General Discussion

General DiscussionSF Counter?

SF Counter? in General Discussion

    So yesterday i ask about how to be a better sf player, interestingly I'm wondering what mid hero counter sf the most? Does sf truly has weakness? Can i always 1st pick it?


      T A


        Dang right the refraction, one more question tho, HOW ABOUT SNIPER?? That hoho haha just spam level 3 shrapnel abd guy didn't even care i deny every range creep, does it mean i cannot solo kill sniper in laning phase?

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          You can't.

          A very careful SF will just focus last hitting and denying all the creeps as posible. Making no room for farm for you.

          If were talking about killing potential, Tinker, Zeus, TA can do the trick.

          Still, SF is easy to gank (if you can order your team though). Imagine if your a Invoker. If SF is missing, he is in the jungle. 2 stunner supports + sunstrike is more than enough to kill a SF.

          If ganking him not an option, accept the fate that SF will outfarm you. Just try not be behind the networth as posible.


            You counter sf usually with POS 4 heroes


              I've had good results with huskar vs SF

              Bring plenty of regen and you can outsustain and box out SF in the entire early game provided you have a little vision to see incoming ganks

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                i guess ta does much better in the laning stage against him and its hard to recover

                How ever if u euls ta and use requiem underneath her then ta dies instantly ( even she has refraction on )

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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Viper rekts SF all the time
                  More than any other midlaners

                  Palmen aus Plastik

                    sf euls ult kills ta through refraction? how? i didnt know that....

                    Potato Marshal

                      I find that long range/blink stunners really help. Interrupt his ult and he's kind of fucked, after that.


                        Act as if SF was a walking bag of gold. You will beat any SF any time.


                          viper , bone , bane , and a lot of counters


                            sf euls ult kills ta through refraction? how? i didnt know that....

                            euls purges->no refreaction on ta


                              I used viper against sf on mid once, before sf was nerfed though, he just nuked shit out of me everytine I try to fight, viper skill only become deadly at if he is lvl 3 and got lvl 2 poison attack, and SF raze hurts so much even if only 1 lvl


                                if im not mistaken sf wins pretty much any mid matchup in 1v1 (lol at ppl suggesting bone, hes low hp enough to die to triple razes and he is also very slow hero), heroes like ta or viper can just apply pressure if your supports help or maybe trade hits or deny

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  No u cant win 1vs1 lane against sf ever. That mothafcker valve staff always buff this shit.

                                  "high" valve staff : Hey my brother, we'll talk about sf. He has 6 skill and 4 of them was ridiculous stackable nuke. How if we add broken talent like 10% spell amp at lvl10?.., oh and 40ms too because he so easy to gank. To make it more broken we add 40%cd reduction to make he better lifestealer because that 15scd bullshit bkb cd. It will be more fun and fairplay right?

                                  Staff B : whatever tired


                                    No wonder dota2 player always decreasing. That fat gaben always hiring stupid staff and always keep mothafcker same mistakes over and over again

                                    Fun your ass. so much cancer, scripter, this bullshit even fun?!


                                      Calm down brother

                                      La Dz

                                        Dudes sniper destroy sf just dont go shrapnel ofc but go for range and hit him every time u see him

                                        Palmen aus Plastik

                                          euls purges->no refreaction on ta

                                          no wonder my sf sucks. i actually had no idea lmao.

                                          not arin

                                            eul doesnt purge refraction though?


                                              You do know that refraction can’t be fucking purged you twat right?

                                              Tu tayta

                                                SF ulti is dealt with 16 different instances if your target is right beneath you though, but they are dealt at the same time. I don't know exactly how Refraction interacts with that, but I'll asume SF ulti first takes out 5 refraction charges (1 is already taken out by eul's landing damage) and then TA is damaged by the remaining 11 instances. Can someone test this though?

                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                  thats what i thought. eul cannot purge refraction but then this guy above said it can, so i got confused. didnt know people spread false information on a dota forum. so someone call please tell me, how sf eul ult kills TA as mentioned above?


                                                    post above yours explains it (also it's 18 instances not 16)

