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Коментарів: 62

    Why do people not understand that if you are 4000-9000+ mmr you probably represent like less than 20% of the people reading this (assuming this is somewhat accurate for ranked ... and I think it is). At that time 90% of people had less than 3200 mmr. Therefore it's likely that 80% (or more) of the people reading this are less than 4000 mmr and therefore probably mostly normal or high skill. This blog seems to be mostly for people that are 4000 and less MMR, which is the vast majority of dota2 players. To come in here and talk about how XYZ is different at your mmr of 7000 or whatever is like going into a high school and bitching about how the physics text doesn't delve into advanced quantum mechanics. Yes it doesn't, and it wasn't meant to, and it's YOUR PROBLEM that you don't understand that =).

    Цей коментар був відредагований

      I feel like the change to Fate's Edict makes a lot of sense. I understand that it makes the hero a lot less potentially powerful, as you can't use it to just pound on enemy heroes harder. You can cast it defensively in far more situations, though, and heal allies during combat. We have plenty of minus armor heroes in the game to increase physical damage, it's not such a huge loss to the core of the game to lose the incredible offense of the spell in exchange for the intended defenses of the spell.


        I feel like Clinkz and Enchantress are especially strong in this patch. I think Clinkz's ult got an indirect buff now that you can eat a siege wagon right in the lane for more health so you don't have to go into the jungle all the time. Still seems like the duration is too short. I don't understand how Enchantress doesn't have a higher winrate, because she is extremely effective in normal skill.


          You only talk about carries.

          nut cream

            Higher MMR games are infested with Doom firstpicks. It's fine at ~2.5k, but I think it's a matter of time before the hero really blows up. Thanks to Scorched Earth buff, people are finally no longer playing him as a jungler, and suddenly he's no longer a shit hero.

            garbage dota player (GDP)

              I love shadow demon...those stupid bristlebacks and nightstalkers just die


                Lifestealer pub-loser?

                OP have you ever seen the video "abusing the meta" ? if you havent, go do it, its stupidly broken

                Also, on this patch i've seen an abnormal rate of picking str heroes which, by the way, lifestealer absolutely rekts, specially pudge.

                LS being one of my most picked heroes is for the couterpicking part, when i put my tryhard hat on and i see 2 or more str(or high str gain) heroes on the enemy team (that are very relevant) i just go LS and its a win unless im getting ganked a lot early on, other than that, its all good and i mostly win


                  ajoy is a shaddi thalayan


                    Thank you for making a lovely article, KawaiiSocks. We really appreciate it. These analyses are very useful and since DOTA 2 has over 100 heroes, this helps me figure out who I want to try next.

                    loaf stoler

                      > Says "I do care about the diversity of the game"
                      > Only accepts the support oracle build, leaving only 1 out of 2 options.

                      Sorry, but your attempts to constantly belittle one of the most powerful nuking/hybrid magical+physical damage dealer heroes is just cringe worthy. Just accept that you're wrong already, almost a year has passed.

                      Cancer Lencer

                        i think alchemist so imba :( . 10 mins radiance.
                        visit me in :

                        typical. 🎃

                          People seem confused, your personal win-rate or game on such-a-such-hero is irrelevant to it's tier. This is the pub list determined by win-rates.