General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    This is bullshit. Now you're trying to wash-away things you've said just because, as I said - you care about what society thinks , and you want to make a good impression.
    This just doesn't cut it, because this is pure hypocrisy. If you actually carefully read what you wrote from your recent posts you will see that you're a fucking hypocrite.
    Just because you say things after you said bunch of retarded shit, and you've found someone who doesn't agree completely with my stuff that I wrote it doesn't mean your shit can be unseen too.
    Also, quite common thing that these passive-agressive persons do is they will pity themselfs when needed, just so you can feel like you're wrong. It's a game for them.
    How is any of that bullshit? It is socially unacceptable to spend your whole life playing video games, fact. Its unhealthy socially, mentally and physically to spend your life playing video games, fact.

    Pointing out the facts doesnt make a hypocrite.

    Also this stuff about passive agression is super bizarre. I am not passive aggressive, I am agressive aggressive.


      I dont know who burnt you in the past but this really isnt applicable to me

      To be honest, it's irelevant who was that, what's relevant is that everyone will meet these kind of people. Sadly it is applicable to you.

      As for the other stuff, its all just relatively basic ‘no shit, sherlock’ stuff. Theres not rly much point in beating around the bush, its obvious Im not a happy person and i told you more than I should have about my emotions

      I agree, it is basic. You can easily recognize people like you. Maybe it's obvious to me, but not to other people you're trying to make good impresion. Btw, it has very little to do with personal things you've shared with me. I've never mentioned anything that you shared to me and never will. I'm not that kind of a guy. This is just a basic patern simiular people like you tend to develop.

      No need to pretend like im a concealer and the way I behave has any deeper meaning than ‘I dont feel well do you wanna chat to me’...

      This has nothing to do with anything I've said. And I never said that I coinsider anything but what you just wrote, if it means anything to you.

      And yes I am ashamed at myself occasionally... again this is something that I actually told you before you felt the need to backstab me for feeding in an unranked game

      We all are. Nothing wrong with that. I never actually made fun of you for that. Again, you told me and I never mentioned it. Not my fault. I backstabed you for feeding in an unranked game, that's correct. And I'm completely fine with that and would never change the outcome.

      The only reason why you dont like me is because I fed.

      That's correct.


        How is any of that bullshit? It is socially unacceptable to spend your whole life playing video games, fact. Its unhealthy socially, mentally and physically to spend your life playing video games, fact.
        Pointing out the facts doesnt make a hypocrite.

        Also this stuff about passive agression is super bizarre. I am not passive aggressive, I am agressive aggressive.

        It's bullshit because you're trying to wash-away things you've said because you realised that's not socially correct. Obviously the facts you've mentioned are correct, but you're failing to see the bigger picture here. I'll show it to you:

        And why is it a race to get out of 2k before the end of 2018? Im not even going to be playing much because I will be celebrating christmas with my friends. Not everyone is depressing enough to waste away their holidays playing video games xd

        Calling other people basically pathetic and broken just because they won't do something you (maybe?) will makes you look pathetic too. I guess you realised that so you had to fix it asap.

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          3k games are harder than 1k games. I feed in 3k games more than in 1k games (unless I'm playing vs. enemy smurfs in 1k), because 3k players usually don't fall for my traps more than once (if that) and they love to counter with hidden TPs and baits. This means our team needs proper initiation and vision and it's really annoying because:
          a) I have to build utility items or my cores die.
          b) I have to ward preemptively and actually use my brain on where our team wants to go and where the enemies have been.
          c) I have to actually remember to use those utility items and my spells all in one fight in the right order. I have to actually use my spells non-greedy, that save cores and have myself die in return (without us getting kills) and I cannot make assumptions like "I should save my ult to get kills and use my stun only to react to enemy actions" because enemy supports who think fast and have utility items can save their cores.
          d) Because I have utility items rather than bulk, I am more dependent on landing a reasonably good ulti/stun because failing = death. Focusing the right target matters more. I can't just use my spells at the closest target or just blink on top of enemies and cast ulti/stun because enemy supports often are waiting for me to commit. (I really hate this playstyle though, feels too cowardly. Anytime, anywhere is my motto. If they initiate, I stand my ground and counterattack. If I attack, I expect them to stand their ground and we both fight with multiple heroes dead. Sadly, the higher the MMR, the less likely that is.)
          e) Because the enemy supports have utility items rather than luxuries, I need to land that good ulti/stun within a much shorter window of opportunity, or the enemy will escape. Reflexes and prediction matter more.
          I always feel like I'm one step too slow every teamfight, even when it's on servers where I don't have 175+ lag. The only games where I didn't perform like shit is when we outdrafted the enemy and they lose 2+ lanes from the start.

          That being said, if Violets has a different opinion, she can think what she likes, as can her critics. If she gets frustrated from losing 1k games, exploding at teammates, and feeding she can vent on here. Is she narrow-minded, self-righteous, and hypocritical? Of course. But...are her critics just as petty? Probably. I'll just leave it at that.

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            from my experience talking with her, i can't relate whatsoever to what you claim.
            maybe i dont know her, maybe she doesnt see me as a friend, i dont know. Either that or you're wrong.

            people like you

            this statement alone, though, speaks volumes about you Vertoxity. Honestly in her place I'd be the one distancing myself. I don't really know you, but this mentality is despicable.

            She spoke only with respect about you, and now I'm wondering what could you have done to deserve her respect despite what you're doing in this thread.

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

              from my experience talking with her, i can't relate whatsoever to what you claim.

              I hope you never will.

              this statement, though, speaks volumes about you Vertoxity. Honestly in her place I'd be the one distancing myself. I don't really know you, but this mentality is despicable.

              That's not up to me to decide. If you think so, fine. I can't really change your mind. To be honest, I don't even want to.

              What I've said is my personal opinion at the end of the day.

              She spoke only with respect about you, and now I'm wondering what could you have done to deserve her respect despite what you're doing in this thread.

              Ehh. Good to know I guess. I've done nothing special, to be honest.


                I hope I do, but I probably won't because that's not up to me. Of course I'd like to think I can understand her, but our circumstances are wildly different so I'm not so sure - sometimes it feels like I know her.

                I think we should stop here with the personal stuff (including personal attacks) and keep further discussion strictly dota-related, else the thread is for sure going to get locked.

                Цей коментар був відредагований
                NIKAD MAJNOVALA!


                  I'm fine with that. Its not like I've shared anything personal, anyways.


                  Latey I've been busy and I tried my best to stay away from this thread. Because there's no way Violet gives a fuck about what we think/say in a long run, but I guess I've been triggered again by the stuff written here, to the point I had to start a rant again.

                  With that being said, this is Internet and we are on the Internet. You should be aware of that. Then again, I'm not a fucking cyber bully or troll, so I don't really enjoy bulling making people feel bad.

                  I'm just easily triggered so I guess it just reflects that way sometimes

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                    Back on the topic, maybe?


                    An example of why 1k mmr game may seem hard. One mistake while pushing makes you lose 21k lead.

                    While in reality it's really not hard. It's just that you need to play better.

                    Hell, respect for Sniper for trying his best. He even listened to my advices about getting BKB and Shadow Blade.

                    @ edit

                    Seems like I have issues winning the games with new meepo consistently. The fact they nerfed the way you gain XP with him makes it kinda of trickier to snowball. Also, you have to land nets better and time it proprely, because there's no free slow anymore.

                    I need to see how better players play Meepo nowdays and try to copy their playstyle. I'm clearly doing smt wrong.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      well this is technically what i was talking about.

                      if you get picked off in 4k average, theres a chance your team will hold.

                      if you make one mistake at the wrong time while boosting 1ks, you might as well lose the game just off that. when you respawn, if youre lucky you will not be mega creeped yet because your enemies are 1k animals too, but your team will most likely be dead without buybacks and you'll need to defend alone.

                      NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                        I get you, but it's not one mistake. And even if it is ONE mistake, that one mistake was big one. That one mistake WILL hold you down in 4k mmr in a long run, trust me.

                        This game was so fucking easy. I just played it bad.


                          true, its in the end just bad plays, but its still hard because some games your team can not be relied upon. however that happens in 3k too, like a few games ago i had an axe going vanguard into blademail when he was the only one with farm on our team - enemy just ended the game before he finished his blink.

                          and, well, its not fair to compare that way. yes, the hardest of 1k games are more difficult than the easiest 3k games, even by far i would say, because you can just get lucky in 3k and win being afk, but the difficult 3k games are still at least two whole tiers of difficulty ahead of the hardest 1k game.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                            1k games are far easier than 3k games in a long run for sure man. Srsly. If you can't escape 1k in a long run you just belong there


                              what am i supposed to say, thats a statement that does not contradict mine. I guess glad we agree.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                Good to know :)


                                  Well I suppose that I should clarify that, and I'm sure you agree, that it's possible for a 1k game to demand more from you as a player in order to win it than a 3k or even a 4k game. However such cases would be rare and likely involve enemy smurf.

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    everonye bracket is the same serious people tilt people fed ppl are bad. i do not see much differnce between a normal skil and vsing immortals.

                                    then again thts just 1 or 2 immortals ive never been in a game with all 10 players are immortal.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                    NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                      Just got my first rampage ever with morhling. I think I'm getting a hang of it. Might practice morhling on my 1k alt. account, seems worth it. Hero is fun to play and would be nice addition to my hero pool.


                                      Interestingly enough I got just 14 mmr for that game. Lolz.


                                        idk shadow fiend rampages seem like the most satisfying ones. kind of a shame the hero isn't that good without a team backing you up. I remember stomping 1ks with shadowblade deso morph, was fun. should start playing morph too, tbh.

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                        NIKAD MAJNOVALA!


                                          I never played him. This is like literally my first games as Morph if I don't count games in which I played him in Low Prio.

                                          SF is pretty easy in 1k, Im pretty much playing on auto pilot with 76% winrate on my smurf so far.


                                            well yeah in 1k its easy but i mentioned sf in 3k+ now because as i said i didnt play in 1k for a year and dont plan to start as i dont even have a 1k acc.

                                            In fact i hate playing sf in 3k i feel he is a stronger pick in like the 4k bracket. i was thinking it's because most 4k players are willing to play around cores to win teamfights.

                                            also what about xmas 5am divine+herald partystacks :thinking:

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              I calibrated when mmr was first an addition to this game. Being new to dota I calibrated low, approx. 400mmr. I played some solo games back in the day and managed around 900 before i peaked as a newer player and gave up on ranked.

                                              With the addition of the medals system i thought i would give ranked another try, however valve benchmarked our calibrations based on our old mmr - in my case mmr which was no longer relevant to my skill level having played well over a year of pubs since my last ranked game. I calibrated as a Herald V in terms of solo and party. Party mmr was easy for me, i played a lot of games with friends of similar skill to mine and i had around a 80% win rate reaching Crusader, Archon and eventually Legend last month. Currently I am sitting at around 3500 party mmr and have settled around Legend II. Party games are simple for me. I play in normal, high and very high skill lobbies in a variety of positions and always I have no real problem with the games. I am still gaining party mmr and I believe that I have the skillset of a 3/4k player.

                                              Solo mmr however has been problematic for me. A couple weeks ago I decided once and for all it was time to grind up my solo mmr so it is more in line with my party mmr. At first I thought this would be simple, 1ks are notoriously poor at this game (so I thought) and I presumed gaining mmr would be as simple as my experience in party ranked - however this wasnt to be. Winning in 1k is far harder than 3k. Ive read all of the posts on how to gain mmr and how to escape the trench of 1-2k but nothing works. I spam heros that win mid and dominate the mid game however I find increasingly that solo mmr is a 1v9 where my team play like how you would expect of 1ks with little understanding of space, the map and farming patterns. The other team will always seem to be more on point, with rotations to my lane and a general understanding of positioning, warding and team fights. Despite winning my lane in practically every game ive played in solo ranked my team will be so poor that the game will be untenable. 1k is blighted by toxic players and smurfs which make winning reliably impossible. Even if I find myself on a small streak of wins I will quickly revert to where I was due to smurfs preying on the 1ks on my team.

                                              I know I am not a 1k player because I dominate and control the pace of my 3-4k party games and yet in the week that ive been trying to grind solo mmr I have made it from 950 to 1100 mmr and got stuck. I implore valve to allow for the recalibration of solo mmr. There needs to be an option for players to attempt to reset their solo ranked mmr in line with their hidden unranked mmr (again I know my unranked mmr is decent because I am placed into matches with fellow legends and ancients when i look for solo pub games). There are players in the 1k bracket which simply do not belong but are being held back by poor teammates, smurfing players and the tilt that comes with losing due to the crap that happens in the bracket. Something has to be done to help clearly under-calibrated players escape the pit of 1k because it is disheartening knowing that solo ranked games are always going to be more luck based than skill based.

                                                Цей коментар було видалено
                                                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...


                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                    i hate chocolate people



                                                      In other words there aren't any. Thx for confirming my point again. Also nice job assuming my reaction, are you a mindreader by any chance?
                                                      For someone who seems to constantly accuse people of being incapable of reading you dont half have a habit of misinterpreting things either willfully or not
                                                      (sry can't embed quotes into quotes)

                                                      That is how it reads. You can't be bothered to actually go back to the original topic and argue in favor of it. Because you will look bad because there is actually no argument. Remember the counter? I asked you 20 times what do you have to support your original assertion, silence was the answer. Yet this whole personal drama garners instant response. Your priorities are clear from this pattern.
                                                      Whether you can't be bothered to actually quote yourself on the matter because you are afraid to lose substantially or that it will look like you are ceding ground to me personally, or that it will look as if you are making a mistake or for any other reason it is clear that external perception is the cornerstone of this behaviour. Which, unsurprisingly, supports Vertoxitys conclusion.

                                                      How about we bring it back from the endless drama on topic: Now that you have tried playing on 3k account and came close to climbing out of 1k yourself do you have anything to support your original assertion about being on the level of 3k+ players impacting party 3k+games in substantial ways, yet failing in climbing solo MMR due to systematical flaws in Valve's matchmaking system.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        @ Forktongue

                                                        I start to suspect you are actually a troll, nobody can be that dumb/bad at reading or remembering. I mean all these things are actually exactly the opposite of what you said:

                                                        She spoke only with respect about you
                                                        What we do here is go back. To anywhere lately or to
                                                        for someone who tries to be up their own ass with all these psychology terms you aint half biased in choosing what you show lol. Best only show the worst games ive played in weeks amirite. Best try super hard to be a prick and try as hard as possible to conduct a witch hunt instead of looking at any other figures
                                                        from page fucking 2.
                                                        if you get picked off in 4k average, theres a chance your team will hold.

                                                        if you make one mistake at the wrong time while boosting 1ks, you might as well lose the game just off that

                                                        The exact opposite is true. If you get picked off once in 1k your opposition is likely to go jungle their safe jungle or spread to farm lanes and if you are any good you made your mistake pushing the lanes up to their base so they can't take objectives anyways. If you make a mistake in 4k, objectives will fall almost guaranteed bringing you closer to a defeat.
                                                        that it's possible for a 1k game to demand more from you as a player in order to win it than a 3k or even a 4k game. However such cases would be rare and likely involve enemy smurf.
                                                        It is not possible for a 1k game to demand more from you than a 4k game. Because even if there is a smurf you can abuse the other four and dodge the smurf. But you have to dodge heroes that are stronger than you in any game, so it is the same skill as you need in 4k games. And the rest required of you is way easier. Winning as a 3/4k player in 1k is always easier than winning a similar conditions game in 4k. And by similar conditions I mean it's a competitive game - no abandoners, no double mids, no pure jungle picks, no feeders, in other words, OP is not playing. Or both teams are blighted with those.

                                                        Anywho, it looks like something has poisoned your mind and you would willingly bend things that happened mere pages ago right in this thread. Whether it's done deliberately coz you are a single-pattern troll or involuntarily coz you are a single-pattern human being is irrelevant - the outcome is always the same. So I will ignore your posts from now on. Feel free to badmouth me if you want.

                                                        How does it feel to be the first of this thread participants to be disqualified from being a mark? Vertoxity qualified, the edgy namechanger qualified, HanYolo qualified, OP qualified, even MuLLiPullervO qualified.

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                          I think the best way to deal with the drama is to just ignore her. She's content believing lies because they make her feel better about herself. If that's good enough for her and she doesn't want to listen to us, then it should be good enough for us. There's no point in trying to further extract a personal "I've seen the light" moment from her because she's not willing to put down her pride, listen to others, and then reflect in a way that would cause internal discomfort. Without that, there can be no motivation to learn, and it's useless to teach.

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                            When I said `She spoke only with respect about you ` I meant in our direct conversations not this thread. You started flaming in the thread, so what tf do you expect?

                                                            you can play support in 4k and get lucky with core players and enemy team boosted kids.
                                                            you also can play in 1k with legit newbies who all pick carries against 2 smurfs who feed on your newbies.
                                                            Both are unlikely scenarios, it is not fair to compare them, but it is possible, and im sure every 4k player who's smurfed a lot in 1k has experienced this - so you can not speak in absolutes like this. Matchmaking IS NOT perfect but it will probably never will be; if they implement some smurf detection, dotabuff lurkers will find a way to "get VHS easily".

                                                            If you had any reading comprehension you would realise I have been saying this for more than a week.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований



                                                                @InvokerzEp1c that still means youre a 1k, if you cant win 1k brackets, you belong in 1k.
                                                                it doesnt matter how hard your team carrys you on party mmr.

                                                                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                                  TBH the only interest of this thread is the drama and that's why we like it.
                                                                  Following this thread's daily routine is like following a TV show.

                                                                  From just this page, the argument between SayingPleaseHelps and smoke_Riki_boy is like Cartman and Kyle fightning if we do an analogy with South Park.

                                                                  This thread should be named "ParmaViolets dota misadventures and SayingPleaseHelps the truthseeker against the world of lies".

                                                                  @SayingPleaseHelps: I'll rename myself "Edgy PrudeChanger" tonight, I like the play with words. Thanks for the inspiration.

                                                                  @AOZAKI AOKO:

                                                                  [s]Spending time with family and friends[/s]

                                                                  Getting wasted on champaign & wine, full on foie gras & caviar with family and friends is more descriptive.

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                    Did it ever occur to you that not all the world celebrates Christmas? And someplaces it occurs on a different date? Maybe avoid chastising ppl for breaking the holidays spirit when it's just a regular day for them?

                                                                    NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                      Good morning sunshines


                                                                        Did it ever occur to you that not all the world celebrates Christmas? And someplaces it occurs on a different date? Maybe avoid chastising ppl for breaking the holidays spirit when it's just a regular day for them?


                                                                        NIKAD MAJNOVALA!

                                                                          What's not clear? People celebrate Christmas today and on 7th January. catholic vs orthodox christmas is what he's talking about

                                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                            Who fucking cares the point is I celebrate on the 25th through to the 2nd of Jan so why would I be spending that time getting tilted on dota?? That was the intial argument about xmas was it not??


                                                                              I think the trolls just want this thread locked rofl

                                                                              EX Crusader player

                                                                                so why would I be spending that time getting tilted on dota?

                                                                                Get better and you wont tilt in 1k mmr. Playing in 1k is supposed to be fun

                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                  to be fair you kinda need to be a sadist to enjoy stomping noobs more than playing proper dota



                                                                                    Who fucking cares the point is I celebrate on the 25th through to the 2nd of Jan so why would I be spending that time getting tilted on dota?? That was the intial argument about xmas was it not??
                                                                                    Reading comprehension cares. This had nothing to do with you yet you had to interject yourself in again and in a defensive manner no less. Speaks volumes.


                                                                                      funny you mention reading comprehension, again. if you had any yourself you'd not have made this comment as it is wrong.

                                                                                      if you dont understand what im saying, a hint: read back the last 2 pages.

                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                      Yami Yugi

                                                                                        ^no long above

                                                                                        Reading comprehension cares. This had nothing to do with you yet you had to interject yourself in again and in a defensive manner no less. Speaks volumes.

                                                                                        OP said
                                                                                        Also this stuff about passive agression is super bizarre. I am not passive aggressive, I am agressive aggressive.


                                                                                          SayingPleaseHelps did state, however, that his primary purpose in commenting here is to practice his English, as he is not a native speaker. Thus, we should not be too judgemental about his lack of reading comprehension.


                                                                                            If you are referring to my post then OP said

                                                                                            Who fucking cares the point is I celebrate on the 25th through to the 2nd of Jan so why would I be spending that time getting tilted on dota?? That was the intial argument about xmas was it not??
                                                                                            which is quoted there as well than it is decidedly defensive. Their other quote
                                                                                            Also this stuff about passive agression is super bizarre. I am not passive aggressive, I am agressive aggressive.
                                                                                            is also decidedly defensive yet is unrelated to the Christmas discussion.

                                                                                            On a side note, to all who care about this kind of stuff I would like to wish you some Merry Christmas and additionally a lot of Happy New Year. Better late than never, huh, at least the New Year part is still relevant.


                                                                                              it is not unusual to speak in a defensive manner when attacked in an argument, though.
                                                                                              what you're saying is like, water is wet.


                                                                                                i posted a christmas easter egg from tsukihime that i found yesterday and local autists somehow managed to get offended by that


                                                                                                  Ha ha lol.
                                                                                                  This thread amuses me.
                                                                                                  Spread love not hate.
                                                                                                  Happy Boxing Day!



                                                                                                    Ha ha lol.
                                                                                                    This thread amuses me.
                                                                                                    Spread love not hate.
                                                                                                    Happy Boxing Day!


                                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                      i posted a christmas easter egg from tsukihime that i found yesterday and local autists somehow managed to get offended by that
                                                                                                      Idk what you expected when you posted in a thread full of snowflakes

                                                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований