General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    I think key to rise mmr is just chill and ok to lost game.At least I mentally set like that and I didn't really tilted.
    (Even I shouted with all CAP,it's just a words that other will take it more serious when you all cap) But remember,stay chill

    mr. rabbit

      yeah true, if u want to win in this game in the long term (ex. trying to climb to the next thousand mmr) u cant get mad at it


        alice i sense emptiness in your words


          is a dark cloud hanging over your head?

          1-IceTea 🌟

            By the way I figured now day my play style is best if I can solo a lane and ask teammate go other 2 lane,in a solo rank game when my teammate stick me,I told them I feed cour and I did feed it.
            To scare them off so I can execute my plans xD and we won after that xD

            1 cour feed is so much less DMG then teammate that go against the strategy lul

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              you need jesus, alice

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              mr. rabbit

                its not just my words that are empty; my mmr is also starting to go empty with all the reds in my match history


                  Alice finding out a tiny tiny bit about why 95%ers are 95%ers feelsgoodman

                  mr. rabbit

                    @renshin, i know thats why im now christian to atone for my sins of being a metapick + techies spammer

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                      Just remember this rule from yo boi psychology masta over 9000

                      Control what u can, forget every bad scenario that u cant control (like teammates quality) even if it has direct impact in the result. U cant do anything about it right? So why even bother putting a piece of ur mind into in just play ur doto and irl do ur thing and whenever theres an obstacle if u can do smth about it do so like increasing doto skillz, and if u cant, strategise around it (like i decide on how i should proceed games counting my m8s capabilities. If they show they're good enough i'll fight with em and will sacrifice myself if they're more important in role. If not, i'd rather push out lanes and rat and take objectives instead. Kinda a strategy around a thing that stops other ppl from grinding which is teammates)

                      mr. rabbit

                        yeah but if ur the type of player who has to hope that every game u get at least 2 ppl with decent brains because ur plastyle and hero pool requires u to get carried by ur team in the end no matter what you do then u just feel like the earth beneath u is crumbling every step u make and u have to hope at least 2 ppl are gonna pull u up with their arms instead of their feet



                            Empty hope is a disease, get rid of it

                            mr. rabbit

                              ok if haffy is sea benao im sea arin


                                ur the type of player who has to hope that every game u get at least 2 ppl with decent brains because ur plastyle and hero pool requires u to get carried by ur team in the end no matter what you do then u just feel like the earth beneath u is crumbling every step u make and u have to hope at least 2 ppl are gonna pull u up with their arms instead of their feet

                                Roaming also requires you to have at least 2 teammates with brain btw
                                You're just looking for excuses
                                Also "main character gets their ass beat but comes back strong" cuz they fucking practiced instead of whining like a beta cuck like you
                                I'll be busy and away from db for abit, gonna inflate my acad-penis for once and for all


                                  bws does have a point

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    ^i was trying to avoid looking for excuses but i ended up subconsciously doing it



                                      Nooo bws :( u the soul of da shitfest

                                      also @alice i dont wanna dishust u with tips or anything just wanna say this quick that there is a seven step program to achieve ur any goal and u lack the 3rd or 4th part i dont recall. It is "paying the price". U gotta get out of ur comfort zone. Here comfort zone is u thinking u NEED 2 not braindeads. Get rid of it. Feel uncomfortable it's a sign u in the right way. Iceatea found his own way to 5k (aside from jungle his chill personality, his threatening to feed cor strat, his map awareness and decision making). Find ur own dont copy others and u gonna get what u want. Hopefully me too!

                                      mr. rabbit

                                        honestly the one thing i hate about dota is that it takes too much mental energy to actually win lmao

                                        yeah its just a game, but its a game i wasted 3500 hours on, so i just want to somehow make it so that i dont feel like i wasted so much time xd


                                          Btw comfort zone is the main reason why majority of world live miserably till they die. It's just a tiny bit reflected in dota and mmr. Comfort zone makes you wanna do the same thing over and over. Do u recall the moment someone gave u a tip about something in life/dota like parents maybe but u shielded up and didnt wanna do it bc u convinced urself it's stupid/hard/retarded/what other think/etc?

                                          The sign you're going toward success is if u feel uncomfortable, if everything seems new even if shitty, and these uncomfortable parts will pass after a while anyway. The important part is getting that leg outta comfort zone in first place. Remember first step is the hardest? Yea


                                            Rofl im sounding too deep i dpnt wanna sound too deep yet i wanna help xd

                                            mr. rabbit

                                              so deep i found oil

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                but yeah i guess i needed to be lectured by these cringey shit

                                                later on when i get 4k mmr im going back to this page and post it so you'll feel the cringe when u reread it LMAO

                                                  Цей коментар було видалено

                                                    Man im passed feeling cringy. I started reading how to succeed books and whole vision of life changed and i cant thank god more about it. This is the best version of me that couldve happened! People would find me weird and annoying if i keep talking about how much i know and how much advice i can give to help them in life. But i really like helping friends so read books kidz

                                                    also reshnin LUL nice solution


                                                      Ayy Alice just belieb and youllwin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                                        PogChamp 5/7

                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                          I've graduated now, I'm finally going to trihard
                                                          Fuck memeing actually, I'll go watch a few pros playing earth spirit/monkey king/ lion and relearn the support role and then try to get 50 mmr at least by the end of the day


                                                            Gl son. Will graduate in 2 foken months and do uni exam in 3 and finally start playing ranked after kksjkjjj3477u


                                                              Aight ive decided to check dbuff only at this time of the day lets see how much i could hold on to the promise

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                                                                GL boiz, my goal is to finish my calibrate and hopefully push to 3k


                                                                  I'm gonna quit uni in a month hahaa


                                                                    Im probably gonna tryhard now cuz its spring break ayyyyy


                                                                      Sia ur late, i learned integrals and im not even in uni yet


                                                                        Im not uni either i learned integrals rn bc teacher though we would forget it if he taught it before spring break so he did it afterwards. Also idk shit about both physics and chemistry so gl to me learning dinamic and cinematic


                                                                          i realise why i lose games now. lag.

                                                                          is it an excuse if it's true?


                                                                            Lag is a real issue no kappa

                                                                            i play on constant 220 and i dont seem to have real problems. I cant feel any delay anymore lul


                                                                              ive played on 200 ping and it's fine if it stays constant and fps is still smooth. but recently i get random games where the lag just spikes and screen freezes and jerks. that shit is unplayable


                                                                                Proly gotta change network operator some of them are straight up assholes


                                                                                  i think it might be my comp that is causing ping issues though? i have no idea why


                                                                                    Check if fans are cooling fine. My fans caused my pc to crush only when i went into games! Because of overheating.

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      ^^and clean your PC time to time,dust accumulate heat.

                                                                                      Btw even I am blue star now I stilldon't want to behave like one and want to meme around,is that allowed?


                                                                                        Wht not man there's a first one to everything.


                                                                                          Tea is bluestar, jacked is op af like always, daddy is still creepy, haffy motivated, and alice is hyped i think! Gud shit right here


                                                                                            Lets go roah to 3k starting tommorow.


                                                                                              Gl u can now clear that ml in da name


                                                                                                Road to 1k in a few years hahaa

                                                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                  I have a 3.3k account at the ready, I want to see if I still have what it takes to climb to 4k after all this time

                                                                                                  Race me to 4k you cucks


                                                                                                    How am i creepy?
                                                                                                    Screw u.
                                                                                                    I am clearly dank

                                                                                                    mr. rabbit
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