General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    lmao no problems with the pc version. prolly something with the mobile idk

    edit: the gods favor me

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    1-IceTea 🌟

      ^^Climb is a strange things,I suddenly understand 1 thing it shot me up from 3700-4200
      Slow down slowly gain knowledge going to 4600 stuck for 3 months and understand 'how to utilise Lycan in better' I go up 300mmr in 10days(I already decrease my play times) and it seem like I can still climbing more before I stuck again.


        I finally managed to not throw the game against all odds

        Story Time

          guys, anyone up for some party-games? (EU servers) Add me :)
          // ps i am support player
          // pps tired of solo ranking, and wanna have some fun in party mmr boosting


            M8 pray that you never play party with me. Itll. Be more tilting than solo rank I guarentee

            Story Time

              ^ u have no idea how calm I am :)
              PS behavior score >9958

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                Hmm seemsgood. I will we playing from 5:30 pm GMT +5:30 to 6:30 pm tomorrow if anyone would like to lose games with me :)


                  Accidentaly sold my dlance when i want to sold talon


                    Kotato add me on this acc if u want i'll give u my party acc l8er i dont got the id rn


                      Xddddd ppl said i got boosted acc. Xdddddddd


                        the hearthstone expansion is out the cancer decks will disappear for a week


                          I don't mind eu games if youll let me do meme builds


                            My money is on fx to win the race w bws to 3k


                              jacked I can play on sunday, time I'm unsure

                              FREE PALESTINE

                                Winning as Winner Wyvern in 2017 FeelsGoodMan
                                Getting carried by Licetea :thinking:


                                  u haven't seen my weaver jacked

                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                    lets pelay


                                      fuck party games actually
                                      got a trash tiny who kept tossing me to KS randomly and to kill me
                                      I fucking fed mid cuz he didnt deserve to win

                                      mr. rabbit

                                        -100 mmr in 2 days idk whats wrong at this point

                                        i feel like no matter what i do as a non pos 1/2 my cores take forever to get farmed up so we end up losing

                                        how do I destroy the enemy ancient if what im supposed to do is to protect cores from being shat on while doing that

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          the funny thing here is that when i play pos 1 im in the exact same position as the ppl im complaining about because i take forever to get farmed up

                                          FREE PALESTINE

                                            Be an abaddon spamming filth like me haHAA

                                            mr. rabbit


                                              are you fucking serious

                                              oh well mathematically speaking 250 mmr lost isnt that much, i "only" need to win 10 games to get it back but holy fuck, did i suddenly become too heavy to carry to lose this much games

                                              coincidentally, the only win i have is from an unranked game playing as offlane abaddon xd

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                                              FREE PALESTINE

                                                3.5k is the new trench, that's what they say

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  im probably gonna try playing abadon and do that build again. with radiance u become a really tanky frontliner that deals massive damage with shield + burn damage

                                                  also ur talents are so godlike

                                                  sad thing i couldnt play axe earlier, its rly hard to spam a popular hero because it becomes a huge ban target. i need a backup hero

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    losing cuz its the trench? not rly, more like im stuck where i belong and for some reason i cant get out of it l0wL

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      You carried yourself quite good actually.


                                                      See the SK build it really spread cancer,and our special is 1K player smurf in 3K+TBD party mmr match. xD

                                                      FREE PALESTINE

                                                        Vlads abaddon best abaddon

                                                        You hit like a truck, your team hits like a truck, you win teamfights with your shield, heal and auras, and you are hard to take down because of your ulti, you take all towers down and you can push tier 3s with your team in like 20 mins, you can even go echo sabre solar crest bloodthorn and just pick people off lmao

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                          ok if axe gets banned im playing abaddon

                                                          lets hope i win


                                                            Guys plz pray for me. I hope i can get 3k tmr


                                                              I'm gonna feed with meepo today hahaa


                                                                Give me a fuckin 1k acc will u vkdksjfjsw^^^jejjvi


                                                                  Also holy fuck i still dunnio if pyontan is haffy or alice. I would guess haffy


                                                                    Pyontan is Alice m8 we have already established this iirc :thinking:


                                                                      Haffy isn't 3k yet hence he can't be stuck in 3.5k

                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        ^I don't believe it! Daddy is subject 1k mmr!
                                                                        Btw Renshin do you saw my post on I already grind 300+mmr in 10 days?

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                          yah, soon bluestar for you
                                                                          tbh, im salty, but same time happy since you proved me wrong that jungling can work to reach 5k

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            LUUUUUL SHIT 3300 boys

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              Thx bro,you are one of my motivation to reach 5K back when I about 4K flat and saw you rise so fast

                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                renshin where tf were u u havent been online for some time (i think?)


                                                                                  really makes you think yves
                                                                                  btw, 3k is not fun, all games have no support, and they triggered me
                                                                                  how do you even win this game

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    I cant trihard tommorow fml

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      not even renshin can win three kay ehm ehm ahr wht do we dooo


                                                                                        Game would have been quite hard but i think i can win it. Ill get a 12min sb after pt aquila bottle wand and killing dazzle ulti ls or tinker while they are farming jungle. Pickoff -> kill tower


                                                                                          I climbed 100 mmr but i need to go higher


                                                                                            I can't win in 1kay hahaa


                                                                                              i think i just got tilted when they kept stealing the courier and no one upgraded it 30 minutes in


                                                                                                anyone up for games?
                                                                                                ill be playing for a few more hours
