General Discussion

General DiscussionThe only way to play void in 7.10 guide.

The only way to play void in 7.10 guide. in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    Starting item:
    Double stout double mango queue up quelling blade.
    Then get treads
    Treads is the only viable boots on void.

    Skill build
    You MUST level up your second skill at least once at lvl 2 else pick another hero idiut shit.

    At lvl 3 Get Lvl 2 time walk. It is ONLY for running unless you are very sure you won't be needing it after a kill. Or for regen in early lvls.

    Max time lock and skip ultimate until it is maxed.

    Max time distillation next. This shit lasts for 12 seconds and if you max this late game chances are the enemy already has fucking dispels so pick another hero if you wanna max time walk like a IDIUT.

    Item build:
    Sell stout shield get value blightstone+wand fuck your raindrops.
    Hotd/hood pick one. Hood is better for kills. Hotd for pushing and farming. Creeps do decent damage.

    Late game builds:
    1. yasha into battlefury into linkens into bloodthorn/ <-for the afk farmy bois who like consistent wins.
    2. shadow blade+Aquila into manta diffusal bkb/ <- for the split pushing enthusiasts who also likes killing gold bags.
    3.radiance if you got hood into Linkens travels bloodthorn./ <- for the special snowflakes

    Do not buy a fucking drums ever.

    Just the tip void edition:
    You mainly get kills with time dialation and hitting people.

    Void is a split pusher. He requires at least 2 cores or 1 core 2 good supports to be killed. Split push all day and get them last hits.

    In laning stage: Always abuse PRD On your bashes, if you aren't don't pick void idiut. Abusing PRD means hit creeps 4 times, if no bash go hit the enemy because it will definitely proc on them in 2 hits. This is the most tilting thing toward noobs because they think you are lucky but you are just abusing mechanics.

    Always farm lane creeps over jungle. Prioritize lane>bounty>jungle.
    Farming the lane makes the enemy push in other lanes without a smoke which is what you want. Tp and kill them then repeat.

    How to ulti? Use exclusively for kills on goldbags only. Gold bags are the 2 most farmed or leveled enemies.

    Enjoy the game. Try this guide out and let me know how it went here.

    Divine 0 player

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Divine 0 player



        Verified guide ✔️




            Nice void build but lll just stick to my idiut crystlis rush wk build.


              but is 7.11


                Helm is good tbh I think it's underated


                  Imma try this meme


                    delete this


                      thought stout doesnt stack😑

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Only one instance of Damage Block can proc at a time. When multiple sources of Damage Block are present, the source with
                        the highest blocked damage is checked first, and only if it does not proc, will any others roll. In other words, when two sources of Damage Block proc on the same attack, the one that blocks more damage takes priority. While the amount of damage blocked from multiple Damage Block sources does not stack, the proc chance stacks multiplicatively.
                        When having two Stout Shields, the chance of blocking damage becomes:
                        1 - (0.5 × 0.5) = 75%
                        When having one Stout Shields and one Vanguard, the chance of blocking damage becomes:
                        50% chance for Vanguard to proc, and 50% × 50% = 25% chance for Stout Shield to proc
                        This is because half of the time Stout Shield procs at the same time as Vanguard does, but since Vanguard has the higher block values, Vanguard gets prioritized, effectively negating half of the Stout Shield procs.


                          do u mean to say they stack multiplicatively?

                          in game defination it is simply written that multiple sources of.... do not stack

                          i ll check

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            ^Yeah, multiple sources of damage block do not stack. It probably means proc of damage block.
                            So even if you have 6 stout shields, only 18 damage will be blocked for every hit, but the chances of proc are stacked multiplicatively in a way.


                              What did I just read xD

                              Lruce Bee

                                I always enjoy your unorthodox builds. It's a breath of fresh air. Radiance could be good on void Honestly. I'd honestly get mask of madness more.


                                  then its worthless to get it just for proc chance in exchange of 200 gold

                                  i think quelling blade would do bttr or sometimes magic stick(if that mango is not used>wand)

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    2 stout shield does make me think "Hey, look at this noob stacking shield lel" and let my guard down if there's any merit to it.
                                    But it works more or less the same with getting Ring of Protection or 2 mangos.


                                      i think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttri think quelling blade would do bttr




                                          Russian guide?

                                          死の恐怖 Haseo



                                              just shut the fuck up, divine 0 my ass, noob.

                                              i have 5 reports to use
                                                Цей коментар було видалено
                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  Sorry guys hotd and hood are way too slow.

                                                  Go either mask of madness if you're losing and need to kill some heroes for abit. Or go straight battlefury. However if you go madness you still go battlefury.

                                                  Next is manta if the enemy has pudge just remember micro your illusions abit to block the hook. Or straight bkb instead. You then need at least 2 big juicy big boy damage item like daedulus or mkb or bloodthorn. Bloodthorn lets you use refresher. Linkens if you want.

                                                  Only take 1 hp talent either at lvl 10 or 15.

                                                  Divine 0 player

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    Think of 2 stouts like a slightly cheaper but shitty version of pms

                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                      2 stouts 2 mangos i died

                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        Is Manta necessary if there's no silence? Because MKB surely gives more damage now.


                                                          You have 47% winrate on void. My 2 cents.

                                                          i have 5 reports to use

                                                            Yes but I'm divine 0 so I'm pro


                                                              Geckotardius Divine 0

                                                              Lruce Bee

                                                                I carried my divine 0 VHS team.


                                                                  Because there is no fx in that team omegaLUL


                                                                    the only way to play:XXX


                                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                                      Hello divine 4 player, this guide is about carry void in a situation where you are suppose to kill the enemy cores by yourself for consistent wins not relying on your teammates. Also targeted for blue star chasers and not divine 5 gameplay.

                                                                      No battlefury = lose more

                                                                      Divine 0 player


                                                                        Geckotardius Divine 0


                                                                          void is meta. Play more=Win more

                                                                          Story Time

                                                                            i still dont understand, are we talking about pos1 void? or offlane void?

                                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                                              @Story Time i am talking about carry void.

                                                                              Divine 0 player


                                                                                how bout mid void tho?


                                                                                  Geckotardius Divine 0 player

                                                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                    @Venthrone Void is a really slow hero and low uptime hero.I won't recommend playing him in any lane asides from safe lane
                                                                                    @Tribo stop spamming in my guide, I am doing you noobs cuties a favor by posting good guides for blue star chasers.

                                                                                    Divine 0 player

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                      Turtles shitty attempt to copy the true shitlord shit poster Jacked


                                                                                        it's not Jacked
                                                                                        it's Geckotardius guy LUL


                                                                                          I know
                                                                                          But he is trying to shit post obv
                                                                                          And it's just not that good

                                                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                            im sure turtle is 75% serious about this post


                                                                                              not everyone can be god at posting shit


                                                                                                ^that is true

                                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                                  I'm actually serious

                                                                                                  Divine 0 player


                                                                                                    don't forget chrono their fountain tho


                                                                                                      any void that doesn't buy vanguard is a bad void