games, too
                              now stop flaming me


                                I didn't flame you? I just told you it takes 10 minutes for the replay to upload.

                                Also rofl how did you find those games? :D Do you have some tool you can search with or what?

                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                Woof Woof

                                  ^ i heard you cant last hit as sniper is it true?


                                    Guess so.

                                    Sōu ka

                                      you can just google 2 playernames and get those
                             heres the vod of me csing it's 2xspeed so it doesn't take so long


                                        @Relentless I never once said I was good. I merely commented because you claim something is impossible which is simply not true. You have now been provided with evidence that such is not the case. If you want I can host a lobby game and you can spectate while I do it? Or do you need some other proof?


                                          @Pancakes he's probably going to complain it took you 7 seconds more than 10 minutes.



                                            look 12.5 cs pe min
                                            and maintained it for 2 hours best carry in the world for sure

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            Sōu ka

                                              you do know that when the game progresses more and more creeps spawn right?


                                                go play 2 hours vs real enemies and make 2k cs in 2 hours


                                         299 cs in 76 minutes ? even if more creeps spawns as the time goes by u still cant farm them for shit

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                  Sōu ka

                                                    and lose hmm?
                                                    but it's fine you were probably playing for 13 hours straight, had internet issues, didn't actually care and you were eating while csing

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      im glad you only had to go back 2 years to find that one

                                                      Woof Woof

                                                        thanks for lolz Pancakes <3

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          ill show you i can manage 80 in 10 min ez
                                                          i remember that time i had divine by that time (killed enemy though) and with an ally decided to take roshan... aegis got stolen so i quit...

                                                          just dont close this thread, providing you proof!

                                                          i usually dont go for so much cs as harras is more important and it is possible to get kills at level 3 (even 2 with my sf depending on the aggression).

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            u lost too and u still had 0.3 creep per minute :D

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              you maths skills only come second to your english


                                                                i actually tryed to match them to ur farming skills

                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                  try buying more threads

                                                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                    Fastest farm:
                                                                    have 5 people
                                                                    2 persons are stacking ancients
                                                                    shadow demon stacks big + mid camp in jungle
                                                                    1 person stacks big camp
                                                                    alchemist farms lane, when stacks are done he can take them. For easier taking of stack, have someone like beastmaster, who will spam his axes (but not kill) to weaken ancients.
                                                                    Fairly sure this is the theoretical limit for a single hero.
                                                                    Id do the math, but meh, probably around 1500 gpm that is possible


                                                                      even faster farm

                                                                      get 5 feeders vs u

                                                                      go to enemy fountain and kill them until minute 20 then end up game having 2k+ gpm

                                                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                        ^Ok, I assumed no enemies. Yeah, killing lvl 1 enemies would be faster

                                                                        Sōu ka
                                                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                            Time to get the popcorn


                                                                              since when support necrolyte is supposed to have farm lmao

                                                                              Sōu ka

                                                                                pretty sure that vanguard did lots of supporting that game


                                                                                  ahahha date: 2 years ago, sure took you some time to find smth "bad"

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                    would be baller if you let people know who you're talking to

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      @ benao

                                                                                      and the funny part that i got beta on this account like 2 days after first international then played 5 games and gave the steam account away cuz i had 3 of them (1 with applied beta key and 1 beta key had 2 invites in it) so 3 accounts in total

                                                                                      so that game wasnt played by me infact none of the games after first 5 until liek game 350 was played by me

                                                                                      i play dota2 for less than a year


                                                                                        i get 150 last hits 10 min with qb treant u jelly bads?

                                                                                        It's easy to last hit in an empty lane if you keep the equilibrium - what matters is how you last hit at tower (especially the random dota 2 tower that decides to hit the ranged creeps with 2 melee creeps chasing you), and that depends on a hero. For example naix can last hit on tower np - he can tank creeps with stout even out of tower range, qb, feast and massive base damage make it easy. But if you're something like sniper (random proc, low dmg, no stout) well you're fucked and you really need to have luck there.

                                                                                        fuck catapults though

                                                                                        Not like it matters a lot, getting like ~60-70 cs with constant support pulling is not hard and can be learned easily. Not missing a creep on tower is extremely hard and luck based and it doesn't matter all that much at the end (doubt 400 more net worth on a carry in 10 min changed many games, it only matters if you're going midas/bfury rush)

                                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                                          oh god your excuses are really on point
                                                                                          so you had 3 accounts and you give one away and then when you decide to play again you obviously take the one with 350 games

                                                                                          but hey your right my 30th game of dota 2 and my first weaver game where i very likely played offlane vs 3 and still had okay items compared to my am or their team is probably proving my poor farming skills

                                                                                          but when you brought up that game i actually remembered that day
                                                                                          i played for 27.5 hours straight that day, didn't sleep the 12 nights before that
                                                                                          furthermore my mom used up all of my bandwidth downloading horse pornography so i lagged like hell and had to play with 13 ms and barely 120 fps
                                                                                          Mike Ward, Prologue and Pustulio continuously harassed me but it was MooMooCow who eventually roawred me and caused me to spill my banana juice all over my keyboard
                                                                                          as a result of that my r-key didn't work and i couldn't use my ulti for the rest of the game
                                                                                          i also tried to tell my am to get a battlefury but when i tried to tell him he has always like:
                                                                                          "what is a battlefuy?" so he ended up getting a vanguard

                                                                                          what really made us lose eventually was the participation of RNG-God We lost mid?! who literally crit+headshot+mkbbashed me in every hit
                                                                                          what a disaster!

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                            why would i take account that has 0 wins instead when i can get 350 wins one especially knowing that majority of my friends already up with 500+++++++ games each

                                                                                            idgaf if that was ur first last or 10th game as weaver or w/e i just took the longest game from ur records and compared to longest game from my records

                                                                                            also weavers ulti hotkey is "T" as Time Lapse

                                                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                            Sōu ka

                                                                                              and that made perfect sense to you to prove what you wanted to?


                                                                                                yes it proved me that im way better than u will ever be while playing as carry

                                                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                                                  did the 1v1 vs mason also prove you that you are way better than he will ever be while playing solo mid?
                                                                                                  (that's actually more recent than 2 years probably not viable anymore)

                                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                                    and the hotkey for time lapse is whatever i set it to smartass