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Коментарів: 46
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    Dr. Orpheus

      I wish I could avoid Invoker. Dude's in every single game!

      The Art of Drinking

        TINY ONLY 44%?!?!?!? what the hell


          Io still comfort at repick while his comrade supp chen already up to avoid..hes need a buff..

          I want to rave on Putin's...

            @Blondie true dat....


              Wk got nerfed! Feelsbadman


                Bristleback went from Stomper to Avoid in a matter of weeks? Wutface


                  Visage in the Winners category ?

                  Esteban (muted)

                    I love this article, really hope we can see a pub tier list frequently

                    Bobby Corwen

                      I like seeing alchemist down in the repick tier where he belongs. Hopefully he will stop showing up on my team.


                        Puck and MK are great heroes, winrates are overrated, cause they based on bad players.

                        MLG GANGSTA SHREK

                          Вот бы бафнули нагу и течиса ,а то больно смотреть на минёра((


                            Winrates without context mean very little. Saying the uncontested best and most versatile hero in the game invoker is to be avoided is ridiculous, him having such high winrate despite the high burden of knowledge and the data being of all skill levels is a very clear indication of power. You cant just read a number and put your conclusion based on that and put them in a list according to the number.
                            For an individual person this number is near meaningless. Having the right mindset or skills for any given hero easily outweighs averages that will only be seen on a scale of hundreds of thousands of players.

                            Or does anyone really believe Techies and Invoker is on the same level? Or Medusa and IO? Thats not how the game works.

                            To interpret a winrate ask yourself:
                            How are first time players and randomers skewing the winrate?
                            How hard is the hero to grasp at first time play? (Micro?)
                            How much of the heros potential can the new or average player leverage?
                            How much is the hero affected by drafting? Is he drafted first or last?
                            If I draft the hero last, will I have easy games given no counters? (Huskar p.Ex)
                            Is the hero a niche counter or a general pick?
                            How popular is the hero and does that polarize his playerbase?
                            How much are low skilled players skewing the winrate?

                            From a statistics site I expected the fundamental basic of understanding that statistics require interpretation and context,
                            and this is not a tier list, this is a winrates list, which is a big difference.

                            Everyone needs to see for himself what works and what aligns with his skills and mindset.
                            As tangible example, as offlane player, I have 60-70% winrate with aggressive initiatiors heroes such as axe, centaur etc,
                            but with the god tier, easy to play Underlord, I have 42%. The hero does not fit me, it is too slow, too passive, Its not for me.
                            Lession learned: Think for yourself.

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                            ♥♦ GED ♣♠

                              I completely agree with the comment above. I think that many of the heroes in the avoid tier are really worth playing i.e.: lion, invoker, ls, legion, bb, magnus, puck...
                              On the other hand heroes in the winners tier are niche pick in many cases or rely on global effect aura or spell.


                                that skelenton king pic tho

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                                  Shadow Moses

                                    NP in my team never repick and we lose.. And NP in enemy team never repick and we lose too...

                                    PEACE TAYO

                                      Only a few knows how to use Visage effectively as core. lol


                                        Arc Warden 50-53% winrate lul


                                          Admiralbulldog heroes pool is all in repick lul


                                            Amen to that @PEACE.


                                              Still won't stop me from picking Meepo into an Earthshaker.




                                                I love how invoker or earth spirit have 44-47% winrate. Its obviously due to people inability to play. These stats are worthless

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                                                Джай Хинд

                                                  Revive Lone Druid..make Rabid passive in melee mode...


                                                    RIP ALCHEMIST AH YEAH SWEET

                                                    Poormans Shield

                                                      io is in the last list because ppl dnt know how to play it. even in pro mode how many sup do you know that could play her perfectly? and yes she is not a 5th pos. and in lower brackets beside lack of skill for playing her, they look at her as something like dazzle. i really like this hero and players like gh and saspartan have 100% map awareness when they play with io.

                                                      Erase Humanity

                                                        Invoker is far from his glory days for sure. He is strong by design, no doubt about that, but he is situational at best and fits late game oriented strategies and those strats are the riskiest strats right now.


                                                          well the stats say what they say . a good player on a hero he knows well can manage to win no matter how weak it is(?).
                                                          io is in avoid while it is one of the best heroes in pub games And in pro scene . same goes with bb , invoker etc . lots of the heroes are viable in this patch . not many overpowered heroes currently exist in the meta .


                                                            the article based on statistics.
                                                            in real game all depends on you , if you know and comfort with the hero capabilities fine , if not do not choose it in the ranked games.
                                                            and don't believe in rummer about invo and am.

                                                            Blenderdick Thundercats

                                                              what a hero between Lycan and Treant?


                                                                My Naga ;(


                                                                  Stats lul

                                                                  Lester, Moe

                                                                    Lmao maybe because monkey king isnt a support hero?

                                                                    Zet Popcorn

                                                                      I don't like that this article is not talking about how Arc Warden went from repick to solid tier. The article is literally wrong when it says Phantom Lancer has had the biggest buff, even though Arc jumped up 1 more tier than PL did. KawaiiSocks won't even tell us why he's there?


                                                                        avoid slark?


                                                                          ye slarks pretty shit. hes an ineffective laner, he is very dependet and slark is usually useless in the mid and early game, considering he lost his lane, wich is going happen alot of times because the safe lane got fucked up this meta.


                                                                            My boy furion :sadface:


                                                                              Medusa is bad because of the repeated buffs to diff blade. Nearly every agi carry can easily pick it up now with no negative consequences and it just counters her tankiness completely. Also people keep building bad items on her like Manta Style so its no wonder her winrate is so bad.

                                                                              Legion's place in avoid is probably a result of people still trying to jungle with her even though its terrible. I don't think I've seen a single jungle legion win since the patch.


                                                                                Thay skeleton king pic tho lmao


                                                                                  is naga really bad?

                                                                                  STOP! In the name of the ...

                                                                                    NOW MY TEAM CAN'T FLAME ME FOR SPAMMING HUSKAR KREYGASM


                                                                                      Why a Legion would have a bad winrate? because peruvians keep playing her at the jungle, it`s that simple. LESS GOLD, LESS EXPERIENCE


                                                                                        solid one

                                                                                        Kuroky <3

                                                                                          @Shrike shatdaphakup noobpig.


                                                                                            столько комментов и толкьо у одного более менее высокий уровень ммр))))


                                                                                              i simply cant agree with this article.. @Shrike @Blitzkreig @Alekhine77 @Pr1nce @DAMN. all right IMO