General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo in 7.00+

Meepo in 7.00+ in General Discussion

    Pretty much unplayable. While many other heroes got buffed by the Talent Tree, Meepo's Talent Tree is even worse than the previous +20 to all stats at level 25.

    Mary Poppins

      It's so wrong ...

      Riguma Borusu

        +20 stats > shit talent tree

        I mean, come on, lifesteal? We're going back to 1k vlads mek meepo rofl. You can somehow make up for the missing +20 stats through the talent tree, but even then your talent tree doesn't compare to, say, slark's.


          Farm an Skadi then xD....
          Agreed that he got shitstained
          Life steal, Evasion??? Got Rekt hard!!


            im back on old meta manta diffu eb dont think its so much useful 6.89 build so much now

            Giff me Wingman

              pls go kys


                icefroggo apparently doesnt like farming heroes so i suppose you just walk around with treads and lance early game and kill people take runes and shit

                casual gamer

                  good fucking riddance to him

                  huge buffs to root + mepo gets evasion i dont rly understand what ur complaining about tbh


                    U don't play much MEEPO!! U wouldn't know our suffering!!

                    Giff me Wingman

                      Meepo is literally one ofthe strongest hero this patch, oh the sadness when people are fucking garbage at this game.


                        Every hero is strong if played right!! :))


                          He can take rune using his clone now , pretty sure hes good now

                          casual gamer

                            6k+ meepo players are the greatest cancer in the world to play against and it feels impossible to fucking win ever seriously


                              Meepo is fine, although his talents aren't that strong he levels far faster than anyone in the game anyway so you get access to them much earlier. Although your poof is easier to interrupt chain net basically rapes almost every hero in the game now.

                              Super Senko-san Time

                                fuck meepo players, man



                                  huge buffs to root + mepo gets evasion i dont rly understand what ur complaining about tbh

                                  + huge nerf to "meepos" root. now you just tp to your base when a meepo is ganking you so i dont think buff to root is gonna help you in that situation and other heroes get at least %15 evasion while meepo gets %10. thats a nerf in my book


                                    @JDF8: fucking bullshit, check your own matches against Meepo, you win against him for like 80%

                                    Still dare saying that.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      ^ Axactly!!




                                          His counters are more stronger now!!! & his prey can flee more easily!! With a 50g item :(

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                            He's a hero like old Windranger or old Tinker, where no matter if you win 9/10 games against them, you'll only remember that one game you got rekt.

                                            Haven't played against it lately though, so I can't say how he's faring.

                                            casual gamer

                                              a large majority of those games are extremely low skill, i didnt hit 4700+ until 2016

                                              operative word, 6k+

                                              this hero can take all 3 lanes of rax before you can take 2 as a team, he will win a base race, he snowballs like crazy, and hits a really fast hex timing where you HAVE to stick as 5 which further restricts your income

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                              casual gamer

                                                if you cant kill most heroes in 2.5 seconds + low brain player realizing he must tp + turning to tp and/or do not have a hex you deserve to lose as meepo XD

                                                sounds like some 600 xpm meepo to me

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  ^He caugh lie here also,he said he pick MK and his Win rate is 80% while he never played it
                                                  WUAHHHH HUA


                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    he have 2 acc son





                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          But I never Install Dota,I play in CC how I delete DOTA!?


                                                            @JDF8 Point? He's weaker now!!!!



                                                              if you cant kill most heroes in 2.5 seconds

                                                              in early game, meepo cannot kill anyone in 2.5 seconds.

                                                              + low brain player realizing he must tp + turning to tp and/or do not have a hex you deserve to lose as meepo XD

                                                              if you're so farmed that you have hex, you can already kill the enemy in 2.5 sec without hex anyway.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                ur talking about the laning phase then?

                                                                i guess! you cant solo kill a bunch of heroes, pretty much anyone with an aoe stun or a large hp pool can get away


                                                                  Meepo gets his level 25 before any other hero is even close, its not like meepo was a late game pick? You pick meepo, get your items and level 25, 25 minutes in and end the game.
                                                                  His talent tree is fine


                                                                    ^ you fucking piece of shit. If Meepo can end the game at 25 min, the opponents must be totally trash.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      How can someone be blue star and not even understand basic meepo? Meepo is a hero who has the HIGHEST AVERAGE XPM OF ALL HEROES. if his talents were good then he wud be too strong cuz he can easily get his lvl 15 talent by the time other heroes get their lvl 10 one. Sure u tp after net, if he doesnt just poof kill you. You wud have to be a tidehunter not to die mid game, and thats pushing it. The whole point of meepo is that u level up and farm up faster than almost every hero in the game, and just push the equivalent of 5 heroes in one, just snowballing off of poof kills and such. He may lose some stats, but now he can counter heroes who wud previously be unkillable cuz of new root (storm), and he goes skadi now i think and all ur stats r back.


                                                                        U wanna see a real meepo fuck fest? This is how u wanna play as meepo, this is what the hero does.
                                                                        Look at empire vs liquid at wellplay game 2.


                                                                          ^ another bullshit comment, a normal skill player tells me, a meepo player not to have a basic understanding of it. This is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard.

                                                                          As for the wp game, Liquid was just outdrafted and outplayed. If you outdraft and outplay your opponent, you can win with any hero.

                                                                          As for the talent tree, this is a huge fucking nerf to meepo, he suffers from low hp until level 25. Even at level 25, he is weaker without the stats. While he can net a storm till dead, he is not able to spoof away from root now.


                                                                            meepo's tree is slightly better than +20 all stats, assuming you want to take bad talent choice just to copy the +20 all stat you had


                                                                              root is still terrible, they should probably make force staff / pike unusable under root

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                SEA 5k = 1k EU confirmed. Thinks meepo is weak this patch LuL


                                                                                  I may be ns but im still less retarded than you. If u had a hero reaching lvl 15 when other heroes reach 10, and that heroes lvl 15 talent be way way stronger than the enemies lvl 10 talent, would that be ok? Even beyond that the hero is good, there is like 4 ancient camps on the map, which u can poof on now. Levels come even faster too. This game is more snowbally than ever, meepo THRIVES in this environment.


                                                                                    And even if u forcestaff away from meepo he will slow u for 80% and net u again. And again. And again.


                                                                                      Meepo winrate is terrible, he needs more buffs like clones don't bump into one another... and please make clones use bkb. Meepo needs to surround target, if someone fs away, he will be out of position. Meepo has a hard time fighting close areas when there is no space for all 5. If u stay in the middle of tier 3 tower and the two raks, only 2 meepos can hit you. Normal skill people can't relate cause they daydream on clashes. They also daydream by always clicking on their friends instead of watching their hero. Meepo THRIVES against daydreamers.

                                                                                      My EU winrate rate is a horrible 70% compared to my wonderful SEA 55%.


                                                                                        i have 500 games with meepo and %70 win rate in mmr. also 4.7k mmr. And i wanna say meepo is really worst in this patch. Okay we got some useless buff like %100 stats sharing but aghanist other heroes this is not buff. Why? Cuz gaining lvl is more easy than before so all heroes can easly get high levels also supports got fckn gold and xp % bonus talent. And meepo's base str less than before. Net doesnt work for teleport also they nerfed Dragon Lance. Meepo is most diffucult hero in this game. Each meepo has low hp than any supports. Any aura stunning spells easly kill meepo. And we need aghanim for 5th meepo why whats the point about stats sharing? is it really buff? Get ghost scepter and tp so its easy to escape. And jungle nerfed badly. 3 min spawn time wtf is this? I check top meepo players and watch their games. Abed, Ahjit and etc. they dont play meepo like before and their win rate less than before 7.00 monkey king+any stunner = meepo die! winter = meepo die! sven already easly kill meepo. Jakkiro same, no bkb for meepo nothing you can do aghanist spells if you ganged. In 1v1 you must kill everyone in few secs if u get hex but if u cant kill at late game all heroes easly can kill meepo. If pudge get high 25 str with aghanim he can kill meepo only with ulti and rot. CK gets 5k hp with awesome illusions and nothing happen if u kill illusion but all meepos must be alive with 2k hp. About stats do we really need fckn +25 attack speed, 400 hp %15 lifesteal? If you give old stats already they give more attack speed, more hp also we dont need fckn %15 lifesteal and buildings etc. buffed cant do back door easly like before. They buffed necro tinker and slark really badly. 20 sec for necro's ulti? dagon and ulti meepo died. Tinker has 0.80 sec cd for ultimate and abbysal for slark = meepo died... There is tons of things how did they ruin meepo in 7.00 but it ll never finish. Just check top of meepo players and you can see they stop spamming meepo.


                                                                                          ^ are you trying to fucking make meepo unbeatable for any and all other heroes? They already said that you are not supposed to go lategame


                                                                                            @Xignum he didnt say that and thats not the point of this thread. And he is right. People who thinks meepo got buffed this patch are either bad meepo players or doesnt know how meepo works. One guy in this thread said that meepos talent tree is a buff to meepo and i loled


                                                                                              Dont you think he's saying that 1 hero must not be allowed to solo kill meepo?well i do



                                                                                                anyway to the actualy point of this thread, this is enough to prove that meepo got nerfed in this patch

                                                                                                this is avarage winrate. 6.88 meepo had around %53 winrate above 5k mmr now its dropped to %50

                                                                                                yet, some says this is the best patch for meepo


                                                                                                  K then sry,anyway does the meepo clone get the talents?


                                                                                                    Since i'm not a meepo player, i think that the talents compensate the stats ,since you say otherwise please tell me why so


                                                                                                      they do get the talents. But talents are worse than +20 stats

                                                                                                      -3s Poof Poof​ Cooldown 25 +400 Health
                                                                                                      +25 Attack Speed 20 10% Evasion
                                                                                                      +20 Movement Speed 15 15% Lifesteal
                                                                                                      +15 Damage 10 +4 Armor

                                                                                                      about 25 lvl talents, +20 strength already gave +400 health (each strength gives +20 hp) and u didnt have to wait for level 25 to get some of it and strength also gives bonus hp regen. + meepo's strength gain reduced from 1.6 to 1.3 the same patch so even less hp then before. and no ones gonna get poof cooldown reduction ever its like +6 treants.
                                                                                                      at 20 lvl, most heroes that has evasion talent gets %15 evasion while meepo gets %10. Thats one in 10 attacks.
                                                                                                      and +20 agility gave us 20 attack speed, 20 damage and +3 armor. But now we get +25 attack speed and we have to pick between 15 damage or 4 armor. About lifesteal, meepo does not benefit from life steals like other heroes do. coz one meepo hits like 2-3 times to kill someone and thats not gonna heal much. I prefer +20 int

                                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                        He is absolutely right and cant stop chanelling spells now also you get ghostscepter and tp thats all