General Discussion

General Discussion“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson

“Everything has a price...” : A Bounty Hunter Guide, by Sampson in General Discussion

    @THE REAL 'Kieffus'
    No, Sampson actually told me: "Stop fucking copying pro players in tournaments. In pub matches there is no '5 players support'. Because of the slower reactions of pubs (it does not have to be bad players it is just slower due to the lack of team organization) that role can not exist."

    Maybe he has some hidden plot behind. I.E. he plays Bounty Hunter and discourages everyone to buy wards. =)

    WASD player


      Well in lower level play maybe there's no 12345 system and everything's disorganized, but I can't say that's true in higher levels. People are a lot more competant


        @ Sampson

        Really nice post, enjoyed the read. Play bounty a very similar way to you, your KDA is really impressive so maybe I don't have room to talk. Over the last while my bounty has gotten better and I really enjoy the hero especially as I play offlane. Just some differing ideas, I think your build is sound and I see your theory behind it but I prefer going 3-1-1-1 build on bounty at lvl 6 as I feel when I roam that the level 3 nuke makes more impact then an extra 5 sec and damage on an extra invis.

        I also don't think that a bottle is a mistake as his regen is so poor, granted you can get an urn or medallion or even the early parts of vlads but I still feel a bottle keeps you on the map longer in the early to middle game. I still agree that the mid should get rune preference but for roaming that burst regen is huge in keeping him around to track and maybe poach a kill or 2. A lot of carries are going drums atm but if they are available they are a super bounty item.

        Thanks for post.


          no mention of dagon

          ur guide gets a 0/10, would not read


            ^ Look at his BH games, he rarely adapts his build, apart from the last game :D Not a bad thing, but pretty boring imo.

            @Sampson Nice guide, add to tips the additional invis attack trick, pretty helpful in farming and harassing.

            King of Low Prio


              the passive from drums is not really all that impressive so the fact that it does not stack does not mean that you can not have more than one on a team. The active ability is great for team fights and even for solo kills/escapes

              PS: Will add a video showing how to do the invis trick

              Miku Plays

                look at that guide :) nice work now i can play him a bit better now ...

                look at my BH plays samp-sensei pls :3



                  Very nice guide! Thank you!

                  Question: How do you heal after fight? I often felt the need of tranquil boots to avoid the walk to fountain. How do you avoid that?


                    Yeah I hear what you saying but it is generally frowned upon, especially in league matches and such. The stats/cost ratio with the added aura and active make it so viable on so many heroes, so for pubs I can see 2 or even 3 but in proper matches you generally not going to see more then 1.

                    I actually do like Dagon too, If the supports are squishy and the $ is there for it then by all means, even the pros do it (Bulldog vs Sigma recently). Also helps with Int issues, so don't think I should be completely ruled out. The occasional game with Dagon bounty is a lot of fun.

                      Цей коментар було видалено
                      King of Low Prio

                        too tired to watch matches but just from looking at your matches I can gives a few points
                        -skip battlefury if you want the regen turn it into a linkens
                        -build drums (this item is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good)

                        @ 6_din

                        avoid getting hit lol, overwhelm them with team coordinated ganks not just solo kills that require you to take alot of dmg. If all else fails buy tangos until you have vlads online.


                          I did screenshot for you.

                          Here I'm standing invisible with Vlads aura. And my creeps have that green glowing. So opponents may figure out that I'm here (unless they are bots, which is the case). =)

                          King of Low Prio


                            yea I will generally skip drums right into BKB if my teammate has a drums BUT I am just saying you do not HAVE to. I would much rather have a orchid than have a dagon anyday. Dagon just feels too gimmicky and really only shines in matches that you would have alrdy won with any other item lol

                            Miku Plays

                              orchid fells better with int problems but i havent build it on BH though i have on veno

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                orchid is the best item on the hero if you're on a roll, you get it up fast and it allows you to solokill most heroes, it's especially good against most of the popular mids in the current meta golem

                                King of Low Prio

                                  yea I love building orchid to destroy AM before he can start to snowball out of control


                                    20+ games with 62% winrate on BH across my 2 accounts, by and large agree with Sampson and think that this guide is really good work. I also have a 70% winrate against BH over 40 games.

                                    Two points I would like to debate though.

                                    Firstly, I disagree that BH should get solo hardlane all the time. BH is easily shut away from exp-range by investing in sentries. Worse, he has not been seen in competitive scene anymore because teams have been finding ways to prevent him from leeching jungle exp. Don't seen him with lane sentry and notice that jungle exp has been reduced? Dust and jump. So while a quick level 6 solo BH is really powerful, I think there are times when sharing a lane and early roaming is better. Not committing to a lane hurts BH's exp but terrifies the enemy mid, denies runes and disturbs the enemy jungler.

                                    Second, I think bottle is pretty damn good. But Sampson already stated his points against agree to disagree!

                                    one and half gun

                                      how do you check how much winrate you have vs other heroes

                                      King of Low Prio


                                        they usually have to pick between sentries in the lane or sentries in their jungle. You just need to get creative on where you are leaching exp from (I like to dig holes in the trees lol). BH is not a first pick first ban hero but he is still is seeing some action in competitive play. (he isnt omniknight status)

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          And I do not think bottle is a horrible item, I just think unless you are taking all of the runes it is not worth it


                                            Bottle crow helps with that, the actual runes are just a bonus really, just about keeping the bottle with a few charges in is enough. Don't completely agree with Linkins either, think its a really expensive option but agreed that is better than battlefury. Perseverance is 1750 and it forces you to upgrade basically. Bottle drums is around 2500 for both, just think bounty isn't quick enough to get away from a secondary spell to justify Linkins. BKB for sure.

                                            that invis last hit/harass is a really good trick, Ive known about that for a while now and helps a lot. Does anyone know if it works the same with Clinkz and Weaver or heroes with shadowblade?


                                              This trick works because Shadow Walk has 1 sec delay before becoming invisible. When you invest more points into this skill it will be harder and harder to do this trick.

                                              Shadow Blade has 0,3 sec delay, so it is not possible (needs testing on heroes with low attack point, like Sniper or Gyro).

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                if this guide published a months ago.
                                                I wouldn't have to break my losing streaks record

                                                la the yeezy

                                                  Dude nice guide. Now it's time for me to improve my terrible bounty hunter


                                                    @Sampson, if mid is Invoker or Viper they don't usually need runes anyway. Even if your mid needs runes, he might not be able to reach it in time so making an active effort to take it to deny the enemy mid isn't bad idea!


                                                      i just read some random things in a sec, and saw much bullshit maxing jinada ? u guys cant be that bad
                                                      the only reason u max jinada is if ur in emo mode and u wanna afk lane for 20 min vs a solo and never move.

                                                      can u watch this replay and tell me wat i did wrong pls ?

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        All I really have to say to this is " You're such a fucking Tool". You think you are someone. haha

                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                          I stopped watching after you started being a racist in all chat. I refuse to help people who do this.

                                                          King of Low Prio


                                                            stop buying accounts before you start talking shit about people plz n ty


                                                              I stopped watching after you started being a racist in all chat. I refuse to help people who do this. (like you are any better? I've seen replays were you rage)

                                                              Between your posts, your guides, your replies, and your all around attitude I'm starting to think your parents didn't love you and you have developed some narcissism .

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                It is my own choice not to help people who spout racist comments. Want my help dont be a racist it is as simple as that.

                                                                You might want to take your first year psychology somewhere else because I do not put much weight into the opinions of someone so small that they have to fake online credentials to feel 'important'


                                                                  Of course you don't. I guess that is where the narcissism comes in. I have to actually look up to you and ask you to help me on my bounty hunter play skills for you to even think I'm cool. The only person here that seems to be trying to feel 'important' is your attempt at posting a guide cause of your infatuation of a hero where you have no credentials. 123 matches is not even a lot and I would think you would want to be in the player rankings before you even attempt to be some bounty hunter guru.

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    I was asked to make a bounty hunter guide. I had over 1k matches on Bounty Hunter clocked in playing on DotaCash in Dota 1. Sadly you are too dumb to understand how the player rankings work and I do not have the time to explain DSR to someone as uneducated as yourself. You are just angry that I called you out for buying a dota 2 account.

                                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                      He was requested by me. Please do not feel that his status of himself is inflated. His Gondar stats are better than yours let alone you are posting on a smurf account. You don't have to be a "Player rankings" player to make a guide. Once your smurf drops to 43% winrate, I'll even allow you to post guides as well.

                                                                      He is successful at playing that hero in a respected MMR. That alone takes skill. Posting on smurf account? None. Please stop your trolling and harassment. Feel free to delve any amount of time into making a guide, because I'm sure you can't even place that level of commitment.

                                                                      If you think you are good with that hero, put it on record, and show us with stats. We would love to see your winrate as you played him. Be sure to use his guide while doing it though, you might need the help.

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                        The only people here diluted and completely confused are you guys. Your Dota 1 games don't mean a shitty fucking thing. Different engine ,different feel, some different players, different mechanic through patches. I never said you had to be in player ranking to make a guide but I was merely pointing out that he was accusing me of online fake credentials when he is making a guide with NO credentials besides his bounty is most played in a 4k flat MMR. I'm not calling him out to one up him or says he sucks. I'm calling him out cause he is some guy who is infatuated with him in a average skill pool, making guides with no credentials. I mean, if he wanted to waste time just to make you happy, that might be the most homosexual dotabuff thread ever. You guys seem to lack critical thinking and do think on the fly with irrational behavior. I know how the skill rating works, but thats not the point. The point is you are being pretentious and I'm calling you out for it. Also fyi, you didn't call me out for buying a dota 2 account. You just seem to suck on whatever dick someone put in your mouth because someone else said it first.

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                          Why aren't you in 4k? Why don't you have 4.0kda 70% winrate? No one thinks hes a god, but hes better than most people and that is what people are looking from advice from. When you get these scores, talk shit. Until then smurf more.


                                                                            Once again this has nothing to do with who has what unless you step up and try to talk on a pedestal. I merely commented that he is trying to be a leader with no leading skills. More anti-social ones at that. I don't give a fuck is I have 2% winrate with bountyhunter, if you arent a good source of belief then you shouldn't be taken seriously. Let me go find a homeless man down the streat to make a guide on bounty hunter and then tell everyone that he has 2k games with Gondar in dota1.


                                                                              Sampson what is your mmr


                                                                                ^ Oh and for the Idk 50th time, this isn't a smurf. I only have 1 account.

                                                                                I believe hes like 3900

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                King of Low Prio



                                                                                    liar Why was there a screenshot of it at like 3960 or something

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      NO you are just mad that everyone laughed at you when you where caught buying a dota 2 account now you are lashing out. Dota 1 and Dota 2 are damn near the same game with some minor tweaks. This is proven by the fact that 99% of professional dota 2 players all came from dota 1

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        I dropped down slightly while I was messing around with mirana and offlane sniper a day or so ago.


                                                                                          Once again another fallacy.

                                                                                          A) everyone didn't laugh
                                                                                          B) You still never figured out the story of the account and no money was involved and
                                                                                          C) Yes a lot of pro players are from the Dota 1 scene but they have been playing dota2 when it was in super shitty closed beta more than 2 years ago. Professional players have trouble adjusting to a major patch and meta changes and you are telling me that dota1 to dota2 has more weight to it? I don't agree with your logic.

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            If I had time to play today I would be back to my reg MM

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              If that was true then when new people came into the dota 2 beta with the prior professionals you would have a new batch of pros, you had the exact same people

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                Wait so if i have 6 kda and 70 % winrate i can make a guide ? get ready for an OD guide boys ....


                                                                                                  Because they were already affiliated with the type of mentality and theory craft of dota. Plus, they were already heavily into the scene so I bet their dicks were rock hard and they played a shit load. You had Dendi doing stupid shit like this a long time ago

                                                                                                  He still knew what he was doing, but its mostly because of the atmosphere and friends they already had in the scene.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    I have practice now, I will continue to laugh at your dota 2 account buying ass in a couple of hours


                                                                                                      when u gank someone what is generally the correct sequence of events?

                                                                                                      for example
                                                                                                      1) attack out of invis
                                                                                                      2) track them
                                                                                                      3) re invis
                                                                                                      4) second attack out of invis
                                                                                                      5) shuriken and auto attack as necessary for the kill


                                                                                                      if there are other people around that you need invis to escape from then presumably you dont re-invis till after fight is done?