General Discussion

General Discussion33 tp scrolls used against me in 3k Bloodseeker game.

33 tp scrolls used against me in 3k Bloodseeker game. in General Discussion

    For anyone who thinks 3k players don't know how to use tp scrolls... just FYi they do. Their timing and reactions are not as good, but they do use tp scrolls.

    Welt aus Eis

      Why do you keep buying Radiance, haven't you realized it's not a good item on Seeker atm?


        It's not great in your games I'm sure. But things are not the same at all MMRs. In this case I needed the aoe dmg to get their supports low while medusa was ulting... then I go in after and clean up. It worked well.

        Also... the last BS game you played was 8 months ago? You happen to be right but how could you be sure having not actually tried it? That's some serious arrogance. Radiance was even buffed a lot since then.

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        King of Low Prio

          It is a awful item on BS.......


            well don't let anyone tell you 100 gold counters blood seeker, it takes 3300gold apparently.


              the item should be trash even in 3k, 2k and even 1k...


                Sampson, continues to prove he is a hater. Since you want to fight... I'll oblige you and demonstrate your lack of comprehension of the game again.

                Lets check reality and see just how very wrong you are.

                Radiance has a 69.94% winrate this month. But its EVEN HIGHER for Bloodseeker at 74.34% win. This is the 2nd most used hero for radiance behind Spectre with 145,549 games this month.

                Now in high level games, its not as good because people tp out of bad situations faster. But in the vast majority of dota, which is played with players who are not elites....radiance on BS is excellent because fights go on longer and there is more chasing. And this fact is the reason it is picked far more and wins far more than everything else.

                YES 33 tp scrolls... did that 100 gold item stop me from crushing them? No?? How can that be? They used so many. They knew to try it!

                Its because it requires split second timing to get it right. That is something most players cannot do at 3k MMR. And THAT fact of tp scroll usage is the whole point of this post. Thank you for your assistance in setting it up for me so quickly.

                Цей коментар був відредагований
                Welt aus Eis

                  Are you really using dotabuff statistics as an argument

                  King of Low Prio

                    Heart of Tarrasque has a 73% winrate on the item. OMFG greatest item EVER


                      I don't even know you but it seems like you're lacking the comphrension. Phantom lancer has a 72% winrate w/ radiance which is higher than the items' own winrate. Does that imply PL is a great radiance carrier? TA w/ radiance has 80%, so what about your statement about winrates even matter?


                        It's quite understandable, reasonable, and expected that you would not rely on those stats Sano. That is because they are almost all from games that don't work the way your games do.

                        This is another consequence of the reality that nearly all dota players in the world (99%) are below 4k MMR. That is why you don't understand what the stats mean. You have not seen it. You have learned different rules for what works and want does not.

                        But you must learn that those things you know really DO NOT apply to most pub dota players, the games they play, the things they can and can't do - the situations they encounter.

                        Phantom Lancer is a great radiance carrier in lower MMR games. He is not as good as he used to be for it. That style of rat -pl play was nerfed pretty hard, but at lower MMR it still works well anyway because defenses are less organized and reactions are slower.

                        In fact radiance wins on a huge number of heroes at lower MMR simply because of the fact that people cant' lasthit so getting radiance fixes their farming problem better than other farm acceleration items. Radiance is also far more useful for countering blink daggers at lower MMR because it is very hard for players to remain outside the range and blink to the right spot. Excellent players can get around it, but lower MMR players cannot. The margin on the positioning and timing is too small.

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        Welt aus Eis

                          everything works on lower brackets, but even if you're in the scrub bracket, that doesnt mean the scrub build is better than the optimal build


                            That's not true either. Everything does not work. Active items do much worse because people can't use them right.

                            Micro heroes really suck at lower MMR. Wisp is a feeder hero at low MMR. Everything does not work. Which heroes and which items are best is not the same at 1k and 6k MMR, and it changes as you move up.

                            Now YOU could play anything at low MMR and win. But that's not what the stats mean. You don't belong there.

                            This concept is important for newer players to understand. You can't do what pros do. You can't do what 5k MMR players do, etc. You need to see what wins at your level. It will not be the same as what every guide tells you. Some are geared for Very High skill player, some for Normal. This can be confusing to new players because they see advice that flatly contradicts what they know happens in their games.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            King of Low Prio

                              Relentless is so stupid that he does not even know how stupid he is, I sort of feel bad for the guy


                                i take back what i said, actually i noticed as soon as i posted but it should be clear that it should work better in lower brackets from what relentless said.


                                  How is your 40% winrate on Bloodseeker working out for you Sampson? Do you think you have that hero figured out?

                                  Benao is correct. It's not the same at low MMR. But these guys are right also that radiance is really rather weak against excellent players.

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                      I need to actually learn something to play in your trench? Instead of trying to devise some genius theory of how your pub builds work, how about listen to those who are probably a few k mmr above you?


                                        Ugh, I don't like taking sides, but really, for the past few weeks, your recent activity chart has mostly red to orange dots, so you really can't speak of winrates at all.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          plz show me how to play 2k bloodseeker relentless I need tips

                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            You have this fixed idea that most people won't ever be 4k players even if they try really hard which is just plain wrong; most people are sub 4k just because they don't try. Most dota players don't even think while playing. Anybody can be a 5k player if they play 24/7, watch replays, study theorycraft, get a coach. Some people obviously learn faster than others, but nonetheless everybody can make it. But if you keep building radiance on bloodseeker or first picking pudge and rushing hood then obviously you'll never make it (and probably don't even want to)

                                            You act like I was born with 5k mmr, when I used to play dota 1 I sucked really hard and got flamed every game... I actually was a terrible player until 2013 when I reached 4k. I'm not a fast learner by any means, I'm just playing this game for a long time. Yeah, other people are playing for even longer and are still stuck on 2k, but they aren't really trying to get better, they're just 100% casuals.


                                              That's quite illogical Zano. And if you read everything I wrote you would know I randomed heroes to lose MMR so I could get low enough to see what my dotabuff rating was on drow... it was terrible. I had to drop from 3550 to 2800 to get drow to start winning games. Drow scored 1868 points, my lowest of all rated heroes.


                                                No Sano, its quite true. And I keep bringing it to light because dota 2 is going to change as the players get older. You will think its absurd now, I have no doubt. But you will be wrong. The children who play now will still be playing in ten years and they will not have the same attitudes.

                                                But they still will not have reached High Bracket, much less Very High. And while the community becomes less toxic as people grow up it will help this transformation along to dispel certain myths about dota. One is the fake concept, based on inspirational posters often hung in classrooms that you can achieve anything you set your mind to do! This is a lie. As you grow up you will encounter more and more real life situations and gain some humility eventually realizing how foolish it is to believe you are a god.

                                                The community will improve as more mature ideas about who plays dota and how it should be played become accepted. It has already changed a lot from a few years ago, and only the trolls are sad to see their way of life go by the wayside.

                                                Sano, I know you have worked hard to develop your skills, and somehow you want to take offense at what I am saying. But merely working hard is not enough. Most people still can't do it, despite hard work. This does not mean you didn't work hard. But it does mean most people actually cannot follow what you did. Be happy that you can.

                                                This is an important lesson to learn in life as well. Have respect for what people who developed their talents have achieved. But you will gain nothing from envying them or pretending you deserve what they got.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  I don't think Bloodseeker really has any core items that he needs to pickup to be able to function, and since radiance gives you a small chunk of survivability now, i'd say it is a solid choice sometimes... but I see these guys getting radiance on Bloodseeker or Doom against Viper in my mmr and it makes me cringe, you know? It's only once in a while that this happens, but people need to think before they buy.
                                                  Is Bloodskeeter still bad in 5k?

                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                    Bad? Seeker is one of the strongest heroes atm.

                                                    5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                      there's at least 12 facepalm comments in this thread lol

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        yea bloodseeker is a top teir hero atm get with the times.

                                                        my god relentless long posts full of complete garbage never ends.

                                                        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                          i look back at the 100 or so matches i had in the 3k bracket when i first started dota 2 and like 90% of those people are still 3k with thousands of games


                                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                              too bad you'd have to wade through the 4k shit bracket again if u want to make a new smurf (which i probably will when i return to dota in several months cuz i already reached my target mmr)

                                                              my friend has been boosting accounts through 4k and he told me sometimes he'll go 6-0; other days he'll break even cuz it's literally 1x9 with your team feeding every advantage away even if you're beyond godlike

                                                              fucking trash players lol...

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                  oh it's definitely easy, u just need them to not all feed at once and you're good


                                                                    I'd buy Relentless a drink.

                                                                      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                        Radiance has an 80% winrate on Luna, must be core for her
                                                                        -Relentless 2015
                                                                        Tho I've done radi bs sometimes and its worked out fine

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                          I have good Bloodseeker, whilst it may be true that Radiance is a good item on him. It is still a case-to-case basis.

                                                                          It's one of the best snowballing items on him, so getting it before 30 mins as 2nd item, after some Blademail or S&Y is putting nail in the coffin.

                                                                          But on an evenly matched game, COME ON WAKE UP!! ITS VERY BAD. Blood needs sustainability in clashes so he can keep on regaining health. Typical build would still be the BladeMail, S&Y, BKB... and I actually use Force Staff on him quite often :)

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                            Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                              Cw most hero Dmg Oo
                                                                              Btw: rapier got over 70 % on every hero... Should be core on everyone

                                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                              Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                its a well established fact nobody should discuss anything with bogidota, relentless and blunt on this forum and that goes for anywhere else, these three fit in 4chan where they can remain anonymous but given their unique posting attributes, it would be easy to recognize their shitposting

                                                                                someone should do a dox of all the stupid shit relentless say

                                                                                Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                  ~hey someone tp'd in a 3k game we are now 7k mmr~

                                                                                  Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                    Hey! Pull up, pull up,
                                                                                    Sound a bounce and the place a full up
                                                                                    Sexy gal and mi can't get enough
                                                                                    Gal a go dung pon head dat me love
                                                                                    A murda when me step inna di club,
                                                                                    Selector tun it up inna di sub
                                                                                    Music a bounce and lyrics by the tons
                                                                                    And mi high grade sent from above
                                                                                    Me tell dem (Major Lazer)

                                                                                    Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                      Sound tun up inna di place so mi glad sehh mi in yah (Aaaah)
                                                                                      When good music a play sehh mi glad sehh mi in yah (Aaaah)
                                                                                      Kill any sound violate sehh dem a go get murda (Aaaah)
                                                                                      Gal dem a bubble and a wine so mi glad sehh mi in yah (Aaaah)


                                                                                        I just feel like calling Sampson the N word and watch him make 5 threads on how its an utter asshole move to be racist.

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                          u could get euls and laugh at them wasting money on tp

                                                                                          2 radiance in team ? rly ? only 3k players doing that

                                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                          Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                            ^ blunts new smurf

                                                                                            so much autism concentrated into one thread


                                                                                              if radiance fucking works for the guy whats everyoe sfucking problerm let him play, clearly hes winning with it


                                                                                                Nice BKB pickup EleGiggle

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  looks like wave has his mental breakdown again, what's wrong, did you get a 6k account to 4k again? 'Hidden pool' is a hard place Kappa.

                                                                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                    Wait how is treads euls better than treads blademail? Especially after the nerf
                                                                                                    I mean it's nice to setup your silence... But that's it

                                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                      Euls is still legit depending on the situation.

                                                                                                      Don't forget that euls gives you manapool + mana regen. I've seen a couple of bloodcyka players pick it up for safe silence and regen.


                                                                                                        good thread